bnw - 2008/12/31 22:21

Attacked, Mail #9 - Arm und Headfond ab

Platten auf Teller, CD's nicht minder, haben das Ende inclusive. Aller b-side zum Trotz knallen die ultimaten Songs auf Rille auch dann noch, wenn Alter erreicht in dem das, was Parteien eben doch nicht und der Historie wegen ermöglichten. Kryptologisch bedingt, im Gemeinten selbst bald nicht mehr durchzusprechen oder hilfe ergreifen könnend, bleibt Zeit für Soli mit Gesang selten, wenn die Gitarre kreischen soll wie eh und je. Politisiert die Nahrung im Besten Sinne der Menschheit, unter Ausschluss Öffentlichkeit, durfte Nachtisch nicht fehlen. Meint, wie der Brei verdorben in zu viel Milch und beinah ertränkt. No to be serious, so weit ging die Liebe nicht, schon gar nicht im Parlamente zu Reichstag und wer füttert sei geschichtlich insgesamt zweifüllhaft. Der Lyrics wegen mixed der Punk britischer Schule allzu gerne die Mengenlehre, und Prophezie in Vorraussage gewandelbar es kommt alsbald ein neues ab morgen Jahr. Mas escrita tonteria y como puede, secreto. Tuned up for the crimson king. For in memorian and having been smart on advisory, listened to be coureagous.

bnw - 2009/01/01 22:58

Abgang I

Parteien fehl am Platze, Zeit genug zu ergründen was verwegene Gestalten heimatfrontal länger schon sich fragen dürften. Entonces, traducciones rapido por ayuda en los servicios. What worked to brake down german state not necessarily would have been the right means for other countries or was it at after all?!
People hometown could ask themselves what the black guy has done up north and if it could help improving ayuda por crisis. Anyway and if they just got it, I did already, nur über Bande, when selecting the means of interstate communication. To be honest I don't have a clue, if spanish political system is prepared for the age of information highway, folks usually keep being behind state of the art. If there are mailing lists available or people in spain read their mailbox content hardly can be assumed, although, don't expect them too much behind the moon. The truth is as simple, that direction Moncloa got paralysed with the first piece of domino sent using eagles over Berlin. For Mr. Zapato it was nothing but easier to find the man, because spanish people talk more frequently so that experiments like Stasi V1 and 2 are not required. Whatever could attract the level of governance attracted people beforehand.
Smart feature of open source terms like here, Spain is the only country to get rollin' what stunned the continents and rest beyond. Espanoles molan gran fiestas por todo el ano entonces el pais shall be grateful having their german seleccionistas desde siempre. No, atacar el parlamento espanol no hace falta por que por de verdad los espanoles son los anarchistas de europe. Por razones cataloneses revolucion en alemania solo poderia funcionar desde nuestra ciudad pequeña. Cheerio, auf letzter Rille.
bnw - 2009/01/02 19:53

log 9/10

Dreck noch ma, remember log 8/10. Rückfeuer der Parlamentarier mit Stimmzetteläquivalenten meanwhile, anhaltend wie dauerhaft noch bis in den Abend des selben Tages.

Datum: 2007-09-18 17:43
Datum: 2007-09-18 17:43
Datum: 2007-09-18 17:44
Datum: 2007-09-18 17:45
Datum: 2007-09-18 17:45
Datum: 2007-09-18 17:46

Was auf gezeitete an Direktreply einging, hooray!! So for reasons of live gig better believe me:

they got it.
bnw - 2009/01/05 21:02


Here we are, stuff of what some of them thought they got elected for. Paid by taxmen or not only them, music from out the hall. Selected the very mail still to come anyway and maybe it was himself. For details reason check the knowledge stuff, driven the linux way no wonder system was unsure how to deal with stuff right now.
Re:    das Nachwort
Von:   "Peter Ramsauer, MdB" 
An:    el emperador 
Datum: 2007-09-19 10:56

Spam-Status: Spamassassin Mit 4% iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.

Ausführlicher Bericht:
No, score=0.2 required=5.0 tests=AWL autolearn=ham  version=3.1.7-deb
Bogofilter Mit 50% iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.

Ausführlicher Bericht:
Unsure, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.500000, version=1.0.3  
el emperador schrieb:
> ##############################
> cited corpus delicti later on.
> ##############################
Normale Umgangs- und Ausdrucksformen wären angebracht. Offensichtlich haben Sie auch keinen Namen.
Dumm natürlich, wenn Stasi, BKA oder überhaupt das Gesetz geheimer Wahl im Wege verständlich scheinen. For people in print restored from HDD gefiel ihm der Stil persönlich uU weniger, noch war er gewillt offenbar das Anliegen in Sache achten sich zu zeigen. However and even in case of not, not too much to mention by now, but still a bit more on the infight. So vergisst er nie das Vergessene zur Untermalung, wortwörtlich in Beschneidung präventivem.
Re:          das Nachwort
Von:         "b.n.w@work"   (
An:          "Peter Ramsauer, MdB" 
Datum:        2007-09-19 11:55
Attachments:  die_gierigen_acht_der_text.pdf
Ich könnte im Übrigen vergessen haben, Ihnen den Anhang dran zu tun.
Dann versteh ich's natürlich.

Hiermit also.

Am Mittwoch, 19. September 2007 11:34 schrieben Sie:
> b.n.w@work schrieb:
> > Doch habe ich.
> > Schön, dass so viele MdB's es gelesen haben.
> > Im Übrigen die erste "Direktreaktion".
> >
> > #####################################
> > #####################################
> >>
> >> Normale Umgangs- und Ausdrucksformen wären angebracht. Offensichtlich
> >> haben Sie auch keinen Namen.
> >
> > Hätten Sie gerne meine Ausweisnummer dazu?
> > war jetz'n Witz.
> > "Umgangsformen, Ausdrucksformen"
> > wer im Glaushaus sitzt ... nich?
> Kein Wunder, dass niemand antwortet.
Das war ein Spass, müscht ma widr tun, so if required fellows gimme a hint. Es naht auf grosser Distanz y por haber bombas zapateros comida die Nähe des Abends, das Wahlergebnis doch später nur wie immer schon auch früher mal bereits in Summe gehabt:

bnw - 2009/01/06 21:44


Kurzum, the morning after remember Tankard. Das war Krach, hell Ya!! Die Line, Vergessenes und Todos leuchten fortan die Katakomben demokraturhafter Subkulturen furthermore durch. A matter of fact giving me reason to remind more is everything that happened since somebody had the guts to confront the level of power shared by what women or men offroad think about the abuse hardly to hide any longer. Kept writing down on particular names out of the circus once in a while the thread. Let's start here again with Horst Seehofer one of few maybe socials on the christian side of parliament. For non-germans not unimportant having understood is the split of the conservatives within the german election system, sometimes matter of inner diplomacy trouble. Die Union called CDU everywhere, just not Bavaria, where they elect CSU and usually nothing else. It would be rather right to state that bavarians are the anarchists of germany. Just Germany plays no important role on my very favourite political systematic. It's sometimes confusing for us too, that unionists in germany are two almost unique parties but combine for the event of elections for german lower house or european house of parliament. But nevertheless, planned to focus my mind on very persons, the local chief once more.

For sure I can't remember the exact point in time anymore, when it happened how the former minister of health slightly caught my intention in a surprising manner. Guess it was afterwards and meanwhile the brown coloured anti-social eco mix, that I read words citing him in an inspiring manner. He had suffered a heart-attack or similar a couple of years ago, which obviously had made him rethink a bit his own work, or maybe what could have been the outcome having been a regular citizen. Und um der Wahrheit den Dienst fortgesetzt zu erweisen: präferiere ihn heute nach wie vor als bayer MP. Maybe having helped in the fantasy line would leave me proud a tiny little hardware bit.

More on others, in diesem Theater. Bitte behalten Sie Ihre Platzkarten, dies vereinfacht die Arbeit der Reihenbelichter.

bnw - 2009/01/12 14:34

log R/2/3

More from the voice collection promised dem Publikum. Verehrte Schaften, Damen y Monsignores. In vorläufig weiterer Highdance sliding sound filling the ear, actually Zakk Wylde and if I'm not completely mistakenly here for reasons he knows Ozzy and the Sabbath Clique like pretty well. As if it was not enough, Deutsche Press Armeeheilwerker schienen vom Cheffe gut limitiert, der Vorraussicht nach stürmisch zu die Stimmen, doch mit der Zeit würden halt die nachzügeln, wie üblich verneinend. Vertonung gemäss, see Chapter and of course for sure but still his royal rudity likes Peter too. Die Nuller, No-Says, high computered wie in school damals noch vor dem Ende.

  Datum: 2007-09-18 17:10
  Datum: 2007-09-18 17:19
  Datum: 2007-09-18 17:27
  Datum: 2007-09-18 17:49
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  Datum: 2007-09-19 15:44
  Datum: 2007-09-26 16:07
  Datum: 2007-10-02 14:53
  Datum: 2007-10-11 13:59
  Datum: 2007-10-18 17:06
One month until the last of them decided to gimme a hint.

2t Stimme, time went by:
  Datum: 2007-09-18 16:43
  Datum: 2007-09-18 16:52
  Datum: 2007-09-18 16:53
  Datum: 2007-09-18 16:57
  Datum: 2007-09-18 17:10
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  Datum: 2007-09-18 17:19
  Datum: 2007-09-18 17:27
  Datum: 2007-09-18 17:49
  Datum: 2007-09-18 19:51
  Datum: 2007-09-18 19:52
  Datum: 2007-09-19 08:21
  Datum: 2007-09-19 08:54
  Datum: 2007-09-19 08:54
  Datum: 2007-09-19 09:25
  Datum: 2007-09-19 09:45
  Datum: 2007-09-19 10:08
  Datum: 2007-09-19 11:07
  Datum: 2007-09-19 11:46
  Datum: 2007-09-19 12:09
  Datum: 2007-09-19 13:12
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  Datum: 2007-09-19 17:37
  Datum: 2007-09-20 14:13
  Datum: 2007-09-20 16:40
  Datum: 2007-09-24 12:49
  Datum: 2007-09-24 15:02
  Datum: 2007-09-24 15:02 // double thing.
  Datum: 2007-09-26 16:07
  Datum: 2007-10-01 07:16
  Datum: 2007-10-01 08:49
  Datum: 2007-10-02 14:52
  Datum: 2007-10-09 10:38
  Datum: 2007-10-10 16:27
  Datum: 2007-10-11 10:58
  Datum: 2007-10-18 17:06 // y todo muy confusó.

Really don't know if or how they discussed me. Bosses lines told, that they would not use stuff from people hiding in anonymity, had been cited, so what. And so it was ok with me, didn't really wanted having hacked the news and channel streams so soon. By then there was plenty of time to still prepare more to do with return receipts blinking.

Few very special ones, taken into single review before more announcements on the title-track help lining up for more from the studios, oder parties derer Saft so vielen zu fade wurd. Der Ehre wegen in Andeutung usw. Ausschnittweise, und mancher hatte doppelt oder komisch zurückverschickt, man kommt drauf, wie umgehend.

Kreuzchen für Kreuzchen sickerte die Auszählung irgendwie durch, es blieb spannend Vorhersage des Wetters further Aufgabe der Tagesschau und anderer. Few people and intermissions. Das war ein Joke, mit schneller Ente.
An:    undisclosed-recipients:
Datum: 2007-09-19 13:12
Nicht gelesen: die Parteien(Christlich Dennochzuteure Umsatzsteuer)

Datum: 2007-09-24 15:02

Nicht gelesen: der Auftakt(zum Parlament)
Datum: 2007-09-26 16:07

Spam-Status: Spamassassin Mit 0% iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.

Ausführlicher Bericht:
No, score=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=ham  version=3.1.7-deb  Bogofilter Mit 0% iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.

Ausführlicher Bericht:
Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.0.3  
Your message


Nicht gelesen: die Parteien(Christlich Dennochzuteure Umsatzsteuer)
Datum: 2007-09-26 16:07
Spam-Status: Spamassassin Mit 0% iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.
Ausführlicher Bericht:
No, score=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=ham  version=3.1.7-deb  Bogofilter Mit 0% iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.

Ausführlicher Bericht:
Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.0.3  
Your message

Und nu schlägt's Dreie, einer würde ungültig stimmen, weil doppelt, vermutlich der Oma @ street aus dem Portemonnaie gemopst. Please keep in mind when more on the TV ticker at the bottom your yellow (too much windows) pages.
Nicht gelesen: die Parteien(Christlich Dennochzuteure Umsatzsteuer)
Datum: 2007-09-26 16:07

Spam-Status: Spamassassin Mit 0% iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.

Ausführlicher Bericht:
No, score=0.0 required=5.0 tests=none autolearn=ham  version=3.1.7-deb  Bogofilter Mit 0% iger Wahrscheinlichkeit Spam.

Ausführlicher Bericht:
Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.0.3  
Your message

Surprised me a bit how they doubled one or the other thing but could be there were kind of owners for different mail aliases or real doubled accounts for reasons of organization flexibility structure along with business reasoned application configuration. Hard to guess from here on, although not too uninteresting for the overall outcome still not seen on the horizon of spanish winter change. Closing tracks will prove the concept behind, recuerde, cause it's IT. All a question of reuseability, well well.

Just how much people there are working, looked like holy lots or many, depending on how to count us. Who exactly, well, let's see how much the crowd surprised will be afterwards again, like everywhen:

later then.
bnw - 2009/01/13 17:15

Dokunachschuss, Klappe die 2-te

Weiter des Subversiven, Kommandos aus dem Untergrund. Mit Freuden zur Kenntnis genommen in Arbeitnehmerkreisen, bloggte die Androhung Herrn Clements, weiter Wahlkampf für politisches Gegegner zu machen. Dass, und wie er später austrat, wundert in Kommentaren eher selten. Immerhin steht mancher für seine Prinzipien, nicht nur abgehalfterte Politikerkasten, dennoch Beiträge unvermutet, schliesslich heisst Eigenlob Stinkt. Overall gab, gibt oder verdarb die Neoliberalisierung demokratischer Grundkultur mehr das Denken, denn dem Wähler. Letzterem blieben Schröders Agenden ohnehin schon als Hypothek und Steine wie Magen liegen, und so, dass am Ende Franz Müntefering Parteichef aus der Rente undead wieder an die Rotwörterfronten zurückkehren durfte. Immerhin leistete er Folge als gefragt, dumm natürlich wenn ob angehaltenem Mitgliederschwund frische Köpfe wider dem Erwarten gewesen wären und nur Ausnahmen anmessend die Regeln trotz change approved bestätigen. Übrigens, das Büro von FM stimmte, so viel zwecks Spannergehalt heuverschreckt positiv. Spricht Pustekusten nix gabs, Rente mit 67 wat hammer all wieder da jelaat, oder hant ehr jedacht die minge dat ernst. Mer solle wolle maloche bis zum umfalle, und dä Führer von dänne Sozis dä maatet uns vühre. Hingeruth ergab die Pension war wohl futsch, Folge vllt des Finanzdisasters, am Eng ja sälfs mit injebrock. Kütt mehr, op die Aufnahm. Klingt jut, und wie se aal omfiele, so mit die Tied. Right on, Huber, Beckstein und andere, Domino übt sich. Im Gedächtnis blieb Oskar, dem Rat gefolgt das Vorheizen probte, mir deucht es war im ZDF Name der Sendung momentum entfallen. Liebe Gemeinde, Herren der Damenwelt, Unter- und Hinterwäschler, bitte bleiben Sie uns erhalten zur feinen P*nk*lpause. Demgemäss das Servicepersonal gemächlichst an die Buletten zurück, mujeres por cocina o cama, depende se come prefiere. Als dann Bedarf besteht, die unterschwellige Anregung dem Appetit entsprach, das Überl dem Wahlkreissymparteisanten zu vermitteln sei, please order M$$-Office Template Files, erhältlich gegen Iris- und Gencodetransmission auf dem Homeshopping-, Tele- und Konsumentenregistrierkanal. Brot ist ausgegangen, Kaffee bleibt auf der Toilette, es schimmelt sich und falls Sie die Werbung vermissen, remember ahora hay hasta cuanto mucha crisis en todos los negocios. Herr Präsident nun und zur Ordnung bitte, das Pack hinaus, es riecht nach putzen hier. Wasser marsch!!
bnw - 2009/01/14 17:45

Dokunachschuss, Parte los Numeros Treses

Fade in, more on people for power, Werbepause blend out sponsorship canceled for reasons and lack of companies financed. Recently it came back to mind how i planned to write a bit more on Pastor Francis and how he got involved. For sure there's plenty of time to get more out of it and for quite some reasons I better try. For the time writing it's worth concentrating on what he watched as kind of an advisor in-house. What's interesting to mention is that for sure Frank got the idea of spam, could explain him this very aspect of activity online those days pretty well at least. Himself being a person out of a different world it was all not that easy for him to understand what organizing life means within the western world of corruption and ego-driven greed. Internet and computer were kind of fascinating not only for him, most curious were his children Precious and David. Frank himself went into the city library just around the corner down the street being connected to modern worlds on the level of basic state insurance done the spanish way. So loosely he was coupled to the matrix simulation although the parliament series would have stressed his mailbox a bit too much. However the case, being a man he stayed informed on global politics. As stated early on we didn't agree with respect to particular persons once in a while, from todays point of view it even would be correct to say he helped growing the outsider's perspective. So what, the mirrors kept inside, and promising to slide back to him again and again but get another focus now while keeping alive how he most probably would see the line right now.

Having been into detail with Horst Seehofer under aspect oriented chapter titles, let's improve skills and give few of the women the spotlight they once achieved. Turn over middle Walkürentheater oder früher sicher Menschenrechtsgefragte. Claudia Roth being one of the primary rocks for partyship as long as can remember, kept me watching the stages from the distance early on. Never really had an inner dispute with respect to her political ideas, but then them bought governing. Besides a man's rudity of course there's always another coin's side and what I personally remind most hearing the name was the situation back into Kohlship, when it was her representing germans opinion on a certain matter. Present in the news was the case of a german inmate on american death row. Can't remind if the particular crime was murder, but like usual doubts had been around besides and when it comes to people sentenced for rules that lost their roots on humanity. Think there were two german brothers involved living in America for years. Why no offical german state representative of the time found the latter, no hell of a clue. The green party was in the opposition backseats still, but anyway personally it would bother me most, if she for example was aware how the german law reality still maintains the death penalty too, and as a way to solve problems having with it's citizens. Not to forget mentioning that of course execution is a different matter. For reasons of respect the major issue number two, die Lust zur Macht. When I heard her saying that one don't know if it is true to mark that i had to keep big laughter hiding. Although it would not be too unlikely under normal circumstances. Another detail of german politics and the very special history of Bündnis 90/die Grünen is that party statutes traditionally forbid office and mandate for one and single persons. Explained more direct it means, that e.g. the party chiefs, which are two by the way, can not be members of parliament or government. Ministery usually would mean the person has to retire his seat. Exceptions became possible by time and what she meant was the will to change the partys rules resulting in an even more established party than already. Kind of a shame they lost the backbone, because the principle as such makes quite some sense and should be rethought on the next level to make europe as a whole a reigneable part of the world again.

Angesichts dessen Paola und Kurt Felix mir demnach kein Unbehagen bereiten, ihre Scherze dem Protokoll evtl Pate standen, ein weiteres mal Herr Reiser und verwendet. So wäre der Meister womöglich einmal daran interessiert, was sie wohl machte und noch viel mehr so sie Schranze am Hofe der Gehörtheit, und bitte nicht streng genommen, der Worte wegen in Erweiterung reuse mir deucht sie kannte ihn persönlich. Säcke geschultert, Schweizer Garde befohlen, droht Solo wie Fender, Marshall und jedem das Bässe. One two the drum, das waren Tage wohl, ob sie auch drehte??

bnw - 2009/01/15 21:12

Parteipolizist in Feierlaune

Another sideline history before getting back heading to the poor and real members of parliament. Private and old job connection, switching the name staying the party and having the stuff in the pocket. Meant by latter comment. Having a perfect memory of course i remember by detail how and when it happend i got known to Holger Röstel. Back in 1997 when unifiblooming rolled the eastern part we were meanwhile studying in a small town close to Charlie-Marx-City, Middlewood like some of said. As a three of wands we picked the trap of some flyer, pinned to the mensa's exit doors windows. The University of applied sciences in Mittweida dates back into 19th century and had quite a few big boys of engineering educated. ... During the GDR years, im Volksmund Täterä, the local university or german Fachhochschule was staged as Technikum, schools specialized on engineering matters kind of popular in the eastern german state. Besides advantages hard to count when the style of knowledge transfer is compared to that of universities, the one and remembered was the flair of simulating the family, students came all over the republic although few, and their ages varied the level of entry stage with respect to the feeding stuff. However did we have about two years over the top and the HTWM's regularium requires students having been half a year onroad before being allowed to throw over whatever diploma thesis on stack of some of the aunts and uncles desks. Holger himself shared ownership of a small company abbreviated WDI, Design, Gestaltung, Maschinenbau, und manchmal auch Informatik im Blick. Somewhere between Pre-Diploma and our 6th term it was up to us to enter the world of reality and so we had a look in Chemnitz Bernsdorf, an old building reworked for startups eastern kind. There would be dozens of stories to tell, e.g. when he ordered the pizzas for real-one latenight workers etc pp. The one mentioned was the first ever and it didn't take too long, why he was so pretty curious when recognizing 'those guys get teached in software engineering', and few weeks later we had to start explaining them.

Years went by and his wife became present on the news, elections or on what we became sick and tired from overall. Of course that one was not his very fault as well as not his friend's the drugs commissioner. The very person as such unknown by then was invited beyond the young students to some gardens party. The Röstels house allowed for parties of all type, and so we waited until the chief of swat department left and he became st*ned the first time in life. Told he wanted to be aware of the consume their son started by nature. Kind of an experience watching your boss loosing time sleazing out the evening. Marco who joined the practical term for working experience and myself slept on the green afterwards. Guess he was bloody drunken, result of the officer's host behaviour.

War alles vor der Überschwemmung in Flöha und Umgebung als man vorrübergehend absoff. Not that nice for the family, especially for his parents in law. Anneliese preferred Hohenstein anyway and for sure with the Moto GP in town, just having the floods water in-house for sure wasn't what any of them planned when building within the rivers arms. Mit der FDP wollte er nach Erinnerung dann aber nicht ins Bett, for sure he had enough WW out of his years in office. Last time we met was before personal next stages when saxon winters left me pissed. And besides the party membership his wife can be a person fun to study. Remind the years working together still like having had a boss, maybe he was one out of two. Never accepted somebody for that, hardly myself. Just the miles on the car. Leipzig - Chemnitz, Chemnitz - Frankfurt, sometimes Eisenach, but don't imagine C-Town got the ICE that soon. Es war halt mal der wilde Osten noch. Und gearbeitet hat er auch.

Der alte Weihnachtsmann.
bnw - 2009/01/19 23:46

PPF - Nachtrog

More on the green line, issues of matter not only for reasons of lacking money. Have forgotton few bits, not tits, and having worked with Holger always had been kind of an inspiration and joyful in ways around the corner. As a programmer shall better keep my mouth shut as i really really like him, but well, his studys started in Rostock, ship construction. Don't know if he planned to be prepared for building an arch's revival and anyway he temporarily ended up in Chemnitz, town for old people mainly nowadays. The younger generations although hardly having lived the socialism moved west-bound and whoever has seen the place knows why most of them for sure don't plan the comeback. To stop kidding, Holger himself is living eastern of the Nischel's town, Flöha, hardly can imagine a village more sleepy. So what needs to mentioned, a minor issue on the garden party. Right on.

Another colleague nämlich, recently met him by accident on the information highway, called Klaus and who already had been introduced into club. A different story, worth lines on it's own, but here he nearly brought me closer to hard surveillance not even IM triggered. Don't remember exactly anymore what he had said and the officer maybe didn't get, remember his state of being drunken. Could have been something about plants, just my green finger's slightly hurt for a lifetime. Well then, and for sure we had our fun once in a while. Once it was him organizing a walk with the whole company. Being origin from Middlewood for quite a while, nobody was surprised all of us were selected to snapshot the Zschopau river area. His very boss most probably played not-knowing. Hans-Dieter Lohmann, retired after heavy usage, application and so on. Made the impression of being kind of a conservative person. Don't know he saw the corpus delictis preparation, but his two phds gave him the ability. Never found out what else they could have been useful for. However again, Kollech Marco knew exactly why the groove would have been thrown in before the hanging bridge. Klaus really wanted to take some shit-enriched breathes, it would have been unhuman not letting try him. Really old days, were pretty green and all of us. Never have been as young since. Hardly! Ah of course, he saw no need for normal cigarettes for hours!! Who knows him maybe could have noticed. And what Gisela had to experience afterwards for reasons of aphrodisiacs, none of my business.

Back to the Röstel's house. Besides unanswered questions a reminder beforehand. Holger and me had a few talks on ideas how to organize companys, especially when talking about salaries. At it's heart the idea was to make them public on all levels and discussable into the bosses layer. Maintaining budgets and similar sincerely would give employees resposibility, or what would be their fault in case of. Still just have a mere overview what them earned those days. Some for sure too much, but that one's a regular side-effect in the business domain. Just if it was Mr Fischer's offensive pacifism that made Gunda turn over water holes, wie früher ein Gerücht. At all and for sure she didn't like him, for reasons her successors most likely share.

Ansonsten warn die ok.
bnw - 2009/03/06 10:35

Drugs Addiction

Appendix on the officers line. Can remember pretty well two major situations with him. To give the one, the drugs department of the Chemnitz police was pretty famous for their brutal behaviour. Another friend of mine got confronted with their wild-west style smashing heads or whatever, years ago. Didn't matter if it was for 'real' drugs or natural plants. Anyone and whoever was known for smoking, obviously it was easier to catch them instead the real dealers. To keep it simple, watched the very person once and like stated, when animating young men to drink more than was healthy. But maybe that's what a drugs commissioner's work is about, addicting people to alcohol.

To keep his honour intact, of course he could drink lots himself and well too much. On the other there may be folks around agreeing the fact how such behaviour wouldn't even qualify him to rule the traffic lights. Think his name was Roland, just don't remember exactly anymore. No wonder the town shrinked from 300K inhabitants to about 200K with a local police state like that. Expressed the diplomatic way there's doubt enough on who are the criminals. Oder auch, wer solch Freund und Helfer hat braucht sich um den Feind im Knast nicht sorgen. Number two of sitcom: ein widerwärtiger Selbstdarsteller.

Geh Sta Po.



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