Montag, 29. April 2013

Boston Spring Blast

"If god does love you, we do later. If the devil does so, just deny, he'll do it never for a bedroom fast."

The 18th's IHT hardly reports about the bombing of the Boston Marathon. Few stuff on the commentary pages, from a distance.

This attack of terror almost happened in american and overseas TV only, it is little noticed in the writing media world - maybe.

One and only thing we learn that got it onto page 1 is the big invention of an artificial solution using a software which is able to identify people, by their faces expressions.

Lethally, as such a term of suspect enough to give a hint upon them, america praises video taping as a cheap mean to produce a murder in review afterwards.

Which does help on quotas. Bad series reinvented either. Makers of the programs prove to be unable escaping code of evil axis.

However do smart people in states recognize, likelihood of blastings grows by every weapon sold.

Some could use it. Never thought of so how could we expect it?!

Bowling for funerals.

United Kingdom. The photo shooting from the iron lady's inhumation (giving the idea about what should be done to friends of her from inside the underground streets of alzheimer) takes us to a big image pixel point important.

The layout having the english royal family on the left, with the people attending on the right, will remind the powers to be why the big mass turns so.

Or claiming plurals on behalf of.

Burn to ashes walls created torches made it.

Terror Part II.

Cooking from a backpackers perspective tells, explosives carried nylon pressure hot pot on a rizin.

Smoke sound disallowed.

Frames per picture and per pixel anyway will end up mission war-on by the end of years a million.

Meals of bastards polluted by mininukes from their patent applicants counterparts.

It's good against evil, rather simple to conclude why people from Nigeria must not ask for justice confronting judge in an Uncle Sam's hat.

Conquest of oilfields are international standard compelled from corporations in the "present" - denying justice towards black folks has a strong tradition by amendments.

Independence of day.

Carrying blood liquid driving a car is backed up by declaration.

Accidents drunken are application of Second beyond, cars are either, combined both the mission since Columbus.

Citys to mess up: Boston got a run to hunt the right ones.

Once hopefully. Or we come do for!

NATO's mission.

Source: international herald tribune, Apr/18/2013.

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