Freitag, 28. Juni 2013


The extreme of basic Information

(1) To start counters, take zero.

(2) Irregular differences to (1) postpone a frame for solution timescales.

(3) Forgetting rule (0) starts programming chaos, excluding the very explains too much, but besides being a bad excuse does it identify the con man, gambler, amateur and dummy.

(4) Rolling out (2) change (1) and (3) into major requirement, no excuses won't be taken serious.

(5) Defining rule (0) is a must and has to be done immediately once it's lack got noticed; without things come to halt.

(6) Screwdriving bits has to be done by experts, doing without certificates or a minimum reality of having had an exam will get you end up locked up. Them having will help you getting, since being people taking serious their responsibility for stability across the regions.

(7) If rule (0) does not show up by dawn, (4) will be delayed for sure.

(8) Other peoples programs turn out different than what you might have expected, in case troubles resulting, don't waste time to use your expertise and knowledge, or contact the creator by application of electronic cute stuff. Most probably he'll get you a reply of joy, for never having thought of anybody else who thinks his code was useful.

(9) To prevent rule (4) foresee patches at any point in time.

(10) Increase version tags by any (9), in particular to fool your bosses how you're busy on economic growth in a convincig manner and their own quarterly wages exceeded.

(11) Managing the disabled is your daily task set, better accept that. To take it easy, remind (3) and why (6) are damned well loaned earning folks; here and then!

(12) Beat up and the hell of a fun out of (11) whenever you meet one of them. That you have the powers to is guaranteed, since you better granted for sitting on the right end of knowledge transfer. Otherwise: don't hesitate about (12) making jokes on your bill.

(13) Invest careful by overdose into (12), especially where stupid to expect an understanding or getting about the truth on chain of food.

(14) You are the masters of ten. Subjects and suspects or elements decribed within show unable to clinical use of your programm, and only rare exceptions do nothing but giving expression to a never ending greed, which they do with or without your program; better know your neighbourhood.

(15) In case of circumstances advising for a demonstration regarding (14) have a laughter on behalf of the (14)ers group of folks, not to say again, make the hell of a fun out of.

(16) Opportunity to proove (15) you'll get on a 1 out of 3 bid, you're aware the existence of (0).

(17) 16 distinguishes you from 10. Really!

(18) Build up a fancy patchwork rolling on from (9) but never forget, and if you belong to (8), (10) cannot pay accordingly your artful swinging easter eggs anyway; so much poverty still can't exist, not with the right theft of data in the backhand neither.

(19) Should you ever see others, or have to notice them, individuals in analogy to (14) and (7) take over control the right to define and declare, and in order to break rule (1), or should you have a dark idea, some could mean, to do, in any upcoming future, never hesitate not just a clock turn only, to invest into (20).

(20) In case you get blocked implementing any of those articles, start hacking everybody around, beginning with the CEOs. Quite simple.

(21) Rule (0) hits the interrupt right after and throws nasty exceptions.

R-0: Releasing pointers before its allocation reduces memory consumption heavily negative on a foto only, although it may consume a max of nerves.

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