Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010

Quickhash for Breakup Sequence

Open panther. The spanish newspaper "el mundo" informs about raising tensions between spanish authorities and german so-called counterparts. Eggs got rollin about plans of our local government which proposes higher sanctions for european countries acting economically totally stupid. Hard to guess at all why it is the german media world attacking Zapa Paro, especially as it was rumoured to be the FAZ, mistakenly called the most prestigeous german daily. Pls, editores españoles, recuerde una cosa por la eternidad: el diario mas prestigioso aleman se llame "Bild". Fits better the level of education the majority of people has - in germany, although hard to tell which is the real hardcore conservatives newspaper in terms of the country's understanding. Never forget how it was them having started the most outrageous war in human history and with respect to what N-TV reports on the weak economy southbound we shall stay relaxed, it tells everything about them when the pointing fingers are those not having even 20€ for children, and who could start nation-building otherwise, anymore. Typical german behaviour once again, better believe it, they don't change their attitudes! More clashes were reported by CNN+, although someone might wonder why they are still united with us europeans and when payment of bills refusing so strongly. Baff tagged. Beim Thema geblieben. Seehofer fleht bildlich um Beistand von oben im Spiegel. Bavarians love it to wish mob the ladder white up boards, maybe that's...

Meal the Rich

Die Rezeption kennt wie folgt mögliche Sicherheiten: *) wer reich mit glücklich gleichsetzt ist arm dran. *) selbst wenn er Kohle hat. Reception deals assurance for little: *) who translates wealthiness with happiness rather shall be called stupoor. *) even if rich, poor him, defined as fell in love unluckily. *) stupidity must be at all ends. Cocinarse recepcionista hace falta que ella ni esta inseguro de los ess tos: *) quien falta dinero quiere ir al fuego eterno. *) si la vida se vende barato todo va bien. *) hombres tambien conozen dolor de cabeza como excusa mala. *) hojas de reclamacion por excusas buenas no existen.

Linksaussen Foulspiel

polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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