Freitag, 15. März 2013

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From catholic neighbourhood. Turmoils over rome ancient uprise, high heels tensions coming true, since the resignment of Big Pope Benedetto 16 too the rest of the boot knight country fears loss of conscience, frustrated for believers crisis. It's really a nightmare, completely out of mind, how an amateur clown can once again reenter parliament of big grand opera. How the second of clowns, the other one's party who and which came out as winner of recent italian elections, is the professional of both is worth discussion, just who the one is with the "project of destruction" is not. The whatever called old system of italian politics, with a government changing close to once a year, left the country ungovernable anyway, or maybe it was for them in opposition to every system; especially such about societys existing. How is the understanding, of "old system", what does it mean, whom does it target, or in which ways helped it protecting against another intrusion of state authority by gangsters? Poorly, would say someone having brainware. If it (the system) led to destroying the mafia state in backhand, based on fear and terror in tradition of ducism can hardly be denied; and if it would, if it would harm this system in particular, there would be nothing wrong with it; in memorian absolutism. Five stars or minor, any movement against a mediocracy that in continuation is forcing laws like into accidents, can do nothing but serve the state attorneys. As long they're still alive.

Hezbollah union paid workers fees. Although the Lebanon region close to Palestine is everything but a safe place to be, the internationally outlawed organization (thanks to cynics across the world) pays their sleeping terrorists a 600 dollar salary. That's a good income for somebody who is rumoured to blaste himself into suicide attacks after getting a trigger. But do they?! Or do they different. Cause right, that's it again, the major problem arab people are facing: public buildings get shot down and schools, as well as hospitals or townhalls and whatever, property of others, all destroyed by the zionists; maybe just what lebanese get confronted really with. Who the good guy is, who the enemy, thanks to the lord, to allah, jehova and the big green urkle, today we get a message. It's them again who did before even they drove us into WW I.

Iran refuses insight of his secret research against cynic refugees of nuclear waste sports. After having survived cyber attacks and real ones (remember chemical warfare paid by yanks in person of their ally Saddam Hussein), the iranian program of urianium, enrichment and so on, seems to be intact as never. Let's hope that one nation on earth, at least, was able to use that poisoning stuff in a way, in which it cannot harm anybody any longer. Spin doctors with machines plugged up.

Target to kill. The american experiments with democracy, whereever they hide, are subject of secret orders to erase detainees having made them. Barack Obama, the reigning us heavyweight champion of the game, obviously is not strong enough to protect the early trys of getting his people involved into decisions, affecting everybody. Just flying is more beautiful, than new world order the america. And that's a thing, on it's own getting under pressure of free market; flights reduce inside states, tell news us silently. Bad weather since too much airplanes confuse the clouds hijacked from iranians. Maybe travelling there is more attractive anyway. Dreams out of thousands and the one night, however and that's forbidden in US; that's what we must think for sure.

Rule for chief of wars on switch off terror. Drones in action save better the requirement for a justice court. You cannot judge such, and what the constitution says about the command given to roll 'em out, of course depends on articles, paragraphs or sometimes amandments. And what they state on free charge of weapons and why the government as an american citizien (just for example) itself can't be forbbiden to have and use them. Do issues of constitution on the other forbid justification afterwards, so that federal judges are them to justify after the action? Does it matter what the number one document of a nation has to tell? Indeed!? Then good night to the world, more crossroads yet to come. And poor Obama can't escape. However hardly do the red robe people so in civilized countrys. And that's the problem to deal with, before EU shall sign a free trade agreement trans-atlantic.

Fanatism. Since WW II it is true that various european presidencys became important for repairing constitutional crisis, something unknown in US because having none, on a regular basis. Votings against any chief of government anyway only indirectly affect the president in office, which is one of the major difference to the american model where there is no chief of government - only a vice deputy legalized to order shootings, governments would only disturb on that. In europe prime ministers usually never have control over the cannonballs. Unelected or yes, no matter of fact. Hence, it is not exactly the EU's "establishment" which got defeated in the Italy rumble. It's more a defeat to the plans birdpeople like Mrs Porkel and Berlusprodi try to make out of the model of state union. And yet we hope for reasons uncounted, voters of unified germany would be sick enough, of her face, to split the union of their party by autumn time.

On the opposite, when it comes to ever older people, for which it is important to mention how much it was or still is, unwanted from both regimes, the german, italian and yankee too (just a number one example), a minor detail shall light us the way. Because what does that mean, that demographic changes were better prevented in Italy in compareance to the old europe? Honestly it's hard to forget, US don't have a retirement system at all (as far as we know you have to hunt and shoot for it, resisting prehistoric flintstoning). Getting paid from Mafia, even when you're old and as long you got so far, is neither the same. But to be serious, how people are getting older although a war-on terror rolling for sure came unexpected to the Berluscoinee fraction.

So what, and to cut off ties. What Mrs Fökel believes is far off from christianity, independent if it was traditional or northern-american understanding; and does not bother any body still alive.

Source: International Herald Tribune, 02/22/2013.

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