Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Free trade contracting

Merchandise it. On Marijuana planting, all around the Rocky Mountains, for a land smoking free. Americans as they are, from a dishwash to be millionaire - without hard work of course - that's what they dream of for a lifetime. Usually before they fall to depression, be it great or not, and why in particular they are all rumored to be in need of a psychatrist. Which others understand pretty well, however do some nowadays get, there are alternatives, and they try the usual dreamy way. Businesses are ramping up production (..) what could be a billion-dollar industry. Certainly it is. Which explains pretty brightly why the mafia's interest in will prevent a legalization process. But the entrepeneurs (..) are strugling with (..) conducting a business that the federal government considers a crime. Well. Like mentioned, because for this so called federal government being the criminals side on, the money will go dircetly into pockets of them arguein against the existence of the state. With steep excise and sales taxes proposed, the industry could be a big revenue booster for the state. The TEA Party will oppose it. Altough nobody knows what they think about pot, which most probably they want to be illegal. Complying with a thick and evolving book of state regulations is another challenge. By the way, smoking pot not necessarily implies the disability to read. Rather the belonging to TEA Partys and federal governments does, however. Source[s]/Quelle [n]: Guardian Weekly -...

- os2 -

the history of a tragedy in blue. big balls over shit of DOS stops, only trouble came sad since try buy. no sure, black market free copys were around /2. how the presentation manager was a milestone, with a script face interrupted since. that's really such a shit bug. why nobody took by?! cheap dollar by big uncle from a rupt bank. no any ever made it such a clear type, and what an UI shall give by user's mobiles. or is finger tips, toed by mouse'o'red button press hit. even linux, equipped with the right interface (assumed by *DE with a fair wall of functions building shell-by) still misses some minor ideas from the REXX/Batch-line. and once there was a virtual filesystem, beyond HPFS, partly but hardly in concurrency to the ext*. as far remembered the driver api was much more delighted in terms of engineering, however. some would mind to say OS/2 was the first win-emulator of all. but it had it included, on top the one of a DOS-VM. and that's a true fact!

PoC Log 3

Making an app you've done a dynamic, this is impossible. But you're data will be and the tense of println[s], almost in any and every case the point of start-prog. Variants are static either, and end up a parameter each, usually. A: <br /> b@puter:~$ release.[exe]<br /> <br /> DEBUG - &lt; :281&gt; - load environment of system variables.<br /> DEBUG - &lt; :281&gt; - variables read out.<br /> DEBUG - &lt; :281&gt; - here: /home, root = $HOME/$EXEC/<br /> DEBUG - &lt; :281&gt; - cfgs under: /home/cpi/etc<br /> DEBUG - &lt; :281&gt; - adjust internal libary search path.<br /> DEBUG - &lt; :283&gt; - start -&gt; load library path for custom perl modules from '/home/cpi/lib/pl' ./. orig: '/home/cpi/lib/pl'.<br /> DEBUG - &lt; : 53&gt; - ::env/root - $HOME/$EXEC/<br /> DEBUG - &lt; : 53&gt; - ::---/project - laf<br /> DEBUG - &lt; : 53&gt; - ::lib/perlpth - /home/cpi/lib/pl<br /> DEBUG - &lt; : 53&gt; - ::---/tmpl - /home/cpi/lib/tmpl<br /> DEBUG - &lt; : 53&gt; - ::---/pspace - /home/ubnw/cyberpunk<br /> DEBUG - &lt; : 53&gt; - ::.../cpicntws - /home/ubnw<br /> DEBUG...

Politisches Tagebuch Seriennr 00128

Das andere. Steht anders wo, unter wo sowieso. Unter regalverschnitt.

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