PRN Category Introducer
The PRN Category Introducer.
Cat -info "Printer".txt. Paperizing material of stuff, produced once a while for some [if] special cases of storys written, to enhance the base a tiny little paper back bit.
* TITLE := "Printing Ressource Nectar",
* ABBR := prn.
* UIFIX := prn;
* CLAUSE := print related neurons.
Packages, or configurations of single or multiple pdf/ps/[xdoc] etc, Druckeditionen von irgendwas, E-Books nach Art b.n.w. For the beginning rubriques like glossary, dictionary, and others yet to come.
( Schedule: jun/jul )
( - sunny. )
( Att: "clone copys of content" )
( - pdf only )
( - but $this )
Cat -info "Printer".txt. Paperizing material of stuff, produced once a while for some [if] special cases of storys written, to enhance the base a tiny little paper back bit.
* TITLE := "Printing Ressource Nectar",
* ABBR := prn.
* UIFIX := prn;
* CLAUSE := print related neurons.
Packages, or configurations of single or multiple pdf/ps/[xdoc] etc, Druckeditionen von irgendwas, E-Books nach Art b.n.w. For the beginning rubriques like glossary, dictionary, and others yet to come.
( Schedule: jun/jul )
( - sunny. )
( Att: "clone copys of content" )
( - pdf only )
( - but $this )
bnw - 2013/06/22 09:29 - last edited: 2013/06/21 16:21
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