Montag, 11. Januar 2010

In Your Church XXI

Intro. Recent happenings all around the ringsides left people looking excited towards this year's main per-per-view "Weed Cell Maniac - MMX". New generations start claiming spotlight and so they challenge the establishment, either evil or the face group. Shooting star Margi the Bish Hummer, christian name Margot Käßmann, herself the reigning chief in office of german evangelistas unified in the EKD, left rumours if she could be a future number one contender for the clerics world-mixed-belt. Fans saw her in an all-brawl handicap lineup, where she stayed the man against the russian bear connection, german afghan aggressors and continued with a series of power-slams to stop even the Cripplers cross-facing the constitution. One after the other.

German state tv the 2nd gives a common fact to think about.

"Auch nach den weitesten Maßstäben der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland ist dieser Krieg so nicht zu rechtfertigen ...".

Whatever 'widest measures' could mean exactly, war is war and never justified unless in case of defense and sometimes not even then. Maybe parts of the holy-war scripts, called the bible, contained it.

Anyway the night was still young and "The Hummer" immediately confronted us, still the same move, with stunning details.

"dass es allein seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges mehr als 230 Kriege gegeben habe und immer noch Kriege stattfänden. .... Die EKD-Vorsitzende: "Krieg und Gewalt dürfen niemals Normalität werden."

However the truth, and how it came they were so normal during the 20th century, 230s of them, hot, cold, mixed but still named "war", maybe too much to handle overall and even for those who drove us into steadily since already beforehand. But let's wait and see, or why it's such a hard task to solve, that some of our leaders still look like being unable.

Out of a sudden, kind of friendly fire happens early on to the chief of evangels, the russian counterparts turn heel on her with powerslide backdrops into times of ancient arch reactionism - Anmerkung der Übersetzung: erzreaktionär könnte gemeint sein, in etwa nur nicht genau; Diplomatie!

Ilarion kritisierte die Moralvorstellungen vieler protestantischer Kirchen. "Sie rechtfertigen vom theologischen Standpunkt die Homosexualität, ja segnen gar Ehen zwischen Homosexuellen.

Marriage as such, a topic most men try to escape from, for god's sake it must have been a female idea, cause once you do they start aging, but the husband bytes under as first. No wonder though, that some of them prefer the same gender, as men sometimes understand each other more easily and the time to explain women why they are too fast at certain issues in life, nobody has and better don't try.

The referee still distracted, the russion heavyweight champion jumps over the rope once more.

Er lobte dagegen Papst Benedikt XVI. und dessen Eintreten für "traditionelle christliche Werte".

Values turned two times and right now the audience is confused completely for the action happening ringside. Love and honour, Hummer shows why she rightfully became member of the t-bones's nightmares horsemen cover.

Surfboard submission move.

Dagegen sollte vielmehr über Möglichkeiten gesprochen werden, Frieden ohne Waffen zu schaffen. Dabei gehe es etwa um Vermittlung und das Unterbrechen von Finanzströmen durch eine Beendigung des Waffen- und Drogenhandels, der den Terror finanziere.

Right, but keep in mind, divide between drugs or stuff from nature useful for cookies too.


Immer noch ist unser Betreuungs- und Bildungssystem darauf eingestellt, dass ein Kind um 13.30 Uhr nach Hause kommt, dass jemand gekocht hat und mit ihm Hausaufgaben macht. Dieses Familienbild entspricht nicht mehr der Realität.

Exactly. Nobody comes home at 1.30 pm, modern slavery concepts tie most people to jobs that start to distinct. Like dinosaurs maybe, and watching those responsible shows the similarity and righteous application of the animal's term.

Ich wünsche mir, dass in Moscheen auch deutsch gesprochen wird und alle Freiheitsrechte unserer Verfassung bejaht werden.

As if that would be a place of the very problem.

Just then, bad luck after unfair play and without we would have had expected it. Elbow check.

Die neue Ratsvorsitzende der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), Margot Käßmann, stößt mit ihren Aussagen zum Afghanistan-Einsatz der Bundeswehr auf heftigen Widerstand.

Anything against silent weapons?

Der Einsatz sei durch das Bundestagsmandat "von staatlicher Seite gerechtfertigt". Die Aussagen Käßmanns seien "insofern unglücklich", als einige Soldaten sich nun fragen könnten: "Ist das denn alles falsch?".

Pardon? Pls excuse playing stubborn, german parliament has no right to vote for aggression. That's not the soldiers fault. It was the lower house declaring war on the german army, correctly spelled in terms of justice.

Therefore, final move for the churches amazone.

... es bestehe dennoch Grund zur Hoffnung: "Gegen alle Widrigkeiten und allen Pragmatismus können wir uns unerschrocken und unverzagt dafür einsetzen, dass unsere Welt sich verändert zu mehr Gerechtigkeit und Frieden.".

Pragmatism as a hurdle to overcome, surprising, interesting on the other, and so far so good. Kind, of a climax. But what's new pussycat!?

Meanwhile ongoing, the piece-connection feuding backstage; and to the reigning champion of the moral-division under his most recent gimmick Big Poppa Juppi. Kardinal Ratzinger once again continued his sparrings with his christmas time opponent as preparation for his major shot to become national champion and new number one contender for the "vice on earth" world's trophy, which got stolen from an unknown devil's daughter mother's son during an anonymous easter-eggs ralley.

Papst Benedikt XVI. hat sich nach dem Befinden seiner Angreiferin vom Heiligen Abend erkundigt.

Like we all know him, he gives himself no break and shows up being a sportsman. And as she shall be crazy, it could be he's curious about whatever. Will see what makes her within a second.

French legion, foreign one.

Selon la presse italienne, la jeune femme, qui avait tenté le même geste pendant la messe de minuit de 2008, a déclaré aux médecins qu’elle « ne voulait pas faire de mal au pape, seulement lui demander de l’aide pour les plus faibles».

Help for the poor ones, sincerely a matter of interest that could be the reason the big popeman is searching contact. Rumours on full-contact duels were not confirmed, distance of age is quite too high.

That's why.

Sollte sie vor dem Vatikan-Richter erscheinen müssen und auch verurteilt werden, könnte sie ihre Strafe in Italien oder der Schweiz absitzen. Vatikan- Sprecher Federico Lombardi hatte bereits kurz nach dem Vorfall gesagt, meist sei die Justiz des Heiligen Stuhls eher gnädig.

So long. But maybe depends on and what the crime was.


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