Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010

Quickhash for Breakup Sequence

Open panther. The spanish newspaper "el mundo" informs about raising tensions between spanish authorities and german so-called counterparts. Eggs got rollin about plans of our local government which proposes higher sanctions for european countries acting economically totally stupid. Hard to guess at all why it is the german media world attacking Zapa Paro, especially as it was rumoured to be the FAZ, mistakenly called the most prestigeous german daily. Pls, editores españoles, recuerde una cosa por la eternidad: el diario mas prestigioso aleman se llame "Bild". Fits better the level of education the majority of people has - in germany, although hard to tell which is the real hardcore conservatives newspaper in terms of the country's understanding. Never forget how it was them having started the most outrageous war in human history and with respect to what N-TV reports on the weak economy southbound we shall stay relaxed, it tells everything about them when the pointing fingers are those not having even 20€ for children, and who could start nation-building otherwise, anymore. Typical german behaviour once again, better believe it, they don't change their attitudes! More clashes were reported by CNN+, although someone might wonder why they are still united with us europeans and when payment of bills refusing so strongly.

Baff tagged. Beim Thema geblieben. Seehofer fleht bildlich um Beistand von oben im Spiegel. Bavarians love it to wish mob the ladder white up boards, maybe that's why. Cultural revolution praised and assumed he plans really to stay the christian socialists as number one party in europe under folder succesful, it's pretty clear he hopes for bavary extra sausage; the kingdom of whitebeer equator hookers gap frontier talery of course could become a minuke republic, why not; in case they stand the core thesaurus, negotiations could start if turkey include after thanksgiving tables took places and only said may be. Regional banks got plundered during the reigning got brainwashed amigowise. Hypo christ alpined and heading over to adrenalin mafia connection with intermission on couples of blow job emission, just in time for the crimes men expectations recommented. Beforehand a theme disgusting either the both directions via mountains. Portugal legalizes gay marriage as Publicó and the New York Times stream the networkers. Only thing really interesting about is that portuguese people need four parties lefthand, sincerely a model for export to whereever they are too split up for reasons on other occassions. The minority governs again, but which one is uncertain, a common effect on it's own when kept separated. From now on portuguese same sex marry partners can earn in between each other the testament. Matrimonial, marincones, y seguro que todos nosotros nos preocupamos como se puede ser de verdad. Roman-catholic offices rejected commentary on what the pope said to the loss of another of his sheep-homelands.

Berluscuota. Bloodies him empty. Again the Publicó acompanied to the ring by NYT shows photos how well the sicilian emulation recovered his severe knock-out at the advent a la buster crackdown. As if we'd care about, his announcement to start working again was mildly ignored, what it means in general is well known all over the continent. He shall have spent so much money in france recently, which rightfully belongs to italian pizza bakers and others, that it really could be he's right at least with his vision for an end of the crisis in 2010. It affected even his self how he told us, so in the end the artefacts too challenging for his state of liberty got stolen like everything else he calls his property and therefore it's still possible he could be driven too much by optimism; but for sure we can't await it. To be honest folks, this guy is such a slimeball seen the visageary, that it's hard to get why we as such allow to call himself a man; scars would give his face the right touch of uglyness instead of that sweet-talker's milkbutt booby lift skin. Big hits and nasty cuts, was Twisted Sister, just way better for play it loud mutha. F*cker!

Allah and the prayers. Malaysia suffers from missing tolerancy concepts implemented. Being a country majorly muslim, their government thought it would be an offense for them if christian believers are allowed to use the word of Allah. Interesting what Telepolis has prepared once in a while. Malayian high court voted against what the political leaders decisions were and kind of declared them illegal. A pity though that clashes took place when painting churches black became expression of extreme sporters. Addressing the latter: guys, please, midage is over. However you like it!

Ukraine. Viktor Yanukovich once again wants to strengthen ties to Russia in case he wins elections. Likely of course that his agreement to europe is true beyond. Mainstream european way means nothing at all, so nothing against as long as the opponent gets not attacked by chemistry again like years ago. All but easy to understand the world of the soviet post-empire, although he must have reasons claiming to stay out of northern atlantic aggression treatys, his country is far away the ocean anyway and for sure as a whole better advised to follow him at least the very. By that Ukraine makes a perfect bridge to speakers Zarathundra, also.

Bologna und der Dipl.-Ing. A minor detail german academy could provide to recreation exams and similar, almost became distinct already, not to say: destroyed. After ten years trying to synchronize international university finisher concepts, lets call them titles, tears dropping for old times rehearsal have started lately. The internationally proven Master and Bachelor degrees are possible all around the german academial landscape nowadays, just what still would be a lot students preference sometimes even is forbidden depending on what regional lords think they know a bloody shit about. Why local types with sounding history like diploma engineers need to be cut off is hard to say, famous for usually being given only to people who really deserve, it never left the impression of making sense. Once again someone could ask if we should wonder that the world's economy slided into weak states since actual financial turmoils, when our past knowledge centers forgot what made them a solid foundation once upon a time. Writing a diploma thesis for sure is something different than a master, meant for more academic type of work whereas the engineer plans to stay practicioning for a lifetime in most cases. What the bachelor is useful for never caught my attention, and still i personally am proud of having old diploma. Boss was from greenies and did good backing up business. So for the boy's girls. International it's kind of fun to have a common class set, however, local instances shall not exhaust the object model, typification with more bits of flexible would not be such a bad thing. The sample of cheermoney, taken for having been into, makes a good choice to restart from the viewpoint of matter. Not everybody studying science or anything else wants a master and better don't make him, cause no any try of some boss he might have in the future who wants it to call him his 'After', will ever be tried out for items of IQ. Academy is such a complex thing that a world on it's own, systems of market are here-in developed but hardly tried out. Just for a phd, when finished college there, a more easy road would be useful, for sure practice proven title owners know how to improve research as better knowing what really is required. Especially it is the distinction between Fachhochschule and what's a university that makes germany an interesting place for reforms which turn out like working. Not jobbing.

Afghan culture anarchic solution revisit ed. Weekly Freitag, located in the german capital Berlin, repaints views of history when analyzing what was the real cause of things going wrong. The soviet union entered Afghanistan after some revolution was told having been and somehow friendly on the system called social. Just why Breschnew and the rest of the flock at Moscow Central Station did not get the part americans played when still on war since early fourties, never try find out, once an inquery got rolled down the mountain road maps, be sure the reasons hide for all the others - rot-hot attacks. Olympic games those days became a mere demonstration in which ways eastern doping practice was more effective back then and still years on later eastern german and russian sports men and women claimed the gold plates frequently more often. Just '84, meanwhile Los Angeles, western chances raised when it was the eastbloc this time missing. What happened once the wall was fallen promised more of confrontations. Bad luck then for the neocon f-regime, that russians became our friends by time most probably because they are as nice. Most time.

Military price intervention in Venezuela. Chavez posing his muscles to the region hegemony. Only real german readable morning lecture "die Tageszeitung" from Berlin gives mind spam to calculate. Being famous for his stunning methods of supporting proyectos gentales, the south-american local hero takes a joker at the point of investigation. His trick goes like 'downgrade local currency bolivar' to ensure the need to reply against terror acts insecuring big business. Eventually he learned the lessons told by euro intro when pulling a rabbit-like double-change-rate out of the melon and instruct soldiers to watch those trying on the money's market. Got'cha.

By the people. Spanish state tv speculations trigger received event-by. The failed ETA attack against Ash Narr in 2001 undermines theories about the boths dumb factor lowid. Being unsuccesful gives reason to assume he found out and Attocha was his revenge or should have been. Anyway his plane was subject of militia invests in the past and by that we are aware of how corruption on high levels ruined the pen in sueldo. Picture recordings by professional equipment and batteries gave the batallions a shoutcast. Hoo ray, x-olé and once he's locked up we celebrate like spanish do. En castellano. Ademas esperamos en estos momentos que se cobran los trabajoderes huel-gatos, empresas espana de todo tipo; en caso distinto tenemos mas equipos muy fuerte armado. That's it by now cause we are pissed for all their time being.

With kind regards.

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