Dienstag, 9. März 2010

Presidential Memoir Gay Abstention

Talking about gays and such that look alike, missing snippets of stuff making laugh, if it wasn't all that sad what sometimes happens in this world. Once again back to the boot holder minor fragments shall help to highlight why some of those calling themselves people's representatives belong into prison.

Mr. Berlusconi’s face was apparently unmarked, despite having suffered a broken nose, fractured teeth and a split lip last month.

Well, maybe he hadn't because he has stolen so much money, that he is able to pay the best and most expensive doctors.

when a man with a history of mental illness hit him.

Did he? That's what we all thought immediately and that it was a plot inspired by himself.

Berlusconi cree que las prioridades en la política italiana para este 2010 son "la reforma tributaria, la reforma de la Justicia y la reforma institucional".

Could be. A look to italian constitution should help to figure out how justice will become true.

"Son las reformas que interesan al país. Nosotros estamos saliendo de una crisis económica que se nos ha venido encima. Una crisis de verdad extraordinaria, que no sólo nos ha afectado a nosotros", comenta el primer ministro.

Ah, did it? What was it he lost? Control over TV? Over justice? Sombody stole like he did first?

Channel switch. Another president elected. The latest elections in the Ukraine raised tensions if there was fraud similar to those we had to watch in western countries by the beginning millenium. Being a friend of russian bears, Yanukovich was succesful becoming the leader of his country.

Viktor F. Yanukovich, a contender for Ukraine’s presidency, said he would keep the country out of NATO if he won the Jan. 17 election.

Good choice, would do for sure.

but he said he remained committed to taking Ukraine into the European mainstream.

Just that's what leaves us sceptic. European mainstream is an issue hard to define. What does it mean?! Mainstream in europe? - we still suffer from antisocial bankers crimes all around. Pls, Mr Yanukovich, rethink a bit unless you want to be reelected whenever the time for truth has come. And what happened to your long-time western oriented opponent Juschtschenko should be warning enough. It can be dangerous to commit the wrong of directions.

Switch to Mariquitas.

Las dos diputadas del Movimiento Humanismo y Democracia, independientes pero elegidas en las listas del PS, fueron las únicas representantes de la izquierda parlamentaria que votaron en contra.

Could be they think that gays should be sent into psychatry, similar to midage concepts. On the other they were simply killed then. Rumors told it.

En cambio, el Parlamento no ha aprobado las proposiciones realizadas por el Bloque de Izquierda y el Partido de los Verdes en las que pedían la legalización del matrimonio civil entre personas del mismo sexo y en las que se incluía la adopción.

Wouldn't it be better to have a gay couple taking care of some child who'd had to stay in an orphanage for example?

Like neighboring Spain, which introduced same-sex marriages four years ago, Portugal is an overwhelmingly Roman Catholic country and previous efforts to introduce gay marriage ran into strong resistance from religious groups and conservative lawmakers.

Will never get what is conservative about being reactionary, nor roman catholic. Anyway marriage must have been a women's idea, to tie men once and for all or whatever was the reason for something as antinatural like a wedding. I mean, if somebody wants to live forever and ever with the same person, that's ok, isn't it? Love shall happen. But either you can trust each other or not even the ring on your finger will make a good marriage out of a big mistake. Would never marry, be it a man or a woman. But who wants to, let him. Maybe it's time for the church to modernize and officiate couples of all kind.

Just no animals.

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