Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011

- windows -

We Introduce Nothing, Define Ourselves Without System. Trans: Wissen Insgesamt Nichts, Doch Offenbaren Wir Schnapsmißbrauch. Bekannt e Abwandlungen: WinDoof. Eigentlich bekannteste aller Abwandlungen die Gang und Gäbe sind. Die zutreffendste mithin. World intrusion, no design, offered without safety. Webber instructions, not defined of-kind worth spreading. An oldie but goodie: Why use windows since there are doors. William incubated nasty DOS offline while sleeping.

Back Lined

On another day, on the edge of summer endings, one year later, it jumped to question how and if at all forever, or why the music functionality of hardware it-driven is so important by the parkside, that of living, surely, promised and so on for sense of duty. Springfield, not for the simpsons as thy skip 'em but as fault early planned in, and a -steen another time who overplays the breaking time scheme. Without a backline, hookline and few notings sound made, few parts of life are stable, rather few and rare they are. Back to war term, discussing the very, something never ever really changes; there are loosers and all the others are non-loosers, only winning is impossible. But tell that an idiot having let rolled it down and over crowded houses. The sad part of is as simple as, and here the vocals try to mediate between the songs tuned upstream, you have to, at one occassion of history and for a long while longer than your latest nightmare. So much longer indeed, that it's nothing but a layed back and just a rythm-groove thing to ensure it turns off, the war word once became reality. Because real life has nothing with in common, never and ever since the stars explosion was itself a copy of the one before, handmade kind of by the angels up in sky, well thought assisting us. One argues, surely do you, stampedes of creating harddisk content for a universal view perspective, is a number one requirement to enter higher states of being, living better chosen; it just takes it's time...

Linksaussen Foulspiel

polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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