Dienstag, 27. Juli 2010

Meep Meep

Quick snap. Day of the lord - and hail the kings around the -doms - 22nd of July and the like the very pretty hot. Items remarkable; runnind road hit. For Coyotes only.

Yahudia. The war of acting raises consequences every where around on the May 31st incident in the gaza section of the mediterrenian sea. Ten countries start kicking Zion asses; nine major EU players plus the first and only by that privileged extra-partner turkey. Like the selfnamed bird baked in the oven, the terror association of Israel could become jailed one after another, no matter where exactly, as military channels help getting closer towards the deadend destination dutch sea, while all of them mean that denouncing in their home divisions like mentioned must be acknowledged by state authorities. Or in case old files require rewards, query supported the spirit DBs close to Rome, however then and we have reasons on the plots. Flightbound like a bird again, or -free. To name a few enabling justice now: spain, local heros, beyond there're g€rmon€y, the two-frontier kingdom of belgium, uk, dutch of course and more in league with satan, the devil's alter - ego, treasonary catch bot etc. and pp., dot but org.

By the way. Spain starts learning history and knows not everybody shall be called a nice person indeed. It's one nation, sure; a one of crazys majorly, sincerely here of which does not hinder to continue those never learning anything; housing destruction around palestine's going on, we had that yet. Steadily! Again. But the animal from the pops could end up 15 years. Catched up. Better than nothing or the wrong people one more time. Praise the palace, la Zarzuela, and for those ten y#s footing sessions. Hell ya! And still so youngly looking, not fresh indeed. When seen on TV meanwhile. Hard to predict if ZP can challenge the big champs one day in the near future.

Time for brainteaser. Ten years ago he was elected as chief of PSOE, 'secretary general', fine fine! Oki doki, aha, nun denn! Partly confusing the secretary women meaning, and general, but maybe there is nothing wrong with that. But then remind his main rival of the time just started preparing the war, not itself. But it's as easy, they are crazy, nationwide the wholy.

Chanclie Mökel becomes smaller and smaller not worth a value anymore, hard to mention a euro. Money side, page meant, however! Barry "oh" Bama cuts off the vermites, that's heavy. For them, we hope for it. Let's waiter, traer del cambio.

Latinos intrude yankee law modules. The immigration system, famous for being rascist one way or the other, gets under attack from those affected. Not enough, those geeks accompanied by Ku Klux clan destroyed land down the backlot, once arrived the 'promised' land, mummy puppets help burning and torturing, preferrably the good plants. Only sign of hope is the picture demonstrating not only europeans and others want them for judgy speak, americans think it would be better delivering, too. Feature helpful lighting peace, the Oakland brick in the freetrade for piece besides. The city in california starts legalizing Marihuana, for: a) medical application, - hooray they got it! - and b) it's use for selling. What else might someone ask, in the land of the free, but keep in mind it is the one where robbery is legally accepted. To get it done on the federal level, think as follows. Define as an arms for defense of money and no more property will not get stolen anymore that soon. People end up stoned and are way to slow to rob again, but excercise a bit on the question why it never is a weapon. Next step then, transfer the white skin rascists via Guantanamó, parallel laws helpful should be around. Spanish prime ministre ZP recently demonstrated how to do, the terror flock must have forgotton them in the white house. They never expected to loose it, just check the hut.

"Israel" still battles for artist. Alemoney strikes back. Sounds dangerous. For all of them, here for advises. Franz K was from czechoslovakia, everything belongs back there of course, the annexion late thirties was illegal, so neither germans nor jews have rights to claim, not even for copy. Prague was not safe anymore, palestine was more secure back then, stuff on soil and ground of the holy landscape close to the deadsea and East-Jerusalem suburbs must be given to england, who confirmed once being responsible - in person of their Queen. And really give it to the person! She's smart enough to solve matters, diplomatically. In contrast. It's completely correct what the Publicó states: he never wrote hebrew. Think about.

He must have had his reasons.

And so say all of us.

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