Match Batch Job
Clash at the Greenflag Flatline. Recent events, rumoured having happened in states, distracted the commissioners board of the eastern conference.
Starter dishes.
The country’s tribal nature also makes it a relatively easy place for Al Qaeda to operate. Yemen has a weak government and powerful regional tribes, which in many ways operate as mini-governments free of central control.
Yeah, sure, but who is Al Qaeda? The rest we can imagine.
But wait.
...the Saudi branch of the organization merged with the Yemeni branch to form a single terrorist group for the entire peninsula. Known as Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, it is based in Yemen and headed by a Yemeni, Naser Abdel-Karim al-Wahishi, who served as a close aide to Osama bin Laden.
Now got it, thought bin Laden was the head of them. What happened to him that he is not any longer, did he try a suicide bomb himself as no more can be recruited any longer and his family partly got caught? But that's a speculation, the CIA does not do themselves, more likely they have agent oranged provokers and all the toolbox has prepared.
Right on, next shot. Law and order proposal.
This time, the terrorists must be permanently locked up, not allowed to escape or receive pardons.
*WHOO* *crowling mad wolves tonations* *WHOOOO*
Tranquilo!! Porfa!
Ist Osama bin Laden denn nicht ein Saudi, der in seinem eigenen Land politische Reformen anstrebte, damit scheiterte und dann seine Waffen auf die Unterstützer des saudischen Regimes aus dem Westen richtete?
Äähmm, question and anti-question: as bama lin Baden is a see i al-kai da or maybe a double-i-agent, isn't the leader question the one of whom is supporting his profile for movies?
Die stärksten Waffen unseres Feindes sind die Propaganda einer religiösen Überlegenheit und andauernde Konfrontationen, die durch logistische Netzwerke gestützt werden, für die repressive politische Umstände von Vorteil sind.
Yes. For reasons of Schnödi, the marmor and misunderstanding of concepts when the parser's token is karma.
Erinnert sich noch jemand an George W. Bushs Worte vom "Kreuzzug gegen den Terrorismus" nur wenige Tage nach den Anschlägen vor acht Jahren?
Yes, sure we do, longterm memory working a hundred percent. That's what we all can remember this monkey told us when stealing.
Kreuzfahrer sind in muslimischen Ländern äußerst unbeliebt und erreichen dort nichts.
Ok ok, just would it be true for cross moving his terror back on the axis? Driving the oiltanks with full load gen Texas.
Attack trade centered.
Im Jemen und seinem unglücklichen Zwillingsbruder Somalia auf der anderen Seite des Golfs von Aden stellt sich die Sache völlig anders dar. Beide Länder besitzen keine effektive Zentralregierung.
OK, fine. But which ones are really meant?
Else Branch:
The musical style of each group varies. Some songs on The Kominas' album "Wild Nights in Guantanamo Bay" lean toward the humorous and ironic, including "Suicide Bomb the Gap." In their song "Sharia Law in the USA," the lyrics mock the portrayal of Islamists: "I am an Islamist/I am the anti-Christ/most squares can't make a most-wanted list/but my-my how I stay in style." Their sound mixes hard-edged punk, ska and funk.
That's rrock-n-roll.
“The state’s seven-step road map designed for emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation is the sole process for transition to democracy,” Than Shwe said. “The program is in the process of being implemented step by step.”
That's it, US title-change. Fade out.
Starter dishes.
The country’s tribal nature also makes it a relatively easy place for Al Qaeda to operate. Yemen has a weak government and powerful regional tribes, which in many ways operate as mini-governments free of central control.
Yeah, sure, but who is Al Qaeda? The rest we can imagine.
But wait.
...the Saudi branch of the organization merged with the Yemeni branch to form a single terrorist group for the entire peninsula. Known as Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, it is based in Yemen and headed by a Yemeni, Naser Abdel-Karim al-Wahishi, who served as a close aide to Osama bin Laden.
Now got it, thought bin Laden was the head of them. What happened to him that he is not any longer, did he try a suicide bomb himself as no more can be recruited any longer and his family partly got caught? But that's a speculation, the CIA does not do themselves, more likely they have agent oranged provokers and all the toolbox has prepared.
Right on, next shot. Law and order proposal.
This time, the terrorists must be permanently locked up, not allowed to escape or receive pardons.
*WHOO* *crowling mad wolves tonations* *WHOOOO*
Tranquilo!! Porfa!
Ist Osama bin Laden denn nicht ein Saudi, der in seinem eigenen Land politische Reformen anstrebte, damit scheiterte und dann seine Waffen auf die Unterstützer des saudischen Regimes aus dem Westen richtete?
Äähmm, question and anti-question: as bama lin Baden is a see i al-kai da or maybe a double-i-agent, isn't the leader question the one of whom is supporting his profile for movies?
Die stärksten Waffen unseres Feindes sind die Propaganda einer religiösen Überlegenheit und andauernde Konfrontationen, die durch logistische Netzwerke gestützt werden, für die repressive politische Umstände von Vorteil sind.
Yes. For reasons of Schnödi, the marmor and misunderstanding of concepts when the parser's token is karma.
Erinnert sich noch jemand an George W. Bushs Worte vom "Kreuzzug gegen den Terrorismus" nur wenige Tage nach den Anschlägen vor acht Jahren?
Yes, sure we do, longterm memory working a hundred percent. That's what we all can remember this monkey told us when stealing.
Kreuzfahrer sind in muslimischen Ländern äußerst unbeliebt und erreichen dort nichts.
Ok ok, just would it be true for cross moving his terror back on the axis? Driving the oiltanks with full load gen Texas.
Attack trade centered.
Im Jemen und seinem unglücklichen Zwillingsbruder Somalia auf der anderen Seite des Golfs von Aden stellt sich die Sache völlig anders dar. Beide Länder besitzen keine effektive Zentralregierung.
OK, fine. But which ones are really meant?
Else Branch:
The musical style of each group varies. Some songs on The Kominas' album "Wild Nights in Guantanamo Bay" lean toward the humorous and ironic, including "Suicide Bomb the Gap." In their song "Sharia Law in the USA," the lyrics mock the portrayal of Islamists: "I am an Islamist/I am the anti-Christ/most squares can't make a most-wanted list/but my-my how I stay in style." Their sound mixes hard-edged punk, ska and funk.
That's rrock-n-roll.
“The state’s seven-step road map designed for emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation is the sole process for transition to democracy,” Than Shwe said. “The program is in the process of being implemented step by step.”
That's it, US title-change. Fade out.
bnw - 2010/01/14 11:10 - last edited: 2010/01/10 19:40
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