Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009

Sarkozy Face Turn

Sarkozy turned Babyface. Already some time ago when it happened, that Nicolas Sarkozy, president de la grande nation, changed his gimmick towards a more pro-arab one maybe pulling the Banlieu onto his side. In domestic affairs with the zionic regime clashes took place, when he told the truth and spoke out what not only europeans think about the killers from the knesset. Let's check some examples out of the press, which like mentioned were printed by summertime and covered his statements on the outter right post Lieberman, calling himself secretary of state.

The stone for roll ups.

"Sie müssen diesen Mann loswerden", soll Sarkozy in der Vorwoche in Paris bei einer Unterredung zu Netanjahu gesagt haben.

For sure it would be a starter, and with a bit of luck the free world gets rid of Netanjahu beyond.

Hard moves.

Er habe sich "die Haare gerauft".

Sounds slammy. But why not those of his opponent? However. Reply did not take too long, of course the terrorists tried to defend themselves.

Netanjahus Sprecher Nir Hefetz sagte im Armeerundfunk: "Der Ministerpräsident hat nicht das Gefühl, dass er von außen einen Rat zu seiner Regierung braucht."

Big lies are part of the business these days, especially whenever right-wingers from the ZION front come into play. On the other it's kind of true, any advice to Netanjahu would not help at all, nobody expects him to understand what persons with an IQ said.


De benoeming van Lieberman tot minister van buitenlandse zaken leidde onmiddellijk in het buitenland tot kritiek. Lieberman staat bekend als een havik, met extreme standpunten over vrede met de Palestijnen en de Israëlisch-Arabische bevolking.

The word piece when talking on israelian issues is a bad joke. Will get back to this.

Next stop.

Lieberman sei ein wichtiges Mitglied der Regierung und erfülle eine wichtige Rolle bei der Umsetzung der israelischen Nahost-Politik.

We can imagine.

Lieberman oefende ook harde kritiek uit op de vredesbesprekingen die in 2007 onder leiding van de voormalige Amerikaanse president George Bush in Annapolis werden gevoerd.

But what was the reason? Did he reject application of bushist mini-nukes, or what?!

"Wenn die Dinge, die dem französischen Präsidenten zugeschrieben werden, richtig sind, handelt es sich um eine schwerwiegende und unerträgliche Einmischung eines respektablen demokratischen Staates in die Angelegenheiten eines anderen demokratischen Staates", verlautete nach Angaben der Zeitung "Haaretz" aus Liebermans Büro

What the 'state' of Israel makes it a democratic one is such a big miracle that more of a laughter as the kind of apartheid implemented in palestine turns stomache not only for them. Not to mention how the regime of Tel Aviv never gave a fucking shit about treaties of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons or the sovereignity of other states. The kind of interference from jewish people supporting the israelian dictatorship over palestine in countries all over the world does not bother anybody, and the way they asked for german weapons for example tells everything. Not to mention that by that they are guilty of high treason in the very case. And how they infiltrated Washington is not even a secret anymore.

Just comparing Netanjahu to Jean-Marie Le Pen really is a bit too much. Keep in mind who were the ones slaughtering muslims all around the holy sea. As far as i remember it were israelian politicians, maybe those who are part of the government today, who requested for a strategy of killing ten palestinians for one jew that got murdered due to their own war. Last time this principle was applied, was by the german Nazis and so it's no surprise, when we cannot understand what would be wrong comparing them with each other. Ending in equality and maybe the soul entities are still the same. At least the concept of stealing land is pretty similar.

Isn't it?

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