bnw - 2009/02/15 23:47

Term Enumeration Variantentum - Sessions

Termvariants out of praxis. Collected the shooter way. One for the other, the memory and keep in mind, for sure a means mit Anforderung Beherrschung Entdeckung der Langsamkeit. Zeitverzug und lange Leitung eingerechnet in Übersetzung further more suchend. Ergebnis der Versammlung, jede Menge.

bnw - 2009/02/15 23:52

Boundary Style

Jumping eight balls, remember billards, hitting the bounds wall enabled. Profis mit Effet. Dreiband für Cracks, zur Spende macht über die Massen Wellenschlag.
bnw - 2009/02/17 23:33

Hopper Stop Information Exchange

Another opportunity of translation into english language, a one better suited for the description of the major ideas behind and highlighting aspects not discussed so far. Gesundem Urteilsvermögen geschuldet ist aktiver Betrieb äusserst trickreich und bedachtvoll bestenfalls zu versuchen. Peligro como intuicion por que diez por cien son muy oscuro.

As always a minimum of one person acts as kind of information filter finding out details can be highly error prone, but not necessarily is. Todo depende de la persona intermediaro y si sabe que ello es por dentro dos otros. The better someone is able to be in an active manner, the more he will be able to do the active way on it's own. Ohne Briefträger keine Zustellung for the times roboting. Not to forget, recently concluded, kind of popular sport under asian people.

Up the hills Himalaya.
bnw - 2009/03/21 22:39


Modern times influenced languages at all of them. Different possibilities to describe the story's title for sure exist and can result in endless loops. Therefore proxytalking is another variant for appropriate term translations and a one that suits the needs of a few more nations. Especially and for sure it's a better english native speaking, whereas hopper stop most probably is better suited for the dutch sea. A major property gets highlighted, not too unimportant for understanding the concept. Communicating with people always can be difficult, having persons being the postman's office makes it even more complex and then it's pretty clear, that under normal circumstances time passes by before the recipient got the message bottled. B talked to A before A told C something and only maybe what B had said. With a person C having the mind wide open he sincerely gets the information he may require. Sometimes the kind of communication produces chunks of information received years after A chatted B. Outcomes can be extremely funny, or useful in special cases, depending.

The systematic requires lots of memory, a perfect one for sure helps with interpretation of all that has to remain fuzzy, especially the more the informations received are rather vague. Not too forget, a minimum of three persons are required to be included in the timestretched sort of conversation.

Check the term of proxy and how computer dudes understand it. Or take the imagination of what the military calls a proxy-war. Shall undermine the right way and once again what could be meant.

Easier then.



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