
Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2013


Unheimliche Fälle des X-PI. Chaos detected outter world, inner code based stable. Master of racers required, to take over .gov domains. Interferencing evil does no more evaluate limiting borders inflamed. Rock'n' rudy, hence rude havens heavenly hellshine wishes of guardiance, to take on a hot red. Hot spot, guardingly angry, nor angle re- bloody and darky for sharky. Hole holy, whole pony!

Samstag, 30. November 2013

PoC Log 12

Sample - Tool "Contemplator". println "%s": <br /> b@puter:~$ ctmp.[exe]<br /> <br /> TRACE - &lt; :244&gt; - (init_fillcontext/re): '(\w*)\*\*(.*)'<br /> TRACE - &lt; :251&gt; - (init_fillcontext/with) -key: 'STORYTITLE';<br /> TRACE - &lt; :251&gt; - (init_fillcontext/-and) -val: 'Bundesrumble 2013'.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :244&gt; - (init_fillcontext/re): '(\w*)\*\*(.*)'<br /> TRACE - &lt; :251&gt; - (init_fillcontext/with) -key: 'STORYDATEPUBLISH';<br /> TRACE - &lt; :251&gt; - (init_fillcontext/-and) -val: '2013-10-29 20:15'.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :244&gt; - (init_fillcontext/re): '(\w*)\*\*(.*)'<br /> TRACE - &lt; :251&gt; - (init_fillcontext/with) -key: 'PARENT';<br /> TRACE - &lt; :251&gt; - (init_fillcontext/-and) -val: 'Temp'.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :244&gt; - (init_fillcontext/re): '(\w*)\*\*(.*)'<br /> TRACE - &lt; :251&gt; - (init_fillcontext/with) -key: 'STORYFULLTITLE';<br /> TRACE...

Dienstag, 26. November 2013

PoC Log 11

Sample - Tool "Webservice Interlocutor". println "%s": <br /> b@puter:~$ wsi.[exe]<br /> <br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-key: 'STORYDATEPUBLISH';<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-val: 'Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013'.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-key: 'PARENT';<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-val: ''.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-key: 'INDEX_EN';<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-val: 'Politics, Culture, Literature, Critics, Commentary, Satirics, Theatre'.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-key: 'STORYFULLTITLE';<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-val: 'Linksaussen Foulspiel: - df -'.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-key: 'INDEX_DE';<br /> TRACE - &lt; :349&gt; - (run/loopctxkeys) ctxt-val: 'Politik, Cyberpunk, Boris Wachowiak, Kultur, Literatur, Kritik, Kommentare, Satire, Theater, RocknRoll'.<br /> DEBUG - &lt; :484&gt; - (tk:excerpt) _run: '/home/ubnw/cyberpunk/cpi/ script/ /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/w s/build/013/q4/mt10/wk4/ex ml/ .edoc.xml...

Sonntag, 24. November 2013

Moto DX

Motto der Zeit: Stoned im Backshop. Gewendet wird nach Zutat. Gespendet an Kaninchen die Versuchen trauten. Angereichert durch Dosierung angewandter Prinzipientreue, sowie Gemischtwarenstoffen, erheitert der Verbrauch des Ganztagesräucherwarenkonsu menten den Handlungsantreibenden. Das mundet, wohlbekömmlich taut der Regen die Sonne wieder auf. Wieso die eingefroren worden war, wie es dazu kam, behandelt ein anderes Kapitel, das abschnittsweise in Presse, Funk oder Fernsehen den Laden hütet.

Dienstag, 19. November 2013

PoC Log 10

Sample - Tool "XEntity Traitor". println "%s": <br /> b@puter:~$ xent.[exe]<br /> TRACE - &lt; :121&gt; - +getter) k: file-out, ret: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/w s/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/poli tics_rss_versicherungsfall .xent.main.exml.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :208&gt; - (_____) out :/! /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/w s/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/poli tics_rss_versicherungsfall .xent.main.exml<br /> TRACE - &lt;TemplateEngineRouter.p m :211&gt; - (setter) k: outfileuri; ob: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/w s/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/poli tics_rss_versicherungsfall .xent.main.exml.<br /> TRACE - &lt;TemplateEngineRouter.p m :211&gt; - (:check) k_of: outfileuri, k_tt: ittemplate.<br /> TRACE - &lt;TemplateEngineRouter.p m :194&gt; - (__outfile) uri: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/w s/build/pkg/2013/q3/1/poli tics_rss_versicherungsfall .xent.main.exml.<br /> DEBUG - &lt; :167&gt; - (adder) k: contextdatafiles, to: ARRAY(0x9175cc0).<br /> DEBUG - &lt; :164&gt; - (cmdcall) start execution of operation 'xent::XMLEntityCreate=HAS H(0x935cab4)'.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :124&gt; - +getter) k: ittemplate, will return undefined.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :121&gt; - +getter) k: cpi-type, ret: main.<br /> TRACE - &lt; :172&gt; - (--) we have a...

Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013


Past summertime southbreak. Had been off for burning. Was hot heat around skin, cancering unawareness of sick wish. Luck went offline for reasons of travel routings. Compliance of life accordance, important once so called since state authorized defines what funnily is hard to be forbidden, which was never accepted so that rejecting the paragraphs used is more than just the only option. Leading for head over into cultural regions was enjoyfully made possible, because maintaining life under palms gives hint about why doing. From dust til burn: It was in off for brutzeling beach bound, o algo! Qué ???

Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

PoC Log 9

Sample - Tool ":bash". println "%s": b@puter:~$ cccpish --banner [ INFO-FILE ] 2013/06/22 12:03:49 (150-FILE::_setup_logger)> Logging Object booted, set up and initialized. ------------ +------------------------- -------------------------- --+ | | | C³-PI | | | | -------------------------- ------------------------- | | | | (c) - punk systems enterprises global international | | - | | b.n.w, 2009 | | der.cyberpunk@googlemail.c om | | boris.wachowiak@the-produc | | | | -------------------------- ------------------------- | | | | Cyberpunk's Content Client & Publishing | | Interactivity Framework | | | | -------------------------- ------------------------- | | | | Tk-App used: wbspad builder | | Impl. Kind: Perl | |...

Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013

PoC Log 8

Sample - M-Tool "build".next(); println "%s": b@puter:~$ build.[exe] Processing stage nr (1), with name 'preprocessor' right now. running soon .... (prep) - current directory: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/cpi/s cript. (parse) * reading isrc: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/t xt/ 3.q2.jun.itxt (verify) - checking sub-dir: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/w s/build + changed/workpath -> /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/w s/build (verify) - checking sub-dir: 013 + changed/workpath -> 013 (verify) - checking sub-dir: q2 + changed/workpath -> q2 (verify) - checking sub-dir: mt06 + changed/workpath -> mt06 (verify) - checking sub-dir: wk4 + changed/workpath -> wk4 (verify) - package folders one after the other: - check pkg/sub-dir: bak existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: itxt existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: htxt existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: utxt existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: text existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: log existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: main existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: sub existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: item existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: rec existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: pub existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: prn existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: exml existing. - check pkg/sub-dir: html existing. (verify) * finished. (validate) - current directory: /home/ubnw/cyberpunk/laf/w s/build/013/q2/mt06/wk4. - searching entity:...

Montag, 28. Oktober 2013


Halt. Reboot, virtualizing shutdown into closure of sleepyness. Signs prevent disasters of attackers.

Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2013

Log-Xer 1309 Kick-Off

New (dot). Dot lot. Start lap reinstructer scheduled, dirty, for many. Type any, format close letter.

Linksaussen Foulspiel

polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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