Samstag, 19. Januar 2013

Fishers Friendly

J Fishermans Friend for jubilated gang breathing comeback airlines. Former head of dschörmen outter ministery outs him per so 'nally, having all forgotton outshot trans pacific. Since away from the power circles, standing besides gangs helped into office, nothing tends to change when it comes to next gangs entering by violation of good and right.

Let's say, we take a short view independent of preevents responsible for lot of bad, affecting real life of millions nowadays, and put ourselves with one ear open to the sights of former statesmen - and best our will shown not taking them too hard to counter, for what they've done. Big term crossing over decades, used for brick or bridge, motivation of the one group, was called "crisis" - ordered from above the top. We reduce offenses, listen to what him drives so crazy - poor Joschka! And as a sidemark, for nothing but having it told to the world. German politics is such a boring sitcom these days, nothing of interest to zap in usually. So here we go, the elder exterior, singing songs of diplomacy bothering much and austering us.

Early on Fischer mentions a simple fact we are aware, because we have to be aware.

the global financial crisis has not only shaken Europe to its foundations.

Sure, not only, international terrorism is international, Europe is hardly supranational, but at least. So how can this have happened? Barely to missing speech from the electorate to prevent once but for all. And what they had voted for, it was the very opposite of public money robbed into pockets of greedy bankers or selfcalled industrials. The economy was all not that bad in the Kohl years, although it was under pressure already.

Then started a new war within the old unfinished.

The only question is whether that taboo will fall before or after next year’s German general election. The answer depends on the future course of the crisis.

Right that's a one true! Usually you'd think, 'what the hell is he talking about?', but with this he get's the finger into wounded. It's like an irony he cannot hide, nor that he'd be able to get a bit into mode of criticism of his own folks.

Getting to the central point, of all fury and doubts about taboos, as he calls it, we shall agree as follows. World powers rarely themselves or each other declare a warfare. So do upper powers, one and only of the middle class - powers to be - with a history hegemony over regions, and which were the only they kept under control for whiles last, lost like such overseas; finally and like regular for occupations of the misty. Starting to act, nowadays, could and must conclude ways of power sharing globally, in a manner that "compared to 2009" gets right shift to the point of responding to needs discussing honestly - in contrast once and only once maybe! - we all are paying tough for faults made ten years earlier exactly.

In context of the big crisis of our beginning millenium certain groups, kind of partys, act as the global players of doomsday shoot 'n' run realtime games. There are banks, and there is real life, both hunting for goods unpaid, hence unowned. It's them, the banks, against the people, as simple may sound. As the banks it is completely stupid, to forget to remember again, they are meant to do the best with our(!) money, which we expect to have same market values preventing from periods of unstability.

they need a common platform within the eurozone – a kind of “Euro Chamber” – through which they can control European economic governance.

Wrong! Big mistake again, and as it comes to "intergovernmental agreements" on the long run. The european union is not a currency union, it's a union of countries with a broad common history, enriched by national culture differences. Some countrys don't participate the €uro and do right by, for god's sake. Remaining change between members of the parliament does bother the will of bread provider, as long it pays back his toleration of guys taking them wearing ties as the main doing of their job; again: paid by the victims of the "crisis".

Seriously, what are the motivations for island monkeys remaining on pound sterling, a quite expensive currency, for sure when it comes to the question of how much pints you get for. Could those people please translate? Explain, to us them loaning?

Germans must now ask themselves whether they, who have profited the most from European integration, are willing to pay the price for it or would prefer to let it fail.

As them we still are paying price for WW II. No wonder, it's unstill resting, unover and waiting to be just.

On the other. Truth counts.

elections (..) have shown that the public has lost faith in the strict austerity forced upon them by Germany. Merkel’s kill-to-cure remedy has run up against reality – and democracy.

We noticed that. Especially Fischer's party didn't do enough to prevent elections misused for public robbery, after fraud as usual.

That's why.

Germany destroyed itself – and the European order – twice in the twentieth century, and then convinced the West that it had drawn the right conclusions.

Yes, it would be foolish letting drop the fact. It had "destroyed" itself. With and after a bloodily provoked hyper-inflation. The opposite known regards back the intentions for having started, with the most appropriate answer called deflation. Which is required, intergovernmental, urgent still and as simple it is; economics warning against a deflation don't have to bother us; and there were quite a few. Shop spot.

Federalists in the European Parliament, and in Brussels generally, should not feel threatened.

They should. And that's again their big mistake. For should feel reason, there are large majorities sick and fucked off by the crowd turned wild. So anway. Let's hijack Brussels and parliaments. To kick their ass back into streetfight.

That'd be crisis once!


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