Freitag, 28. November 2008

Hebreia - Binary State Department

Recent actions in israel politics keep ideas refreshed, or maybe extended. Having a woman in power with respect to publico-instance 28.11, spread out of further conceptionary anyway gives reason to think about. It is german history that for no doubt still takes people into responsibility who were born on our territory or when it comes to arab and hebrew issue mixes. It took some 50 years until a german president, compareable to monarchy replacement models in rest europe, spoke before the Knesset and most important applying his own language, the tortureres language. Late Johannes Rau, head of state at the time, took wise gestures from the german point of view and the country as a whole most probably waits for hand shake replied. Sliding into germany history gets back to the points in time after 1989/1990, when alemania occidental started occupying el oriental. East and West or still a meeting point til our times. Personally picked the train and watched the scenes of flowers blooming. 1994 - move over bricks and ten years living in Saxony with cold winters once a year, the hardest taught a western mothers son how to drive a car secure and the real hard ones some six months lasting. Funny experiments driving the landscape summer wheeling through the snow. Big irony later on, lets focus the main issue of interest or what time should tell about ourselves. For sure the influences recorded were hard to hide, language, others and the drugs. Alcohol ahead on top, buildings emptied for...

Bombays, Production und Reporters ohne Lingualhemmung

Los atentados actuales en Bombay preocupen el mundo estos dias. El por de donde se ve como 11/9, otra mas la pregunta de quienes son los responsables. Crisis de la casa? Pero amigos musulmanes, yo no creo es idea vosotros, nos ayuda por favor con cazar los enemigos reales. -- Bombs over India in central money districts. Financial Crisis all around the world and state intervention triggered by people argumenting against a lifetime long. Maybe, this time, it could be it is their money way down the hedgefond. My advice on war on terror is to hit the origin of from where originated. -- Attentate wie in Bombay sind verabscheuungswürdig feige und für Kommentatoren einzig Staaten anschreibbar. Rezepturenaufbereitung für Alternativbombbauanleitung , heisst Idee, bnw berichtet weiter wie zionistische Kapitalverschwörung zu bekämpfen sein könnte. Verehrte Attentäter, als Verfechter der palestinensischen Sache dieser Tage glaubt mir Zündstoff funktioniert anders, auch: atomar. Banktransaktionel l.

Linksaussen Foulspiel

polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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