Mittwoch, 21. April 2010

Image Sleazer Venus Ed

Big Poppa Jay keeps hiding. Preventing fights for his world-indoor-slidings belt these days, but rumoured to challenge the inter-asian sharp holders with help under the redskirt stickers peoples army accompanied for ringside - Übersetz. : er tritt als Herausforderer um die rote Schärpe der zentralasiatischen Super-Fliegengewichtsteagteamdivision an, dem next. Rotröcke rot freund mit Rothemdsärmeligen. In a handycap strip-brawl and just for fun. He will return it to the league's commissioner HHDL XIV immediately in case of title-win and who will set it on the line again for two new contenders. Future duels in preparation for this years's mafia holy-sea stampede. By the tickers, a Rookie out of Tower Ben's venus talent league made it up into news. The arch-aged bishop from Essen fought off his last will and the shield-topic of pedophely, celibacy and stuff. Funny by time and worth sleazin into, another of the robe flock with their carneval compatible dressing left some photo snapshot, which means quick-snapped rather few news out of the Roman Ampire.

Missionare Defensore Germaniale von Guttenberg teamed up with Frank-Jürgen Weise; himself a former lord of unemployment, who plans to make the army work more efficiently. Just what shall this one make us believe and we reject: auf gut deutsch, was will uns wieder weisgemacht werden wir eh nicht glauben? He was professionally soldier, int'resting! Er war auf deutsch Berufssoldat, so what?! Soll solange Arbeit abgebaut werden, bis die Truppe nicht mehr verteidigen kann? Es geht dann Angriff erst recht nicht mehr, bedenket, alte Fussballerweisheit. Apropos no more defense; Mrs Mökl, gains no more grouping sessions for photo snapshots with the rest of the cutoff crew, not to talk of such in the bigplayer world-league association. Into sight jumped her alone in the backroom in front of mics. Obviously they got an idea on the term of war, das Geschepper hat sich bis in die Führungsetage der (ehem.) Republik rumgesprochen. Langzeitfolge aller Konflikte. Recent estimations of mushroom planting, another resulting conclusion by the conference, some 50 states could be participating when destroying arsenals will be scheduled one day around. Rome heights must have spread around, para ensurar tablas. Ya lo tenemos! Nicht lösen tut dies die Paranoia der Europäer bzgl einer möglichen dreckigen Bombe im Rucksack (a quick'n'dirty slambomber with a backpack). Calming down leads al Qaeda, rumoured to plan though; aber die kriegen solche Operationen gar nicht hin, nur die CIA (even before Bush stole it's service) are able, 911 calling once more. Only org that ever nuky terrored with their collection of info warfare script kiddings in pay back. Man muss also nur diese und oder Teile des Mossad davon abhalten. Evrysing äls: longly insuranced.

Übrigens, some chief's words zur Verantwortlichkeit iranischer A-Arsenale: Khomenei, kann nicht mehr belangt werden und wird uU frühestens wiedergeboren, wenn internationale Justiz so weit ist zu schnackeln, dass nur der Vatikan in karmischen Verwicklungen die Oberhand rechts hat. Got it? Der Ayatollah wäre derjenige welche Programm codiert hätte, fallens Staat hat Bombe. And on the matter of pope responsibleship it is as simple, that those guys could have had the right to buy empty the market of mass destruction already before themselves were build. Midage or similar left the idea it would be necessary to construct contracts early on which would forbid in advance the reality of Hiroshima - or whom should we think of having prepared the treaties of non-profiling!? So that, overall, it is pretty obvious why Israel will not sign them. They don't wanna share. Back to Ruhollah again, most probably he is an old family's friend, could be he's waiting to come down again when able to have a talk next life. Rather query B-XVI before. Otherwise misty.

He was a smart ass.

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