Freitag, 19. März 2010

News Streamer : Week 2010/10 - Collector

# ==================================================================
# Compiletime (c) 2010-March, by cyberpunk. No righter wings wanted.
# This page is another collection of more pages read by the punk@net
# who's writing all night long, by daytime if the same's not missing
# for people's project and the fun.
# Week Descriptor:
# From: 07. March 2010 - 'til: 13. March 2010 - Number: 10
# ==================================================================

# The Rubriques

# IDs - Diaries
  buyersmarkettrapperslandings    # Mi, 10. März 2010 - "Buyers Market for the Trappers Landings"

# IDs - Editorials
EDIT  = \
  presidentialmemoirgayabstention # Di, 09. März 2010 - "Presidential Memoir Gay Abstention"

# Stories constructed
# ===================

# Themes composed are rather typical for the time and world we live in. Still a free
# man people of honour and really elected, give us an idea about what must have been
# the real plot. Besides the reasons hiding for stealing of land and goods. The rest
# is the major detail hidden on what some sick minds thought it was about within the
# universe we're part of. Anti-socials everywhere around advised to live and burn in
# hell. Yahu!
# ->
buyersmarkettrapperslandings: \
  tp_bushism \
  tp_irancontrabushism \
  tp_lefties \
  tp_occupyingdilettantes \
  tp_pseudogovantisocialism \
  cc ${6230206}

# La peninsula se moderniza y "Portugal aprueba el matrimonio homosexual". Mixing it
# with the booby, in Italy a candidate for couple would be if "Unscarred, Berlusconi
# Appears in Public". Ask why? Simple. Combined with "Berlusconi: A partir del lunes
# ataré de nuevo todos los cabos", it's pretty obvious what happens to him and if he
# really will do. And what happens to people like him in prison under showers is not
# such a hard thing to conclude. But he tries to resist consequences of his actions.
# The Dumbed man: "El primer ministro italiano vuelve la semana que viene al trabajo
# después de la agresión sufrida en Milán". Violence and abuse sincerely is a reason
# to get him imprisoned. Of course the next header line does not make any sense here:
# "Sin embargo, queda descartada,  casi por mayoría,  la posibilidad de adopción por
# parte de estas parejas". Que pareja por Berlusconi tiene Benedetto preparado lo es
# por que nos esperamos. El resto son preguntas militantes, recuerde como el Mafioso
# fue amigo Bushnarista. Smarter anyway another place of people with ugly faces, but
# there they suffered from poison, in opposition. Soviet Empire: "Ukraine: Candidate
# for President Opposes Membership in NATO".
# Hard to understand how all this relates together, but remember how Berluskonto was
# part of the axis of evil. First he looks like a gay who is too much of a coward to
# come out, and additionally he too made use of the NATO, although it is not proven,
# that he took the military to build up his business. At least all that tells people
# why the NATO would better be dismantled.
# And mafia is everywhere.
# ->
  // broken:
  cc ${6223636}

# Topics assembled
# ================

# Aufregung in der Republic: "Gabriel hält FDP für 'fundamentalistisch'". Aufhänger:
# "Guido Westerwelle spielt Alltag", weil "Steakhaus, Steakhaus, Stadion" die Schuld
# an der Misere verdeckt. Verantwortlich waren ursprünglich mal andere. Dekadenz hat
# viele Gesichter. Etwa so: "Das Existenz–Minimum der HabendHerrschenden – Hartz IV,
# das Bundesverfassungsgericht und die etablierte bundesdeutsche Politik". Etabliert
# werden soll was man schon länger ahnte, bezeichnet als AntiDemokratie, "Widerstand
# von Opposition, Experten und Wirtschaft", und niemand wundert noch die Summe von 7
# Jahren entgegengesetzter Koalition; "Breite Kritik an Schröders Pflege-Modell" die
# "Industrie wehrt sich - Arbeitgeber stöhnen über Pflegezeit". Erwartungsgemäss.
# ->
tp_pseudogovantisocialism: \

# "Rove on Iraq: Without W.M.D. Threat, Bush Wouldn’t Have Gone to War". Translation
# required: if testcases Hiroshima and Nagasaki would not have been successful, this
# fucking crazy had not had the guts. Weiter: "Blair would have gone in anyway – but
# Bush was more cautious". We can imagine, but that's nonsense, isn't it? Downing St
# has access to it's own bombs. Question: "W.H.: Military trials for 9/11 suspects?"
# and answer: "Terrorplaner wahrscheinlich vor Militärgericht". Could it really come
# true? "Original plan to try them in a civilian court in NYC drew fierce criticism"
# OK, can see the problem. Big apple was the place of crime, so far so good. Anyway,
# real place for action should be dutch ground; United Nation.
# ->
tp_bushism: \
        rove-on-iraq-without-w-m-d-threat-bush-wouldnt-have-gone-to-war/ \
        bush-would-not-have-invaded-had-he-known-about-wmd-1916485.html \

# Wahrheit ungeschminkt, Wiederholungen noch und nöcher. Iranian chief of government
# "Ahmadinejad calls 9/11 a 'big lie' at time of heightened tension with Washington"
# and that's what should give him credibility in europe as well. Cause we believe at
# all the very same: "Ahmadinejad: 9/11 attacks a 'big fabrication'". Yes, and still
# more of citations to come, as "Ahmadinejad: CIA, MI6, Mossad Discredited by Rigi's
# Arrest" und auch die Dummtschen - los alemoneys - ahnen die Wahrheit seiner Worte:
# "Ah. nennt 11. September große Fälschung Irans Präsident bezichtigt Geheimdienste"
# En español se dice muy muy fuerte, entonces el Presidente "Ahmadineyad califica el
# 11-S de 'gran patraña'". Y desde luego ademas, "El presidente iraní asegura que el
# atentado sirvió para justificar la guerra contra el terrorismo" - please excuse me
# contra que? - ahora mismo se sabe mas: "y la invasión de Afganistán". La verdad lo
# es eso y ello dice como pensamos, porque "En una reunión de funcionarios Describió
# el atentado como un 'complicado acto y escenario de inteligencia'". Y ya lo claro.
# So the truth and once again, sounds as simple, that "También" qu todo pueblo "cree
# que se usó como pretexto para la campaña contra el terrorismo". Just the Contra is
# a bit doubty, because whoever it was directed against were not the terrorists, but
# Mr. A sincerely knows about and just took a bit of the wrong words this time. Any-
# thing else: completely correct.
# ->
tp_irancontrabushism: \

# Similar. "Die israelische Armee ist um eine Erfahrung reicher." "Peace not wanted"
# As if we would not know it. Peinlich peinlich, wie "Facebook sorgt für rote Köpfe"
# und "Ein Soldat hat die Pläne für eine Razzia auf Facebook verraten." Results like
# follows: "Facebook details cancel IDF raid". Klingt ziemlich dumm, weshalb "Israel
# cancela un ataque a palestinos tras filtrarlo en Facebook". Result in the Knesset:
# "Livni to Netanyahu: With you in power, Israel is a pariah state". And this one is
# true.
# ->

# Der linke Rad nimmt zu, Basisdemokratie aller Orten, oder doch nicht? "Linkspartei
# rüttelt an der Doppelspitze". Uneingkeit angesichts stetig steigender Umfragewerte
# ist allzu logisch, die kommunistische Gefahr erfordert harte Gangart. Heisst: "Das
# designierte Führungsduo ...",  aus WASG und ehemaliger SED "steht wieder in Frage:
# "Die Parteibasis wird in einem Mitgliederentscheid", Achtung jetzt kommt der Clou:
# "über das Modell der Doppelspitze abstimmen." Danach zu fragen was Wille der Basis
# ist, geziemt sich nicht im Kapitalismus. Höchstens in funktionierender Demokratur.
# ->
tp_lefties: \

# Konfuzius wusste uns zu berichten: "China says missing Panchen Lama Gendun Choekyi
# Nyima is living in Tibet". Really?? Thought it would be too dangerous there in his
# profession. So how can he be missing?!
# ->

# Filmmaterial. "Die Wutprobe", "Israel, US hail Arab talks support". Whatever meant
# by that. Und ausserdem hält sich das Gerücht, dass da lautet Schein AM & "FDP-Chef
# Guido Westerwelle steht vor der schwierigsten Entscheidung seines Lebens:" welche?
# Gemeint diese, "But officials say indirect communications fruitless without actual
# negotiations." And isn't it obvious? Aren't they anyway or never have been?? Logo,
# und auch "SPANIEN KRITISIERT ZUSAMMENARBEIT". Schliesslich gilt auf diplomatischem
# Parkett, mit Terroristen verhandelt man nicht. Selbst nicht "Hugo Chávez, die Farc
# und die Eta". Oder gehörten die irgendwie jetzt dort dazu? Verwirrend, dies alles.
# "Ein General empört sich". Aus gutem Grund. Weil, der "Ackermann berät griechische
# Regierung". Und da wird's endgültig zu bunt. Wo gibt's denn so was??? Kein Wunder,
# dass die pleite sind.
OTHERS = \ \
        Doc~EEAF9B0B8C2004504B21B0AA114A35DDC~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html?rss_aktuell \ \ \

# "Der Generalverdacht bleibt". Immer noch. Alle korrupt. Ma möt se am liebste immer
# noch aal an de Strotte uphäng. Äver nu jeziehmt sich dat ens nu wöschlesch nit, fü
# ziviliset Lüüt.
OLD = \

# Now we're done, and never forget: working cleanly is half the rent ed.
  tar --xtend --always --and-read ${STORIES_SUMMARIZED} on-line.

# Ente.

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