Subjects Virtualspicey Noted

Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2013

- prog -

pogo real offer generations; out bought. or board. said may b€. will always remain work in progress. programs in particular especially. intern term board. rem :/! here by. eg. content written, under namespace abbr "laf", requires such for being test cases collectivity on fancy world programming. Andrij said: "N.l.P. by spam", excercise to make it perfect since last bye. progress in programming professionally own grown.

Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013

- pascal -

rem: prolog. but earlier. french name for and of boys, after (re-) born. when programming person uses, he is rumoured to belong Müslifressers. no turbo-pascal, nor delphi of towers oracled are welcome at cad e-my. "after born?" i-txt(svn/how could just remind the line of see)pi. is a little bit weird, on prog gi. "what is it's real use about?", bothering a while already. for teaching purpose professors prefer modula 2, and told us turbo pascal is not pascal. hard to predict if the language will survive by a niche found or be replaced. linguistic application were an idea in the meantime, but that one has never been approved. could be that only for purpose of teaching it's useful. similar :/! modula-2, oberon. see :/! procedur(e|al).

Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013

- cut -

see @ prolog (auch: cöt). out. what's too much. double things only when either, else not. Please! cause redundancy has it's big advantages. empty space. for room savings. hair if too long or splissy. off energy above the limit of it's killing impact. "oho my po-nyy ..." - Tom Waits. rem :/! has what to do with "cut"? stupid joke upon indian people who went to the barbier. not too important! cut and copy, paste and worry.

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013

- or -

h forgotton when listening shall be true. Ja oder Nein, eventuell weil nicht drum wissend. Er weiss nicht, ja nein, vielleicht oder auch manchmal. beer or two beer, das besser net, cause three of fell drunken. Assoziationen (like learned): - Gatter (nicht Stall). Wird oft aus 'Nand' gebaut. - Drähte und Zeugs. - ist irgendwas gleiches wenn a oder b ähnlich nicht a und-nicht b. - in klammern if for true. two b | two a, with | = Kurzschreibws. it can be, or can't bearmind.

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013

- cls -

clears screen soberly. from left to right, or right to left. top-down, bottom-up, approaches are counted various. corners link spiegel. components lack severity. @sct $ _ # emptys everything visible; see :/! unix 'gain. @abbr (hard saying, could mean so lottery in informatics). closure lines say wisely, precisely, how clean loc shifts crowns linkage surely calm low shot. classic, not classicistic. class only has leatherly stuffbikes. clean scrubbed up shuts.

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013

- prolog -

wie beim fahrrad fahren gewohnt, ist am anfang das gesamtergebnis und der verlauf des programms nicht einschätzbar. ausserdem ist es logisch, man bei anwendung durchaus technisch mal ins schleudern kommt, strauchelt. oder: cut! programming, logically, leading mess ways by type and spell and errors made. Der hat wirklich aber immer "Cöt" gesagt, und kannte rote und schwarze. Glaube! programming logic, how this is unlogic, hard an exposé, logged out selfused. confusing due i-txt(svn/but build upon) mess-maths. the one and very of programming still a mystic.

Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

- function -

if things work. then will they! old english writing was reported to state: funk-tion. funky funky bust guitar, just with a fiction of a diction, bad equipment's kitchen. the function of functions doesn't carry any brick of sense without it's use and junction. sächsisch gesprochen: fang'dschn. funktioniert selten, in Sochsn, mim inglish. programmieren tät mer dennoch gut dort. tät meistens müssen funktionieren.

Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

- constructor -

some body. principle of object to be done so, when programming that way side. then/there: opposite of destructor, releasing every memory unit reserved afrom. see :/! init, initialize, object orientation. classes. a person doing something constructive, a thing that shall be useable.

Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

- ancient demo -

«Die Bildung ist für die Glücklichen eine Zierde, für die Unglücklichen eine Zuflucht.» -- Demokrit Was dennoch nicht heißt, sie sich zierden müssen einmal mittels Zuflucht glücklicher geworden. Nur für Ziegenmilch vögelt sich ungern. Der Bart muss ab. Fast Sodom und Gomorrha mordete meinen man käme auf sonst. Belesen zu sein, so drückt der germane sich aus wenn er zur Minderheit der mit Sprach' versehenen gehört, hilft gegen dummheit wie kein kraut auf erden, nur bringen tut es wenig.

Donnerstag, 14. März 2013

- paste -

Moppen kies und schütte rein, wenn Brieftasche dann offen ja. Not copy, which was ob po sitted. Schmierkante. in sert: any in the clipboard stored. past extended. it's past his existence at place number bricks. as time passed by we lost the most, and bugs went flue. it term (shortcut) explanation: insert existing somewhere for reasons of laziness too see :/! much.

Linksaussen Foulspiel

polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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