Freitag, 13. April 2012

French Ghetto Blasting

Tele Madrid - 23. Marzo 2012 - Alto y Claro. Attentado en Toulouse, french president shockingly unheeled. Sarkozy these days jobbing far of a distance from formerly Camguy, disappearing the number contenders. Free trade downlog: Sarkozy by transcription: »suspects are located in internet, abuse of, for spreading, growing the terror outlaws to sleepy conventors shall be condemned.« His 'opponent' (some say: enemy of all of us) to care about is anyway famous for everything except participating; and just not for being familiar with applications of internet scriptkids. Recipes how to cook about, are different topic, less important, and neither. Anyway! Counter opinion. Internet was invented by yankee army (called ARPANET - sixties), the one and very shooting org abused most of all to spread around terror on our planet. Not even german military corps had been taken hostage for as much as the american forces. On both sides of the iron curtain not, for sure not! The discussing group of journalists raises the idea of security barriers established in the internet, similar to those inside airports. As if it was all that easy, please mams' and sirs'! Without a body to scan weapons are mass produced bits & bytes, text maybe, sometimes pictures or moved around such, aka movies. Scanning all such for explosive content, children talking, only false turned governments can think to use dictocracy alike think tanked. Although it could help to invent billions of new jobs. Teachers in...

Yankee Bump Home Call

J startup. this is in fact part of a broader trend of joint military-police drills. Ok, oh-k, that's fine with us! That's pretty fine! Splendid! Wonder full. That's really fine with all of us! Fine do. Really, please!! We share them lager fire. No beer can more. Unfortunately, this is exactly what we are witnessing: increasing amount of training in urban American environments. Wonderful! Let's have a smoke of piece. There are fake hotels, markets and other businesses which boast actors who create scenarios to challenge the soldiers. Yeah we believe it! We rrillly really do believe this!! Getting rid of the master rats for sure is still maybe the major challenge for soldiers everywhere. It seems hard to ignore the fact that the armed forces of the United States are training for urban warfare, not urban warfare in the Middle East, but instead here in our own nation. "Nation", guys please! From the point of view of civilized, aka: real, nations, the united states of america are more a loosely coupled collection of map drawings into earth owned by native people still. Needless to mention in name of capitalism, fascism and the right to headcount shoot and run. Being a nation requires more than an agreement on the local legalization of war crimes. It is illegal still on other's soil. The Corps are quick to highlight that it “will allow troops to practice and refine skills that can be used around the world,” even though it is clearly aimed at preparing troops for warfare in...

Linksaussen Foulspiel

polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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