bnw - 2009/02/18 13:57


Being famous for spamming the world wet written content not always had been a laughter like meant, but for reasons hinted enumeration of object assembly sequences are worth timelining down once again. Crazy people understand the details penleft and by time when the latter has organized themselves. Documentos plumados son gran arte y solo los maestros saben de los secretos y por que perfeccion se falta centenarios. Miracles help growing the audience, sunlight is meant for fallen heavens, just black ink requires paper en masse, on the other leading into another extremely interesting area of business, knowledge or simply stuff to feel glad about having time invested. With a bit luck for lifetime professionals new ideas optimized to crazy peoples understanding drop down beyond the reuse.

mind improval initiated.

bnw - 2009/02/19 13:25

G.P. Handcraft

One of the most fancy fields in software engineering(abbr. SE) is the subject of generative programming, not to say the very one. Highly unpopular within real-world hasseling anyway a means with a growing audience. Famous for producing more reusable outputs under a software development regime a broad scope of application is around and maybe the overall problem is nothing but too much of broadness at all. For sure generation in theory is one of the most fascinating areas of interest in computer science for combining all the major principles of programming and so much more under a roof while not forgetting the fundamentals. Once you got primary school finished things become harder especially to learn. Working with generators requires high skills on all matters of computer techniques, be them hardcased or softstuff. Methodologys of software construction include anything from simple programming languages or questions how to apply the right selection of them over theoretical solution frameworks, and that are important to mention as a conclusion out of years experimenting doing numerous jobs meanwhile.

First ideas date back into difranco ages and underestimating the effort required to write down was extremely simple. The major goal in mind always had been to improve software quality by means of standardization. As computer programs are like a mixture of arts, cooking recipes and classical architecture of buildings getting it run and without errors sometimes becomes more difficult to predict the weekends lottery or confusing the advisor. Difficulties lie in questions of order and how to master everything that ever had been spread around the engineering discipline with respect to code generation theory. Number one content for software artefact call it structured text or better have in mind to keep as such.

For the confusion. To have the two main lead approaches mentioned before readers digest advises to do so, a mere warning shall not be forgotton. Whatever methodology comes into question on solving software problems the wool producing pig-milk black magic holy cow rather will be a miracle for centuries. All you can do is act like a madman and try out whatever looks like programming your mind while reading and carrying along the road of success and wishful congrats. Helpful for that, starting at the alphabets tail ending, known as the Zachman framework for Software architecture. A big boys colleague got me back into deep thought with the term of structural science he used to highlight his very opinion on the importance the work of John Zachman has for whole world of IT and technology. Besides the lack of completion with respect to what he means by structural when applied on computer science, the simple matrix classifying description and artefact types is one of the most brilliant works ever when talking about software or how it matters to engineers. Personally i favor the schema like Zachman calls it himself for the mystic way by which it starts helping you when being in the situation to order the sort of artefacts available in SE and once you had the gutts to carry it with you, online and the trucks. Recently the new framework release captured the eye scanner plugin. First reaction was reject the sixth row added in what he calls now enterprise framework delivering conclusion once more it must have been for reason then for what another view typed summary. Rather simple to understand why runner for lucky mary and bigprints are likely to happen. Light bulb onroad parks the mustang at the Hay Book which maybe gave him the right double thing and of course, frank for free, computers are part of society, information age &the fun rule hackers book like structure for *h*c*l*t* silent. stylish.

Number 2, big boys for laughter, problem frames. Being british Michael A. Jackson sincerely had reasons on his own escaping the autonomous way, reported that only island monkeys could be able hopper to, kind regards with BSE, for the easter eggs lay down glossary driven and marvelous tracking down the order list. shorted.

Stunner prepared. Razones negocios combinado con proyectos globales as usual carry trap embedded schedule fixes. Since having done latest creativity extreme session execution way back with years in between, his royalties overdoub thing release shall not miss the professional aspirancy rock'n'blues company invitation personalities. Although the number 22 acacias avenue needs a finalizer for tens and once. Stay prepared the archive run with high-res profs queried matrix results meant as output puzzle piece impagination.

Pattern, the spammies
  url-2: Zachman Framework.pdf
  url-4: \
                    the-zachman-framework/26-articles/  \
  url-5:   \
                    David Hay: Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture \
  url-6: \

&4punks born

  idea run          = ${twodayStaticUrl}/${mbnwdir}/ToG_Script_R1.pdf.

  scripted wet log  = ${twodayStaticUrl}/${mbnwdir}/ToG_Script_R2.pdf.

-> | cöt.
bnw - 2009/03/10 15:35

Flying Punks

In preparation of the T.o.G. V2 Script some of the funny meant stuff saw daylight beyond. For being a friend of pen writing since early days of primary school it happened to start all over, equipment followed the decisions and by the time of summer 2007 a brand new cross pen drove the majesty as well his audience crazy. Line strokes available vary from fine to bold, extra-fine over medium up to extra bold, experimenting what can be scripted caught my attention and the decision was to buy a new fountain with the fine one. Advantage turned out to be the broader collection of styles for fonts and that became possible by that. Medium stroke pens allow for small fonts too, just does it hurt the writers fingers by the hours passed by. Fine lines enable to create small fonts readable pretty well, compressed ones, big ones can be done easily with a medium size. And for sure, justified handnotes require quite some hours having excercised but are the art of magic.

Hobby and profession tend to mix up, usually the best metric available for success on both ends. A sideline, but personally i favor to work with companies and people where the bosses show their employees how it is possible to make business with what people like doing in their sparetime. The nice guys i am talking about in particular really know and that's why they organize work similar like to what i am doing all night long. Im Speziellen kennen jene das folgende, im doppelten Sinne der Bewörterung.

Schweizer Uhrwerke nämlich, als technische Meisterstücke wirken im Endeffekt derart faszinierend, dass realitärer Besitz mir zwar fremd, deswegen insbesondere der integrative Einbau ins Wesen mit Zeit sich ergab. Nur Armbanduhren liegen ihm nicht, schliesslich werden Mensch und Technik oftmals eins wie Herr und Dog, not hot. Important to mention besides, friend Eugenio liked the new tool pretty obviously like a child seeing a brand new toy, just if he will get an own one is the secret he does not tell. Übrigens, ein was noch, unbedingt zu reminden, Zürich. Got known to the town in the meantime. Story on it's own and revenge on the bankers took place afterwards, but the city really impressed me. Highly international and nice for eyes.

Tower sells, tanks for people, or just for fun. Of course black ink is around in countless variants, and the paper to use highly fascinating and subject of more experiments, stories or whatever comes out as a result of use of THC, not abuse. That's different.

Francis A., pastor for review, liked it.



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