Donnerstag, 4. März 2010

New Techno for the Eco Logics

Feria por cambio loco toro, Zapatero visits Cebit. The spanish chief of government took a photo shot with fakechancelor Merkel. Kingdom underground daily Publicó had an image presented showing the both of them unified with some set of multi medial glasses, letting the both of them rather look funny than head of cabinet. If it will help them filtering out the rose was not really reported. Worth mentioning anyway, that, after some mail sent to him in between with words of power needed obviously, at least Zapaporo got the message and why europeans need a stronger connection to south america, which still is so far away. What he said, according to the spanish newspaper, sounded like "in spanish homes we prefer german products". Hard to understand as modern stuff from the land of Goethe and Schiller is not what it used to be anymore. Good technology nowadays comes from Korea, Japan or China, and as long no children had to assemble it, nothing can be said against. Of course a spanish home as such is better at all. Equipped the right way it can be close to paradise, in compareance to germoney where the best technology cannot overcome the country's lack of life insurance.

And here we are again, the german supreme court stops preemptive data pooling. According to the judges the laws that forced telecommunication companies to store connection data for half a year were declared as private sphere violation. Good the constitutional guards found out too, even if historically it isn't very common that the court decides against the country's traditions. But to be honest, recent decisions give minor hope for germans who still care on human rights. Records stored have to be deleted immediately, another prompt for SQL delete from big_brother where number_of_crime is unknown_anyway. Funny sideline, Mrs Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger of the liberal-democrats (party of germany's actual major heel Dr Guido Double-U) and reigning fake attorney general was the representative in the courtroom to receive the government's defeat decision, which is seen as one of the most slapping for any coalition in recent history. Herself cased against the law in Karlsruhe when still part of the opposition. Now she is kind of a looser with a smiley painted black king celebrating.

Words of highness. None of those laws helped for "war on, terror", neither one or the other way around. The Neocon clique, examples taken Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice or Wolfowitz, italian-thief Berlusköter, "Traitor" Aznar, Netan Yahu and don't forget "Number-one enemy" Bin Laden, like oh so many more again, still remain unlocked, so most probably anti-terror acts missed targets in a global manner.

The HIV topic once more. The "After-think-pages" remain sceptic on the issue of german unemployed folks, and if they will get more after the court speech on the genocide meant labour market reform on the agenda. An interview with the supreme court's passing president obviously provokes more doubts than anything else, the notion of a soup kitchen state is what author Wolfgang Lieb gives us to keep on watching. What he fears in particular is that nothing will change to a good, needless to say how everybody else expects it too. But then it could be worth thinking for a second about the importance in terms of politics of this man being so present these days. The fact that the supreme court is not meant to define a minimum required for the right of existence is pretty obvious, recent decisions on other matters still give us hope that the government will get the message one day around. Although, and to agree with Lieb, not very likely.

Bio warfare. The European Union's commission allows BASF to plant it's genetic potatoe "Amflora". Must be a backshot. Like a Frankfurt located newspaper (FR) states it pretty simple, nobody needs it, except the company and other biological terror orgs. Resistance is futile although everybody called to try and burn that crap whereever set out on the fields. Unbelievable how it still can happen law making representatives decide against the will of 70% from the consumers. Ever heard about democracy? Abbreviated GM food, it intoxicates natural ressources, and maybe that's why we don't want it. Nothing is said against research on biology as long it stays clean, just are there doubts this so called research really shall be called like that and then this shit is rather environmental pollution as of the contamination to what responsible farmers seed. Why isn't there money for research on biological processes in case such a potatoe shall be used for paper production and the like? It would be all ok if genetic products are never set free, means that nothing but in-house production is allowed under strict regimes to ensure the planet remains how it is and what we promised to keep it for later generations. Everything else is nothing but organized crime, against european constitutions all around and by that it's oh so shameful how often we as people have to recall it.

Next stop. American opinion on germany gets better measures these days, "der Spiegel" reports. Reply of the misanthrope: guys, please keep in mind, we still have a rather bad one on the US on the opposite. Your war criminals still are free, so be careful with news crossing the ocean unless you want to decrease it to zero. Another detail has to be reminded to highlight what we're after. Only ones ever having made use of nuclear weapons were americans burning Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Rather unlikely anyone would do again since, except themselves or their zionic allies for the mission of stealing arab oilfield resources. But that one comes immediately after. Turkey. The military planned a putsch, nothing new indeed. They do all night long since Atatürk formed the nation. Just did the military release files to prove it, or maybe it's nothing but another fake, part of the crippling NATO empire to inform what's going on behind the scenes. In Berlin.

Israel, Mossad and the image of terror-propaganda. The post-nazi flock occupying palestine continues to try convincing us the stupid. As if late murder attempts from their so-called secret service, again on other peoples territories, would not have been the teardrop to exceed the pint of beer already, advertisement for holy-war attitudes goes on like business as usual. Israeli "citizens" were instructed to flood the world with big lies like embassadors of apartheid. However this wannabe nation is presented in the world nowadays, it relates to armed robbery of syrian golan heights, occupation of eastern jerusalem, west bank intrusion, house demolition and so on and so on. Needless to mention that settlers of course don't hinder the peace, they just don't want, nor can they spell it. And how much earlier arabs were humans before jewish yahu versions hardly can be determined, israelian bombs have destroyed historic artefacts for evidence almost completely. Die Süddeutsche states how the right-winged bastards get more and more into defense, and that the united kingdom has become a dangerous place for israelian politicians as a matter of consequence. Some of them await warrants of arrest, like Benjamin Netanyahu for example, although in Dubai, found in french paper Liberation. Great done, and jeez again, i luv those people, spectacles of fury. Back to england, for hugging monkey island: god save the queen.

More news on the cannabis and psycho line could be found as well. Rumors are around that THC provokes psychologic disease. Hard to say who came to a conclusion like that, as a lot of people smoking hasch and mariuahana are pretty well off and many are famous for being unable to stop laughing once inhalation took place. Either you are a psichotic, then of course it can become even worse, but maybe that's better than drinking liters of wine which overtune reality and which could be some people might want us to. It's kind of interesting that a chemical drug like alcohol is legal, because it really addicts humans in a way their bodies get destroyed meanwhile anything natural is set to be gene manipulated with patents privatizing creation beyond it's pride. Namely us.

Hi Jim, got my funny stuff?

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