Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

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News Quickrunner. Days since recent summary, language changes as excercising the nationality cut-off only shall help for projects establishing piece. Topic for entry, scandal in spain. The former crime governor "Jay Mariquita" Aznar raised the evil finger as reply to students protesting and confronting him with the truth. Due to news reporters it happened at Oviedo University where he spoke to some audience stupid enough to applaude to his ever same babbling bullshit. Spanish folks with an IQ made use of their right to free speech and called him a fascist, a criminal of war and that's what he is. His reply was even more stupid than what we expected already, so he was cited as follows: "There are people who want to demonstrate they cannot live without me". So here we go Mr. Assnarr. Even a fucking Yahu like you should get a simple thing. The outcome of eight years in office we can see nowadays with one of the biggest recessions ever seen, but still they were not enough to reinstall fascism in spain although the damage to the nation as such is higher than we as humans should ever have accepted you were able to. The war in Iraq was an aggression, no matter if your grade of cognitive intelligence is enough to understand or not, and it was with respect to either international or spanish law. The spanish constitution states it pretty clear, so even this monkey imitation should be able to get the message. Article 8 - maybe he never had read the text nor would he be able to understand what a constitution as such is thought for - says that spanish troops are meant to defend the spanish territorial integrity, spanish sovereignity and especially their major mission is to guarantee the constitutional order this bloody bastard meant to turn back francismo. Nothing is said about the right to declare war on other countries or against the own population, like for example in the french one. As a matter of consequence the number one job of every spanish soldier is to capture him, lock him up and deliver down into hell for reasons of high treason. The facts important for the courts are pretty well known to every spaniard around. What does this primate think he has the right to criticize the actual government, as they have to struggle with Aznarism still?! Not to forget his successor as leader of PP Mariano Rajoy who suffers too from the results of former policies populare. So who was the real one starting the fire, the torch like he called Zapatero, eh? To repeat the summarizing facts. He is a criminal of war, obviously on boat with fascists and gives no fucking shit about spain as a nation, we'd rather like being able to live without him and his fellows once and for all. Den Haag would be a good place to deliver forward to. Sincerely.

Military Coup in Niger. The african nation recently saw an overthrow of reigning president Mamadou Tandja who leaves the impression of being corrupt enough that regime change was the only option. Most interesting fact for western nations is that the country is seen as one of the major distributors of uranium, a topic discussed highly controversial all around the planet these days. Newspages report that it was Tandja who ruled in kind of an authoritarian manner, with a change of the country's constitution last year to enable him to stay in office for another term, which was not allowed by then. Dictators tend to do what they like and so it's not unlikely the military really plans to reinstall Niger's former constitution and to return to democracy afterwards. German government was cited being afraid. Laughter for repitition, how the constitutional order needs to be reinstalled there too is not even required to tell. Especially them better shut up, denn wer im Glashaus sitzt behält die Steinewerfer besser verschlossen. But that's a different themeboard, Joschka Fischer and others are no more part of the ruining clique. However was it not the first military coup in Niger, no wonder though, as the continent as a whole was target of civil wars, american interests and the like for long periods of time. If and only once, a coup like that would happen in a different place. We all would be so grateful for. US diplomatic notes welcomed the coup. Interesting, and then it's somehow obvious why sometimes a military intervention inside a country is the final option to secure lifes of human subjects. Shall have happened not only on the black continent, where they said to have it under control now and the curfew got canceled pretty soon. To find out which turnovers were dictatorial and which not, it is as easy as having a look where presidents, emperors or all the variants known got killed, by whom, but especially: where not.

Meanwhile the socialist discussion raised by Dr Guido W, chief of german liberal democrats, seems to go on. Actually there is talk that, against the supreme courts decision which rejected the H-IV laws as being in contra to the constitution, to cut off welfare even more while credits for banks rupted were thrown out in billions. People without a job, who are kept as too lazy, shall be sanctioned even harder than the illegal laws forced already. Hard to guess what really is behind, if german parliament plans to change into an authoritarion regime with capitalists in charge of power and not only puppet on the string for hangman, or if the real antisocials who never worked a single hour of their life will be imprisoned this time. Enabling acts are rather unlikely and a new Führer personality is hardly to be seen, which could be the good news. Rather impossible to see what really is going on in Berlin offices behind the scenes. More interesting anyway is something completely different. The german Federal Environment Agency made an announcement with potential to shock the world of energy supplyment. Nuclear power plants, meant to be shutdown somewhere in the far future, became officially classified as completely useless. The agency stated that renewable energy shall provide 40% of the power required by 2020, which can be seen as a surprise. Why not a hundred percent they didn't tell. Funny thing about, even parts of the CDU, a former backer of the nuclear criminal gangs turns face on the issue. Minister of environmental affairs Norbert Röttgen nowadays announces the end of nuclear power in germany for the year 2030. Better than nothing. As by now there's still no concept around what to do with the rubbish produced by plants, and that's why it is a pretty good idea to take them of the net immediately and let them pay who stole our money that way besides all the others. Hard to understand why Obama announced to finance such a criminal way of energy production with money from american tax-payers beyond, as he leaves a good impression on any other matter.

Being with the united states it's time to switch back to the terror line. The former vice-dictator Richard Cheney and leader of remaining faschos can't stop his hatred filled attacks on democratically elected governments. Reuters had some funny story prepared on the work-in-progress feud between both sides. Cheney, who must be an expert on the notion of terror, warns the reigning flock in the white house on new attacks against the united states. Whatever his plans for new hijacks are, maybe a try for another 9/11-like plot, Joe Biden keeps them as very unlikely. The question if the Obama administration is weak on national security can't be answered before the day we either know the Neocons judged for their war crimes, at the place build for cases like them, or not. Someone should tell the republican party or so called conservatives organized in CPAC and the tea-party movement to better stop boring the world with the ever same nonsense, that the united states are the chosen country. We shall never forget who were the ones starting countless wars at the beginning of the century, and beforehand. On the other it's not even wrong that the fight against terror needs to be extended. To have it complete, waterboarding Cheney - best done in Guantanamo - is only one of the "capabilities on the table" to do so amd shut this war criminal's mouth. Humans of all kind are nothing but sick when still having to listen to something like 'being led by god'. It would be smarter to face the fact only once, that the big man has the power to lead both directions, heaven and hell for those who deserve the latter. But let's speak on some of the reasons for the Iraq invasion leading over to biological warfare. Good to know, that genetic corn from the american agrar bio-terror group Monsanto remains forbidden in germoney. The company's product MON 810 produces some poison against a "particular pest". Which one this means is what we would like to know, but the christian-socialist lead ministry of agriculture was right to forbid it, and for whatever reason Monsanto gave up their legal means trying to poison us with their crap for the time being. Next stop, thousand and the one night. Telepolis informs about the interesting. Iran, a nation under attack by chemistry in the past, out of american plants most probably, obviously has completely different goals than western propaganda wants us to believe. The country becomes more and more a nation of science, as the number of published articles in the academic world grew overproportional compared to earlier times and to other countries. Dictatorships usually aren't known to support concepts like universities. They could prove the non-intelligence factor guiding. Hard to get what some american fellows think that democracy or a constitution is about. Or conservatism.

Tiger Woods turns back buddhist. MSNBC gives news to analyze. Having been involved into scandals and accidents his time has come to find back to his basic values. Not that an explicit advise for him to rely on principles of buddhism would have happened, anyway it is better than following that Fox News analyst called Brit Hume who meant Tiger to better become a false christ, as they can be found in millions in states. Therefore, Mr. Woods, whatever this man means he knows anything about how you should organize your very life, most probably he has no hell of clue on either buddhism nor christianity. And then we can expect you to be aware of the usual empty promises made by american reborn christs taking their so called faith for self righteous greed. Stay your believes however you call it, low-advice then from an expert. Comparing the way the rebirth issue is treated in US political life with how it's done in buddhism does not really speak for the neocons. Additionally they are pretty late, the nineteen-thirties and forties demonstrated the outcome early on from german fascist counterparts talking about "german rebirth", and for sure they all together got told some two and a half thousand years ago what all of them tried selling us as their idea after industrial revolution had taken place. Needless to mention, why of course they will be responsible themselves whenever they will find out that there still could be some system called hell burning the evils. Ethic is a hard topic, first it requires intelligence, and second nobody can escape karma. Not even under rules of US broadcasting.

The dutch government of christian- and social-democrats breaks apart over Afghanistan. Great! As a researcher on DLF mentioned, it is the first time a coalition in the netherlands falls over domestic policies. Maybe a model for germany as we need our troops back home to help reinstalling the constitutional order after criminals incited for war aggression. Only difference, dutch elections expected for may will be legal. But back to spain once again. Due to the New York Times these days Zapatero "insisted" the end of the recession is near. Hard to say, it would be better anyway, although it can not be stated too often that he is hardly responsible for a weak economy after those eight years when a terrorist occupied La Moncloa. One thing the actual government is doing completely right shall not be forgotton. Only reply to a recession we are confronted with for more than two years already rather is deflation. Like it or not, cut off the vermins from the markets and prices fall without the working people loosing anything. Other chiefs in office are advised to better take the lesson. Life in spain still is cheaper than in northern europe. A loaf of bread for 20ct give even poor people at least a chance to survive. Zapatero preferred to not comment the action of Assnarr, and so it's up to kingdom underground representing spanish folks one more time. Giving the finger to those he doublecrossed for sure gives a bad image about spain and tells everything about the person Aznar is, on the other how could it be worse than the image given by his election in 1996!? Another detail raising doubts is the kind of university it must be that provides speech opportunity to a dumb man. So by the treason case, let's imagine the stupid, but Aznar would take over power again. Not very likely he could, just would it be the spanish army then and which would have the right for coup. Article 8 got mentioned and because of his proven anti-legal attitudes, the whole truth is that it would be their duty. And then there is the higher number of ETA commanders captured recently, which is just another point for the PSOE led government. News start boring the audience, maybe piece comes closer.

But students were right.

Seviva españa.

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