Donnerstag, 8. September 2011

The lost Commands

You shall not got enter false ground of faith.

Drugs made chemically you shall not try out, addiction of anything else than god rather will not be treated as valid passphrase to his kingdom.

You shall not marry somebody else's wife, not your neighbour's and not your brother's; ain't you gonna go out married neither!?

You shall not kill processes started in root mode as long you have no clue what this could mean.

You shall not lie down in places meant for standups or which are used for traffic reasons.

You shall not break the law which hasn't been written by organized crime gangs; in case of: break them instead. That's a one allowed though. And that's why you shall go to jail in case you wrote like.

You shall not eat your friends pets, rather expect 'em being able for back shots harsh sort.

You shall not occupy god who usually is busy for reasons of creativity.

You shall not disturb other people's working sessions. Better get yourself a job, but don't let others work and just because you are too f*ck*ng lazy.

You shall not take drugs before the age of twenty-one. From then on things depend on what they can be used for else.

You shall love women before in any way and even still when they appear twice potency up spinned.

You shall get what you wanted, as hard like asking for.

You shall not call god, however often you think he is responsible for your personal shit. Besides it could be his number is different than your informations make you believe, and in response treated similar like illegal occupation.

You shall treat money as the kind of command two.

You shall lie down to women only in case her balls advice providing her the honour.

You shall fear revenge from Satan only in theory, god trusts in you in case that since he comes as far.

You shall not have lost already the tailoring set of commands, not yet and for sure as well not those which lie still ahead.

It shall not happen to let have turned the time as a zone of some region and only for objective of political nonsense, just if and only, to ease the life of our farmers who will become crazy otherwise. That shall be false to prevent 'food is empty'!

You shall remember whatever could be forgotton if you wouldn't.

It shall be allowed to use technical cute stuff, however support is. Using is permitted in any case of good influence for everybody. Using it for bad things is forbidden, of course.

It shall be forbidden to use such to enrich one man only; womens beyond shall be allowed by application of restricted user-role-rights modes given by administrators (it shall be true they do sillily); really! - shall be.

It shell be secure: Shall root through.

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