Montag, 30. April 2012


For getting over to something as weird as only humans have resulted, let's come for some time to the nervous term of germany. The term, let's take it for a word by sound, of germany, is such a special one, which has been used so quite frequently, that not only in the world of media big maps could contain it in particular. No matter how much of them (the media people) and others outside of may disgust it. Germans in many turn out to be a big danger in general, for humanity, including them as part of the world's population has been proven as nothing but counterproductive, since resulting in mass reduction. Correctly spelled anyway it would have to be called Germoney, just remind what all their talk on their former currency was about, back into days of the Reichsmark and never forget the town of Frankfurt as one of the major capital errors of capitalism. Interestingly, the very same, place and where their first so dreamed was that people consortial: "democratic" - constitution, had been introduced; the so named Constitution of the Paulskirche, as if praying to the lord would help the case bound; neither did it, not them, not humanity in extremism, bad luck any! By now no single german (counter proverb of hu-man) is sure how facts approval, just did nobody ever had been able to have it approved; germans didn't have an interest in concepts like democracy, humanism or friendly treating animals, since starting population the landscape around land central europe. And then it accidently...

Con Serva Torero

Cierre al Publicó. Catastrophico! Han gañao una partida los astmaticas, nivelado estatales grado. El postparismo ha conseguido continuar instalar comida su mensaje izquierda o derecha no tiene que ser existente a partir del lo ahorro. De momento del gobierno, de los post pactistas, viene el fin de expresión de opiniones, libre son los trabajadores a partir como por intercambio. Ellos estan por delante sus buscadas de encontrar verdaderos bancos frescitos. Deseo postre, toma queda. Temas hay, tantos resultaban de la fraude general. Civilizaciones. Las conozidos alianzan contra pierde del dinero. Multan la traicion de la nuestra, sobre todo efecta a los banqueros, en particular los quienes han inciendo el fuego y la ruptura de todos mercados. La amenable destruccion de vivienda, de la vida y las subidas de los impuestos por todos pobres sin un euro, ha afectado ya los ricos, o mejor: los "dueños" del dinero negro. A gañar en nuestros dias tampoco tienen los mismos idiotas de siempre. Unicamente no se cae a los sueldos, de las ratas. Trabajo sin terminando tenemos mucho, luego, y aún progreso en niveles nunca ha sido popular, les pagar garantize tanta sola cazar las has. Berlin. Niños gobiernan, o valido, trate de la cancion los quieren ser capaz. Los piratas entran a respuesta mayoría niñera tierra toda, con un deficit fiscal bajo 4% sin permisio en los parlamentos; la juventud excluyen mayores igual como sus propios...


Decision made. Whenever the point in time has come, but that the C³PI experimental code will be having been transformed into 'real' source structures (hdd space assigned), the then used perl programs will be released out of sight. Not really a release behind, more an opportunity for extremization of the existing categorys (rubriques), though creating nothing but one for development and programming related storys (so many text files to squeeze out the fun right beaten). Maybe by the end of this year, or early 2014-hex (hopefully!) could be just in time. When one-way code has done his distance, what means that it will no longer be used as requirement since having it transformed (refactorings around applied including documentation) into designs which deserve the term, then! Bedding some of the rubbish code (perl experiments for study reasons but not the trashbin) could be satisfying all 'em curious. Not too much regarding counter lessons. Scope of extensibility of $this, in any case, useful to order the mess caused for thousands of deep-thought annual circuits & loopidles additionally. Yuhu! Maybe a certain cat (e.g. dev) jumps out mindlogged. A new one, planned so long ago already nearly now forgotton fast, to be far ahead than reality tells. A rather nightmare owned behalfs. "Herr Paaaa'wlikk' zu hülfäää!!" 'Bau auf a ka dä mie'

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polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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