Samstag, 13. Juli 2013


Rumble in the Caller. Houseless in spain.

Some are greening, tears for fears of screaming yelling noise songs. Partys in spain are sometimes louder than the english do it. What Margaret Thatcher meant to Ukeys, finds it's way into south on continent laid back later, maybe they just never heard about too detailed. Or what the iron lady really did; nowadays copied in germany, which itself copied by spanish counterpart. That's kind of true!

After throwing into street, and instead of having so the rubbish (else true there), lets have a closer look, cynisms mouth up.

The philosopher Spinoza says that sadness arises from a disconnection from our potencia - (..) the powerful use the language to shame to keep us impotent: unemployment and debt are the fault of the individual, they say, and social sadness a private affair.

War on, terror, was noting else than an affair for privatization of public or others property.

Politicians hace described the mortgage victims' group as "Nazis" and "terrorist sympathisers" (..) to change draconian mortgage law, (..) debt with our life.

Which on it's own is fully and completely true. Them calling and understanding themselves again only as the victims, for which mal-brain-function it could be then, are or have been Nazis or do sympathise with them close by. To say more shop-talk, it's nothing but obvious, why laws alike in spain are so completely against the spanish type of democracy that it's proven Rajoy must know it; convicting him for alternation treason. Everybody is aware the allies to be.

the prime minister, has become known as Mariano Plasma (..) demand for "real democracy".

Exactly! He would fall victim only to his own unability of distancing him from gangs "Bilbao", not to talk about how hard he failed. He kept to operate on large scale from behind a hiding, backed by laws invented in times of Franco, which, on the other, has not been Rajoy's fault.

Todays spanish implementation of state could be called "royal democracy" where the english, in contrast, would be a democratic house of royalty. Kind of similar, just with the disaster of neolibcon crime invention, which looks more huge on la peninsula.

Guardian Weekly - 03.05.2013;
p. 19. "Spain has become an indignation nation"

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