Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

Backstage Dome Attacks

Recent events in the boot shareholding rules fed left the news world shocked, a bit. For ruthless tries to prevent a championship fight scheduled for happening, the italian main event occupier Sülvio Beerlostbloodshed provoked ongoing rumors on his ever lasting turn of values and a reply from kingdom underground, which for reasons of guys like him still is on-war, a pity as we all would like peace on-earth instead one day soon. News pages around raised doubts on the truth part of what especially the right-wingers want us to believe. Like usual.

Personally I doubt that the italian Primeminister understands anything and the rest, so it could be the attack was a fake. I mean, he owns the media down the pasta land, so who can know why. Let's, have a look. Single handedly.

Subtitle given:

Anhänger Berlusconis machen dessen politische Gegner für den tätlichen Angriff auf den Premierminister verantwortlich und wollen das Demonstrationsrecht beschneiden.

The latter we expected already, the G8 meetings of Genua, beginning millenium, send us regards. Fuck off!

Man kenne die Organisationen und Personen, die dahinter stehen.

Yes, and know. Kind of know them, don't know by person, but they don't do the verse way a round.

Mitschuldig sei auch das neue radikale Tagesblatt Il Fatto, das Cicchitto als „Morgenzeitung der Staatsanwaltschaft“

Aha, yeah, maybe, and sure by google or others let's get the ressource and syndicate e-streams. However, for sure it's best to prevent state attorneys doing their job, as far as we remembered it appears their task to care about criminals and protecting society from. What makes 'em checking the business behaviour of people installed laws of self-immunization for a lifetime is rather hard to understand for the all of us or that wanne be the ones protected. Yes yes, and a big teaser by nature why sarkasm runs our brains washed clean, not money.


Der Führer der Parlamentsmehrheit im Unterhaus pickte sich als nächstes Marco Travaglio heraus, der ein vor kurzem gerade veröffentlichtes Buch über Berlusconis Verbindungen zur Mafia geschrieben hat -

Well well, but we all know about, sure we do, and maybe the pope does, or should he? And then, excuse the child play, what is wrong about?! Issues of national (in)-security - maybe?

dieser Autor sei ein „Medienterrorist“.

Right, can live with that, think the term fits the oven cheesebaked well. But hey, for more of fury, want a title-shot, pls: call me space cowboy.

der Angriff vom Sonntag, bei dem der Premier eine gebrochene Nase, zwei abgebrochene Zähne und Schnittwunden an der Oberlippe davongetragen hat, war geplant.

Think so. And a bad theatre. Really. Isn't?


Interessante Frage: Warum eigentlich hatten weder das Hemd noch der Anzug von Italiens Ministerpräsident Silvio Berlusconi Flecken, obwohl ihm das Blut doch augenscheinlich nur so aus der Nase troff und sich bereits im Gesicht verteilt hatte?

No hell of a clue, have not been there, checked the movies. Ideas are welcome.

«Blutverlust von rund einem halben Liter»

Echt? Doubt it.

Es sei unglaublich, dass eine Fälschung vermutet werde, «nur weil Berlusconi nicht entsprechend den Erwartungen» geblutet habe, zitiert die britische «Daily Mail» Daniele Capezzone von der Popolo della Libertà.

Na ja, what we'd expect it is the one thing, what we do another, or how the real plot.

Von rund 48,6 Prozent im November ist der Wert auf satte 55,9 Prozent im Dezember geschnellt - dank der Attacke

Aah, but that's why, not? Or is it, this time?

And what about when we, do it, again, or try it, and survey another??

Got it!?

Of course the roman crime governor had reply in preparation, hypocrisy shall not be missing just because it's christmas time.

"Il Natale è un momento importante di riflessione per tutti gli uomini di buona volontà. Il messaggio di pace e di fraternità di Cristo, che dovrebbe regnare tra gli uomini, purtroppo viene dimenticato quando alla forza delle idee si risponde con la violenza verbale o financo fisica", scrive ancora Berlusconi.

As my italian is a rather nightmare this life, there is not too much I can get out of it, not so say, an understanding. Only thing that's easy, the imagination how he babbles something from christian values classified under blasphemy, when taking into count his tag-team appearances with the former american belt robber who took hostage of the white house and god's own country. Pretty obvious for fanclubs and face-supporters at the same time, why Bär Lust Quinte belongs to the false christs party though. Since the Million Dollars Ted I-brassed biased Asi, a no more existing secret foundation under four horsemen, value turns resulted in just the one cent man. Bills not included. Overall questionable beyond there is ability to write in general. After having lost his blood so much like mentioned not too likely.

And here we are, after bits of meantime. The above given remaining free-press sample paper headlines "Berlusconi: “Basta con clima di odio e violenza”". And because this is an option, one more sample can be given.

Solo un esempio: tutte le categorie, che non hanno nulla da temere dalla crisi perché sono garantite, come i dipendenti pubblici, che possono usufruire di un maggiore potere d'acquisto, dovrebbero decidere di non cambiare il loro stile di vita e i loro consumi.

In case he is talking about crisis, an item not to sure about, it is a good choice to change lifestyle, consume or what means maggi ore if not bottled. Let's say it like that: get him inprisoned, fed with water from the po layers and bread meals, no pizza!

Sack slams spanish media reports in a more ironic manner.

El Gobierno italiano ha descartado una ley para un mayor control de Internet

then, outside ring interference:

En su lugar, según anuncio el ministro del Interior, Roberto Maroni, se apuesta por un código de autorregulación

Hackmove: nope. Rejected! Nobody ever turned being able. Never!


"Nos hemos comprometido a elaborar propuestas y a constituir una mesa de diálogo ..."

Rejected again, don't sit down with that Mafiosi. Especially not for negotiating any thing. Nor do in dialogs.

One monologue.

buscar un acuerdo entre todos los actores que participan de Internet

Fine, want him jailed, cage-match, locked up.

"Por qué me odian tanto?"

Simple to explain. Odiar means to hate and because he is an asshole.


El hombre, que sufre problemas mentales y toma psicofármacos

Only take bio planted, for smokers lounge. Who is the real one, eh?

So to be crazy. Another reason why most probably the plot must be faked kind is the milan dome model made of alabaster. In german Gips, not gipsy and if someone would have really attacked him for loss of half liters, some thing more painful would have done the job sincerely.

Meanwhile Big Poppa Juppi tried a copy of the hardcore style at some house show around his hometown silent night and looked sliding better backed up in the hardcore stone rules lineup indeed. Amazing how this prowebber old like a tree already by now, still can mess up with the midage contestors. Having been heelside for periods with Polebreaker John II, one of the longest tagteam championship reigns in the sport's history, he knew to instruct his bodyguards how to ensure the three count. Compared to last years christmas-cross rumble where he saw the very same female opponent, his retirement comes little falls closer. Cruiserweight-jobber versus Super-heavyweight duels usually see quick decisions; the women's federation starlets tend to fly tags through the air, once they hit ground their opportunities shrink for muscles power, making a pure sparring out of matches for old universal picture stars and legends like Il Kardinale. Let's stay tuned for the opening section thriller to be expected when the Professor and the chief of mafia governed will continue feuding against each other in one of the upcoming pay-per-views. Hard to predict the teeth crunched for reality.

Hauw' ä ver. Rematches are scheduled for one fall and what makes me laugh, so much that bodies keep shaking, the name. Popolo della Libertà, means Pole of Liberty, pueblo de la libertad or similar like e.g. "Pöbel für Freiheit". And justice for with-hims, the liberty for robbery is one more time something completely different and the audience shall keep in mind what else those geeks are planning. Stealing ours for example.

The overall question bothering us in theory is about miracles of what interest he could have in events of "Gran Opera". Maybe a lot and distracting the refs would be his preference. Anyway unlikely, he's famous since principles applying when prostituting.

Slapped called girls.

Sticked beastie.

Trackback URL:

bnw - 2010/01/02 14:51


# Compilation of the picture reviews
# concluded one or the other. doubt!
# known that. we all might sack him;
# shit stuff. pero los italianos son
# italianos, ellos son different, ni
# como toros.

bnw - 2010/01/02 14:52


# Sources scanned for helping Juppi #XVI;
# Cause who can read has the advantage as
# long he knows to rule the media streams.

# @doc
# became professor - by make instructions.

  psychopharma \
  terra-rising \
  bloody-mary-oprah \
  dlg-rej-feed \
  dem-doof \

# Saubere overviews help the programmer doing his business.

# line by line,

# spread around. always.

# and shaken as good

# as catch can.

# and sometimes: bugs
  $(LINKE) \
      berlusconi-vaticano-benedetto_xvi-politica-governo-papa-pontefice-santo_padre-berlusconi_scrive_papa/ \

# @todo their url's support the obvious mafia entertainer. create slipknot.

# make it all a bit tricky.
bnw - 2010/01/02 14:58


# together everything looks like some short take. but
# commented right way, B.P.J. had his reasons, non?!?

# rundum.
all: 'bove-all-ones
  $(MAKEI) rest

# und hinten dran.
   $(VIEWI) doubty's plots hot
bnw - 2010/01/02 15:01

Doc tagged

# Logo.

# denn auch die Realität ist oftmals variabel.
LINKE = collected:by.cpsh
# also wie ma halt sieht. Von See- oder auch landseits.
VIEWI = auge_um.exe
# je nachdem und wo man steht. politisch.
MAKEI = watching

Linksaussen Foulspiel

polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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