Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012

Struct WinNo

Some Working Notes ./. The seven of start-up.

Title of today's lesson: »How to program chaos, do so inside it, and make the mess even bits bigger.«

1. Parsing of unsorted collector files, pre-structuring blocks of content.
. hard wired, perl driver, parser generators would be oh so wonderful oh yes!
. foo-name: cpi/pm - have-in-mind 'project' giving an overview of cpi core concepts, by using such, implemented like a cpi-based reference project.
. extending at all ends @round.
. !!WARNING!! nothing for disconnected brains, as making heavy use of complex itext variant.
. the real brain teaser of all, heavily relying on parsing concept adjustable.
° hard stuff!

2. Publishing release material, Classifier:WebObjects.
. still spaghetti type-of-code, instead of a real parser; which is the real target.
. main idea: there are items to discuss for publish. what can't be said beforehand, here's why:
. meta-meta- and meta-types. classifications required.
. as: main - sub - item; trees of nodes folding leafs.
. what the metatype term signals: no idea still!

3. Batchelor, batch jobs processed.
. shall be in conjunction with fortran leaned staple job cards; C-S-V.
. batch of everything available as a tool, an application or program of the third kind.
. for main's, sub's, items and so on, file upload and more, download storage and the likely, and too flexible for shell insurance eg.
. all not that difficult.

4. Class design, weird, multi-approach, hard to predict.
. perl is something different than java than xsl, but the modular packaging shall be everywhere the same.
. as well as modules themselves, their names, or classes programmed.
. done etext ways yet. and that's the tragedy about the parsing lineup.

5. WebServiceInterlocutor, is one of the module-classes.
. relates to executables, located in their very particular folders.
. means: for every core tool (count = 2*32) there is a set of classes doing the work.
. not just one!

6. Xent - XmlEntityTraitor, another executable, with four main implementing classes.
. here comes the command-pattern, which does a lot on the implementation tasks.
. target-1: database operations on either a dbms for xml data (not yet) or simply xml files (early pt).
. typical cases: crud; create, read, update, delete.

7. X-S-L.
. personal favourite language, 3 in 1 (XSL, XPath, XQuery, fourth would be regular expressions).
. functional library based upon commercial-grown components for great-stuff print-reporting generation.
. generative approach already established, old fo-(e)x(tended)f(ramework) needs to be reworked.
. by design, module packaging, namings, everything else and to make it extendable to the FO specification in particular.
. new implementations hiding: office products (reminder: no MS, OpenOffice only first).
. new feature in try out sessions: macros.
. Whoo!

+ Records, are types, relate, embed, depend, are concept, do help lot, structure, classify and help further, would be oo helpful; if the admins had a clue bout, if we had more time to teach how prog is donely; and once installed, makes happy by our shell script kiddings.
~ still work in progress.

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