Freitag, 28. November 2008

Hebreia - Binary State Department

Recent actions in israel politics keep ideas refreshed, or maybe extended. Having a woman in power with respect to publico-instance 28.11, spread out of further conceptionary anyway gives reason to think about. It is german history that for no doubt still takes people into responsibility who were born on our territory or when it comes to arab and hebrew issue mixes. It took some 50 years until a german president, compareable to monarchy replacement models in rest europe, spoke before the Knesset and most important applying his own language, the tortureres language. Late Johannes Rau, head of state at the time, took wise gestures from the german point of view and the country as a whole most probably waits for hand shake replied.

Sliding into germany history gets back to the points in time after 1989/1990, when alemania occidental started occupying el oriental. East and West or still a meeting point til our times. Personally picked the train and watched the scenes of flowers blooming. 1994 - move over bricks and ten years living in Saxony with cold winters once a year, the hardest taught a western mothers son how to drive a car secure and the real hard ones some six months lasting. Funny experiments driving the landscape summer wheeling through the snow. Big irony later on, lets focus the main issue of interest or what time should tell about ourselves.

For sure the influences recorded were hard to hide, language, others and the drugs. Alcohol ahead on top, buildings emptied for jobs lost. Chemnitz as the example, more than 300K inhabitants by the early 90's shrinked to ~200K when his mastership left town inspired by spanish way of living in the mid-zeros. Not all of them were drunken deads, although, one of the major reasons for leaving succesful so easily. Friendships don't get lost was the idea and years later the pictures collected show what still prevents reunification of the country. Big lack was equality of loans and payments. Eastern workers receive around eighty percent for what their western counterparts got on same jobs. Not mentioned by Ossis, house prices, rents and quite a few items on daily life were sometimes half of western provincys. Seventy square meters with thirty of them for a dancehall like saloon for 350€ ~ 700 Deutsch Mark meant maybe a black hole somewhere in Frankfurt/Main. For sure lots of eastern people underestimated the decrease of value their money had within different parts of the berlin republic. So what, and the lesson on once upon called palestine? before private biography slows too much the audience.

Times melody headed the way lots of men and women thought off to be to early on. Reports on the negotiations, about what went on when the eastern system crippled down weren't too nice stuff about the western brother's behaviour. Anyway transit motorways became A numbered and eastern drivers got the Golfs while Trabis became rare, Ostalgie remained in silence and the liquor. Oskar Lafontaine challenger of Helmut Kohl for electing the reunified states was right to loose. His only mistake was telling the truth and how it became all so expensive in future by reality. Mirroring back the latter to ideas, just beginning is by itself leading into questions of currency and/or citizenship in a globamodern world. Transmitting their money left not only old people with a feeling of having stripped half their elder people reserve. Euro introduction gave the rest. Quality doubled and so restaurant prices stayed numerics. Funny for sure.

Late 80's, heavy metal personal driver, people enough came out with ideas on keeping the states apart and trying to follow their own way into western systems. Double state citizenship would have been possible and argueable, same said on money exchange between the centers and a lot of the easterns plunder most probably never had happened by nature. States merge succesful can be assumpted, the same as Berlin became the countries capital again, what everybody expected to happen and: why not. Unanswered still if it could have been that a city like Bonn had remained a better centre on issues still problematic under grand coalitions laziness?! Shit happens same like real life, smooth harmony in trade and working contracting survived history. Heading back to what just can be an idea in responding to our very complex one, of course there's no sense for GDR revival, the childhood of a continent's growing for sure shall provide the bricks all the cultures gave us for learning stay the man.

Back to fadeout, Israel .vs. Palestine our role for referee gets understandeable when taking into count, that on a different level, but still, we know a bit of both sides the wall. It better would be the trick to try and prevent self fulfilling prophecy. Music smells the end of time listening words mankind has written like protocol of mystic history makes worth playing crazy one more beat. Hamas had won the election proving how both sides had accepted the others rightful existence beforehand. Hard of a reminder, all that beyond nasty wall experiments our memory hardly can advise to do. What we can anyway and better do is advise a chief in office Tzipi Livni to be tough on tough guys but learn our mistakes. A two state solution is the only solution to keep arabs peaceful, the pure fact nobody can deny since and how Hamas organized their legitimacy into victory. Pretty obviously there's still time to see fundament for talks between grown ups. A simple two state structure won't solve problems of palestinian life, and that's the break for an endless loop. A simple copy for small union, and yes, one more time, why not . Let's find out how it would send a signal to the world.

In holiness of right-wing stupidity tear down of settlements as symbolic as can, only steps a minor first into the good of right direction. Golan heights need securance by corps of armed forces, this fault was our friends from over the channel. Germany is the number one country for finding language in diplomacy, another quality some of our figures proved us.

Peace in the worlds oil central stations will not be realized without jewish people and their basic counterparts. Them as such need to be able to reunify again, the same like we had to. Germanys 20-past tells one thing pretty clear: it could be, and maybe, that europe unified could work. An immediate solution between fronts and destruction of destruction is rather fantastic than to happen. But it would be a stunner for arabs.

Not us.

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