Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010

Democtatorship Self Explained

The very fact, that people like GG Bush, Berlusconi, Mugabe and oh so many similar sat down in political chairs that are reserved for heads of states only, tells something simple about the region they ruled temporarily. Countries like those obviously have turned impossible to govern, as those geeks were around beforehand already. Monkey business is hardly known to be allowed in democracies, except States which leaves it oh the opposite. As humanism is the overall agreement even from them, they are disqualified, that's how it looked like being at least. Like mentioned one or the other line, dictatorship ends up oneways big messed, for the very trying, too. Keeping such a fact into count, it becomes clear, not to say: pretty clear, why they are war-on since the knife back the beginnings. Backpacking universe is all but an easy task, a mere overview would show why the samples in history forgot the most important, they had no towel with a meal prepared. However, we skip it, not for the literature. Bloody bastards, one of the more abstract terms to describe persons whom asked for replying votes anyway too much, and for sure the very which fits best for the circumstance how stupid it looks like and after already having burned the green notes that them thought could have been useful, e.g. to buy shareholding all around galaxy. Once they panic burn the fluid they meant to be required for; marvelous the more forgotten their towel.

But even without a dictator personality democtatorship is a likely outcome in certain regions of the world. An insight into german history - yes, again - highlights, why the ungovernability of a country is an early measure for unce upon blooming societies turning into a flock of bloody bastards, not to say: fucking idiots. Or, even way better, them above are taking hostage what was working by then. Afterwards? - stupid question one could say, just watch the outcome down the road since some already disappeared screensites. Another example is the case of Maria Aznarism. A doubt, as huge as his threats done to the free world, is the one on his abilities seen overall and which raises from the circumstance, how it can have happened that after eight years in office he still showed unable to turn spain into tyranny again. But most probably the memory of the Franco slaughterhouse was still too fresh, so instead he should have just stayed for waiting a bit longer. Bad luck for him, nowadays he lost all sense for reality how real humans think about the evil and by that we all wonder who else did such a bad job when supporting and whom he played the idiot for. In the end JM Asshole was even more lousy as a demo than Johnny Walker B, as he tried to dictate where no ship around. It's a matter of consequence, he looks even more of a dumb man today than we already knew.

In ancient countries, and most interestingly the ones recent dictators like mentioned invaded, hack off their hands would have been the solution to ensure they're disabled for further try. It's kind of ironic, how especially those jerks ask for freedom who deserve being subject of operation enduring lockedup as long as possible, for result of their responsibilities, although never expect them understanding any piece. How dangerous it could be needs no more explanation, chances to study are countless in history. All rest of proving material we need for judgement day lies beyond the border of claiming they sincerely were aware the outcomes they provoked. They've done for reason, we watched them.

And that's enough.

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bnw - 2010/07/12 12:36


Im Grunde der Güte ist die Erklärung denkbar schlecht gestaltet. Das ist das Problem dabei, der Sachverhalt liegt so dämlich verquer fast wie im Magen gröllt es. Nicht jeder Vulkanausbruch ob Fusse des Vesuv und wie wohl anderswo eignet für Politkarriere. Manch anderer hingegen schon; und schwupp-di-wupp kommt blitzefix der Revoluzz geschossen. Und grümelt eins sich quietschvergnügt. In Personalunion.

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