Samstag, 31. Juli 2010

Independent Casualties

Driving matters, but dangers your health. 23.7. - local standard paper. Opener.

Spain. Blanco boosts cheque changing, as letter of cambio. Con style, he he. The spanish development minister, ministro de fomento - José Blanco, that's really his name, cancels 18 contracts to private companies in the road- and infrastructure- business. Hard to tell from the outside perspective, if it was necessary as those companies are 'owned' by the masterhood people, impossible it's not. Funny those days how the iberian state jeopardizes the territorial integrity, even more, how it is succesful by. PP gets under pressure. The "responsible for the economy" Cristóbal Montero was snap shot. Fine fine, imprison him when it's clear that he's the bad guy. It's good to know for sure. And postfascism laws help falsify fingertips, method of choice and hurry up with the lock up! Neither generation changes nor new foundations are build up overnight. New names asked? Here we are, to remind a few starters: SPD - Seleccion Puristico Deninsulare, CDU - Conservadores Decadentes Unionido, o por ejemplo, FDP - Falangista Doble Prueba. Todos tres son permitido en Espaiña, solamente en Alemoney they will be illegal. That's why, "soluciones por ayuntamientos" at least is a good slogan, taken from the past, and best place to try from zero again. Only option that's stable.

Den Haag. The very very high court useful in international affairs in the dutch city skyline defines: - attention please! - the kosovo indepence declaration in 2008 "does not violate any internationl law". Nothing is said on the war leading there though, and keep in mind. Anyway it's more a question if someone takes them serious for having a state defined. Russians doubt, spain too, rather easy to stay the line til kg.ud. Any sign of constitution written? By then we wait before acknowledged or the people over there find a nation's basement not meant for backlot of criminals. And by the point reached, more remarks are necessary. Kosovarians hardly had an option since NATO bombed to get hands on former genocide ally Milosevich, for whatever betrayal imagined. Right now we're still not sure the whole plot was done to have a new small place of money-inc. And that's what makes the difference to others claiming nation status, Catalunya, Kurdistan, Bavaria and else! They don't hide anything, have sub-constitutions, and as far as we know they hunt the bad guys.

UK. Nick Clegg turns face telling the truth. Calling the irak invasion illegal, as the new position of, he obiously tries to get rid of his chicken image; for sure it is, as he is. Like it or not! Leading sentence of the master race group. Bubb 'up.

Venezuela. During a recent edition of his road show series Hugo Chavez turned heel on Alvaro Uribe (who retired from active sports actually), demonstrating the big glamour his gimmick relies on, giving one more lesson of "How the Yankees do'dle". Rumours if he plans to put his all-american intercontinental belt on the line, or if it's a fake from both, as they are forming a new number one contender team for the world tagteam championship, are around. Sure, it could be Chavez plans to get Maradona as team manager for the national football selection, as he accompanied him to the ring for photo sessions. On the other, with Maradona as trainer for the new stable on stage, he has nothing to win. Remember the world cup desaster when cried argentina! Diego leaves a good impression doing politics though, he should think about or why it's so much equal to his native discipline. Unbelievable how much the united states must be burning to the interior, when he has time for musclefat show fights with cocaine misusers. So to be serious, someone should remind them having different things to do, getting all back on mission teaming up the yanks' defeat. Or wait, got it, it must be that Chavez wants to get a shot on Ahmadinedjad's world title and Uribe backs up for ref distraction.

Could work.

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