Sonntag, 28. März 2010

Quickchannel Antiterror Op

Epi centre. Jim not only got the funny stuff, most probably the message oh beyond. After Sarkozy another of the crazy f*ck*r's face turn is rumoured to come closer. The monkey island's title holder Gordon Brown looks as if he wants to be in touch with the fans again, with his foreign minister Miliband who made the audience going nuts. Some sixty-two years after "Al-Akba" the united kingdom starts learning lessons from history and who can say if british food will become enjoyable by that.

Anyway, recent news left the world of global politics in fury with the Mossad Chief in London sent back home to Palestine, a mere result of the zionists cloning of british passports, which was meant to fool the world on their murder of a Hamas man in Dubai; remember, Hamas was elected democratically by palestinian people a few years ago as the ones better dealing for their interests. The english prime minister himself did not appear on-stage, however, did he let his secretary of state do the tough work announcing the expellement as finisher move out of the toolkit of diplomacy. At the same time Barack Obama took care of the israelian war crime justifier B. Netanjahu, who claims the right for his so-called nation to what is completely against UN conventions and a rather 3rd Reich tradition; new house building on palestinian territory once again was announced at the time of his stay in Washington. The meeting in the white house interestingly was held without any public action, no photo shot, shake hands, press meeting or similar; which can be seen as the beginning of a diplomatic avalanche, how Haaretz called the whole plot. Especially after Australia was rumoured to send home some diplomats, too. Another funny detail found in the british telegraph is the story of the dinner. Obama obviously left Netanjahu sitting to give him an opportunity to rethink how low his chances are to get support in the States these days. Barack Obama went eating with the family instead of wasting time with a stubborn criminal. Well done boy! Hopefully the veto members of the UN security council keep their excercises of global democracy and Israel as the rogue state it is famous for by majority of votes.

Hard to guess how jewish folks in Kanaan could elect sombody who does not even know the capital of his country. We all thought Tel Aviv being what this terrorist said to be Jerusalem, on the other nobody expects him having listened to anything, since back into schooldays. Another question unanswered goes like this: Israel is not even a state under nations, how can it have a capital then? And next, to say it with the words of a bad guy, why do Britain, France or maybe China not use some two or three of their nukes and the whole middle east story is solved once and for eternity?! Or could we ask Bill Gates, who recently made it into the news with his new business idea on small nuclear plants, to have few of them exploding all around the dead sea when testing? Nobody would bemoan the loss of it, nor the remaining parts of the masterrace. Get out the good jews, wipe the settlements off the hills and blast the rest. Waiting a hundred years and we can found a purely muslim palestine with no more pigs eaten as the area had been koshered.

So for the any case, the ongoing provocation of the settlement gang better is rejected as harsh as catch can, delayment of the pseudo peace process is reality already, guess who is responsible. But let's have a look when the time has come for the "British Bulldog" Gordon B. to ask for title shots in the world league. Doubts are around by now because of the Iraq invasion, which still is handled as having been justified although the real mass murderers travel around carribean islands and similar.

Big Ben(g)

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