Anyone out who has an idea, how or "where" to store the main.css file for the skin's style? It's easily identified within the skin source archive. Only problem left, the overall page width isn't what really makes people happy I suppose. Quickfix to try next week most probably is the integration of a copied and adjusted version accesible e.g. as follows: http://bnw.twoday.net/main.css. So far i haven't found any administration entry and am not sure about the upper wallet product selection. Let's have a look, and what a blogging cots can be squeazed out. Hacking for everybody.
bnw - 2008/12/28 15:44 - last edited: 2008/12/28 15:52
bnw - 2009/01/02 16:44
Log - Queries/A
Quicksearches inspired out of a sudden cleared the problem as rather common.
Listing 1:
Layout Definitions from others helped demonstrating that it's no nig deal at all as seen e.g. in the upper library. Remaining problem to solve, how to change just the main.css without having to apply a completely different parent layout not chosen for reasons of personality underlining. No worry anyway, refactorings when done the professional way take it's time but then be sure the had been done. Maybe the 20 bucks worth account enables not so smart people to administer the stylesheet as such.
Listing 1:
Layout Definitions from others helped demonstrating that it's no nig deal at all as seen e.g. in the upper library. Remaining problem to solve, how to change just the main.css without having to apply a completely different parent layout not chosen for reasons of personality underlining. No worry anyway, refactorings when done the professional way take it's time but then be sure the had been done. Maybe the 20 bucks worth account enables not so smart people to administer the stylesheet as such.
bnw - 2009/02/07 16:06
Testcase succeeded
Got it. Smartass weiss wie. See: http://bnw.twoday.net/files/layout-main-css. Hätte sofort drauf kommen können. Layoutexperimente ansofort wahrscheinlich. Der Gestalterin Gegeister dem Kollektive das Meister. Macht feature fulfilled für news required als Kleister. Im Studium gelernt einst, DBV Professor Werner. Mach GIMP jetzt. Look here: http://www.gimp.org/. Cool filters and toolkit for digital image manipulation inclusive. The script interface looks pretty interesting. Just didn't have time by now to realize some pipelines doing the batch jobs. Scheme driven, hardcore programming in terms of abstractness. Who knows a bit LISP could become familiar with.
bnw - 2009/02/09 15:40
Log - Reps 1
Muy interesting results of latest edits. Maybe obviously the file storage layoutwise triggered effects on http://bnw.twoday.net/stories/glossary-od/#5502712. The www.wontforgetthesedays.de Blog reminding the grunge stage entry rehearsal and others on hrk's new one, replaces the href attrib by variable "http://bnw.twoday.net/stories/glossary-od/www.wontforgetthesedays.de".
To be seriös. Die Editierfelder harren gelegentlich der Folge, Bugfix oder warum es vorkommt, dass wenn fehlsterhaft auch schon mal alles gar nicht abgesaved. Wie bei des Weges funktionieren diverse der file macros nicht in Kommentaren. Würde die antville story.content JS Impl. als u.U. fehlerhaft vermuten. Mal an regex einbaun jedacht Lück?! Wöde mer don. Oder soll Meister CVs pushen ..
To be seriös. Die Editierfelder harren gelegentlich der Folge, Bugfix oder warum es vorkommt, dass wenn fehlsterhaft auch schon mal alles gar nicht abgesaved. Wie bei des Weges funktionieren diverse der file macros nicht in Kommentaren. Würde die antville story.content JS Impl. als u.U. fehlerhaft vermuten. Mal an regex einbaun jedacht Lück?! Wöde mer don. Oder soll Meister CVs pushen ..
bnw - 2009/02/12 15:03
Korrekto 1.A
wenn so http://www.wontforgetthesedays.de macht Generator mit. Build is other Ding, heisst Protokoll-Deskription muss natürlich in a-refs mit nei, sprich, antville-macros machen schon irgendwas, nur nicht richtig und ob die Ausdrücke regulär überhaupt welche sind oder find-ops stattdessen nur halbgar in der Doku fehlen wäre böse jetzt. Weil manchmal sei klar fehlt dem Worte fürwahr was Implementierung abspeckt. To be programmer, et is a bissel komisch was nach intern aus den Daten gemacht wird, bzw. beim production-of-output. Das Ding fängt an meine Neugier zu triggern und der Kot ist schliesslich offen soss. Patches pflastern unser Wege.
bnw - 2009/03/13 22:51
Sceptics Multiuser Component Prototype - Requirement #007
Spambot interference recycled. Listing by try out.

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