PoC Log 10
Sample - Tool "XEntity Traitor".
println "%s":
Builds on Template Engine, for reasons of lazyness. Partly!
Does fill-ins into pre-defined huge stuff.
Statically setup, call into core; it's still a proof-of-concept.
And returns cleanly once the work was done.
It all makes sense when likely.
println "%s":
<br />
b@puter:~$ xent.[exe]<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :121> - +getter) k: file-out, ret: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/ws/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/politics_rss_versicherungsfall.xent.main.exml.<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityCreate.pm :208> - (_____) out :/! /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/ws/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/politics_rss_versicherungsfall.xent.main.exml<br />
TRACE - <TemplateEngineRouter.pm :211> - (setter) k: outfileuri; ob: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/ws/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/politics_rss_versicherungsfall.xent.main.exml.<br />
TRACE - <TemplateEngineRouter.pm :211> - (:check) k_of: outfileuri, k_tt: ittemplate.<br />
TRACE - <TemplateEngineRouter.pm :194> - (__outfile) uri: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/ws/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/politics_rss_versicherungsfall.xent.main.exml.<br />
DEBUG - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :167> - (adder) k: contextdatafiles, to: ARRAY(0x9175cc0).<br />
DEBUG - <XMLEntityCreate.pm :164> - (cmdcall) start execution of operation 'xent::XMLEntityCreate=HASH(0x935cab4)'.<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :124> - +getter) k: ittemplate, will return undefined.<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :121> - +getter) k: cpi-type, ret: main.<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityCreate.pm :172> - (--) we have a template instance given by user, right now? '/home/cpi/lib/tmpl/xent/std-main.exml.itt'.<br />
TRACE - <TemplateEngineRouter.pm :211> - (setter) k: ittemplate; ob: /home/cpi/lib/tmpl/xent/std-main.exml.itt.<br />
TRACE - <TemplateEngineRouter.pm :211> - (:check) k_of: outfileuri, k_tt: ittemplate.<br />
TRACE - <TemplateEngineRouter.pm :180> - (__ittemplate) uri: /home/cpi/lib/tmpl/xent/std-main.exml.itt.<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :121> - +getter) k: context, ret: xent::TemplateContextAdapter=HASH(0x92e9b64).<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :121> - +getter) k: contextdatafiles, ret: ARRAY(0x9175cc0).<br />
DEBUG - <XMLEntityCreate.pm :130> - (prepareTEC) @: .<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :121> - +getter) k: staticvalues, ret: HASH(0x935d0a4).<br />
DEBUG - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:167> - (appender) k: staticvalues, to: HASH(0x935d0a4).<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :121> - +getter) k: app-values, ret: HASH(0x938a668).<br />
DEBUG - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:167> - (appender) k: applicvalues, to: HASH(0x938a668).<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :121> - +getter) k: statictypes, ret: HASH(0x9324ff8).<br />
DEBUG - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:167> - (appender) k: statictypes, to: HASH(0x9324ff8).<br />
TRACE - <XMLEntityOperation.pm :121> - +getter) k: user-values, ret: HASH(0x858e658).<br />
DEBUG - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:167> - (appender) k: uservalues, to: HASH(0x858e658).<br />
DEBUG - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:132> - (:add_cfile) arr: .<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:234> - (:expand) Now: Application Values.<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:107> - (:prep_ctxt) obj: HASH(0x938a668).<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: APP_FULLNAME / v: XML Entity Tailor / a: APP_FULLNAME=XML Entity Tailor<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: APP_LOGNAME / v: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/cpi/script/layer0/xent.pl / a: APP_LOGNAME=/home/ubnw/cyberpunk/cpi/script/layer0/xent.pl<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: APP_CREATED_LONG / v: 2013/11/12 Nov Di 13:34:32 / a: APP_CREATED_LONG=2013/11/12 Nov Di 13:34:32<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: APP_ATTRIBUTELIST / v: /home/cpi/lib/tmpl/xent/std-main.exml.itt / a: APP_ATTRIBUTELIST=/home/cpi/lib/tmpl/xent/std-main.exml.itt<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: APP_CREATED / v: 20131112133432 / a: APP_CREATED=20131112133432<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm:236> - (:expand) Now: Static Types.<br />
Builds on Template Engine, for reasons of lazyness. Partly!
Does fill-ins into pre-defined huge stuff.
<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: BEAN_SUPERIDENT / v: politics / a: BEAN_SUPERIDENT=politics<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: META_SOURCE / v: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/txt/mindcode.org/33.obj.013.q3_main.itxt / a: META_SOURCE=/home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/txt/mindcode.org/33.obj.013.q3_main.itxt<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: BEAN_PARENT / v: rss / a: BEAN_PARENT=rss<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: USER_CREATED / v: 2013/11/12 Nov Di 13:28:10 / a: USER_CREATED=2013/11/12 Nov Di 13:28:10<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: U_ALIAS / v: ubnw / a: U_ALIAS=ubnw<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: U_INFIX / v: rss-versicherungsfall / a: U_INFIX=rss-versicherungsfall<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: BEAN_ID / v: versicherungsfall / a: BEAN_ID=versicherungsfall<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: IOBJT_SOURCE_ITEM / v: 2013/q3/1 / a: IOBJT_SOURCE_ITEM=2013/q3/1<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: IOBJT_SOURCE_ENTITYDESCRIPTOR / v: versicherungsfall = ( "Versicherungsfall", "Versicherungsfall" ) / a: IOBJT_SOURCE_ENTITYDESCRIPTOR=versicherungsfall = ( "Versicherungsfall", "Versicherungsfall" )<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: BEAN_OBJECTNAME / v: Versicherungsfall / a: BEAN_OBJECTNAME=Versicherungsfall<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: BEAN_ON / v: Versicherungsfall / a: BEAN_ON=Versicherungsfall<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: BEAN_ROOTSOURCE / v: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/txt/mindcode.org/33.obj.013.q3_main.itxt / a: BEAN_ROOTSOURCE=/home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/txt/mindcode.org/33.obj.013.q3_main.itxt<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: META_TYPELOCALOBJ / v: story / a: META_TYPELOCALOBJ=story<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: BEAN_LONGTITLE / v: Versicherungsfall / a: BEAN_LONGTITLE=Versicherungsfall<br />
TRACE - <TemplateContextAdapter.pm :111> - (:prep_ctxt) k: IOBJT_SOURCE_IDPATH / v: politics/rss/versicherungsfall / a: IOBJT_SOURCE_IDPATH=politics/rss/versicherungsfall<br />
Statically setup, call into core; it's still a proof-of-concept.
<br />
TRACE - <TemplateEngineRouter.pm :135> - (__routecall) cmd-arr: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/cpi/script//layer0/ctmp.pl --ittfile /home/cpi/lib/tmpl/xent/std-main.exml.itt --outfile /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/ws/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/politics_rss_versicherungsfall.xent.main.exml --context APP_FULLNAME=XML Entity Tailor --context APP_LOGNAME=/home/ubnw/cyberpunk/cpi/script/layer0/xent.pl --context APP_CREATED_LONG=2013/11/12 Nov Di 13:34:32 --context APP_ATTRIBUTELIST=/home/cpi/lib/tmpl/xent/std-main.exml.itt --context APP_CREATED=20131112133432 --context CTML=ileaf --context SUFFITT=itt --context OTITT=itemplate --context SUFFIT=itxt --context CPMIT=item --context CPMLF=leaf --context NMCNT=content --context NMUALAS=usr-alias --context UNMSHT=short --context NMDTCK=dateofcheckin --context TFT=cpi:filetype --context NMDTOO=dateofoutroll --context TSH=cpi:htstring --context IDGPEXP=export --context TGP_CHD=cpi:child --context CPMND=node --context NMEXPMTIF=export-movt --context NMREFS=references --context TGP_CDP=cpi:changeidpath --context OTFO=formobject --context NMHCNT=hypercontent --context FTPF=pdf --context NMPREVP=preview-p --context CTXOBJ=object --context OTTT=textfile --context FNMRTR=resultset-tree --context NMTITLE=title --context NMDTOPSHT=pubdate --context SCHEMETPWL=weblog --context TSU=cpi:ucstring --context CTMT=itree --context FTTX=text --context TOT=cpi:objecttype --context FTMT=mtif --context OTPI=prn --context TGP_PROC=cpi:target --context ENMPUB=linkpublish --context ENMPUBURI=publicurl --context UNMTBK=trackback --context ENMRDATE=releasedate --context OTURI=uri --context LABUCODE=unicode --context FNMRST=pli-result --context NMDTIMP=dateofimport --context CPMSB=sub --context NMUCNT=ucodecontent --context TBC=complex --context OTXM=xmlmarkup --context NMCDATE=creationdate --context FNMRND=resultobj-node --context NMON=on --context ENMEDT=linkedit --context IDGPEXT=external --context SUFFFOP=fo --context NMDESC=descendents --context NMWEBURI=ref --context ENMREP=linkreply --context NMPREVH=preview-h --context OTIF=itextfile --context NMWIDENT=webid --context TDOC=cpi:document --context SUFFHTM=html --context TWD=word --context NMUIFIX=pub-uri-infix --context CPMTR=tree --context CTIOB=iobject --context FTIP=ipad --context NMUSR=user --context ENMDEL=linkdel --context FTFO=fo --context NMSIDENT=sident --context FTIX=itext --context NSCPI=cpub --context OTHT=htmltext --context NMSTEM=source-stem --context TGP_REF=cpi:object --context FTHM=html --context ENMRD=linkview --context NMDTOR=dateofrelease --context NMDTOP=dateofpublish --context TFN=filename --context SUFFPDF=pdf --context CTXRST=resultset --context TAI=cpi:alnumid --context CTXRSI=resultitem --context NMTCNT=textcontent --context TGP_PAR=cpi:parent --context NMPRJ=project --context NMAUTH=author --context ENMTXT=shorttext --context NMIDENT=ident --context FTXE=xent --context SUFFTX=txt --context TFL=file --context OTUT=uctext --context NMXCNT=itextxobject --context UNMLNG=long --context TCP=cpi:class --context CTITX=itxt --context FTAN=any --context IDGPSUB=sub --context CTXCLS=class --context TSC=cpi:source --context NMBLK=source-iblock --context CPMMN=main --context NMCUSTOMS=customs --context TST=cpi:string --context FTXM=xhtml --context OTHP=htmlpage --context SUFFUT=utxt --context CTMN=inode --context NMFOCNT=fopcontent --context CTXENT=entity --context TTT=type --context NMOCCS=occurences --context TDT=cpi:datetime --context SUFFXO=ixob --context OTMT=movtype --context TNM=cpi:name --context CTXREC=record --context FNMRLF=resultitm-leaf --context CPCURI=iuri --context IDGPINT=internal --context ENMID=id --context NMTMPL=templates --context NMDTOSYS=sysdate --context LABHTENT=html-entity --context TCT=cpi:classtype --context OTBK=iblock --context NMSRC=source --context OTIP=ipadfile --context IDGPPREV=preview --context SUFFHT=htxt --context SUFFMOVT=mtif --context IDGPEXPORT=exports --context BEAN_SUPERIDENT=politics --context META_SOURCE=/home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/txt/mindcode.org/33.obj.013.q3_main.itxt --context BEAN_PARENT=rss --<br />
context USER_CREATED=2013/11/12 Nov Di 13:28:10 --context U_ALIAS=ubnw --context U_INFIX=rss-versicherungsfall --context BEAN_ID=versicherungsfall --context IOBJT_SOURCE_ITEM=2013/q3/1 --context IOBJT_SOURCE_ENTITYDESCRIPTOR=versicherungsfall = ( "Versicherungsfall", "Versicherungsfall" ) --context BEAN_OBJECTNAME=Versicherungsfall --context BEAN_ON=Versicherungsfall --context BEAN_ROOTSOURCE=/home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/txt/mindcode.org/33.obj.013.q3_main.itxt --context META_TYPELOCALOBJ=story --context BEAN_LONGTITLE=Versicherungsfall --context IOBJT_SOURCE_IDPATH=politics/rss/versicherungsfall --context META_FILETYPEEXTENSION=itxt --context META_CPIPROJECT=laf --context USER_NAME=ubnw<br />
Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::open(), qualify as such or use & at /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/cpi/script/FILE.pm line 77.<br />
And returns cleanly once the work was done.
<br />
TRACE - <ctmp.pl :349> - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-key: 'IDGPEXPORT';<br />
TRACE - <ctmp.pl :349> - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-val: 'exports'.<br />
TRACE - <TemplateEngineRouter.pm :137> - (__routecall) returned: 0.<br />
It all makes sense when likely.
bnw - 2013/11/19 23:49 - last edited: 2013/11/19 12:41
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