- paste -
Moppen kies und schütte rein, wenn Brieftasche dann offen ja.
Not copy, which was ob po sitted.
insert: any in the clipboard stored.
past extended. it's past his existence at place number bricks.
as time passed by we lost the most, and bugs went flue.
it term (shortcut) explanation:
insert existing somewhere for reasons of laziness too see :/! much.
Not copy, which was ob po sitted.
insert: any in the clipboard stored.
past extended. it's past his existence at place number bricks.
as time passed by we lost the most, and bugs went flue.
it term (shortcut) explanation:
insert existing somewhere for reasons of laziness too see :/! much.
bnw - 2013/03/14 08:55 - last edited: 2013/03/10 16:43
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