Samstag, 20. November 2010

Rumbolution Interfixer

Avalanche happenings on a recent weekly show saw the public stunned after a belt change in the world tag-team championship competition. Good old europe starts dividing the conquerors in a more or less doubtful manner, as peoples champions BPJ XVI (nowadays known as Jay R-Singer) and his holiness Tenzin Gyatso became double-crossed by german mistress Angie Mökel and lost their belts to Nic "The Kärcher" Sarkotine and Jose-Luis "el Zapa Toro". She again, due to gender quota and others, reminded pretty well beyond not only the german electorate how dangerous her partnership shall be, when she fooled audience and actors, while producuing impression coming to aid of the champs. All of a sudden, with both of them lying outside trying to recover from a heavy double-powerbomb received on action of their opponents. And as a matter of consequence "The Kärcher" meanwhile moved on to defend with help of Camguy David, which still is against the rules as Zapa Toro has to be his partner on championship lineups right now.

After a few overwhelming ovations from the remaining wheelseat guests, who weren't able to escape when the sad & poor performance of the priest and draught highschool play sideroll caused troubles in the sports hall of the very, brothers and sisters were rollin on.

'Mustafa Muhamed' Obama, number one contender to the world heavyweight championship, these days is busy defending his american-heavyweight belt, so much and by the way on zapstops ignored, just who else could wear it, hardly on horizons. Especially those of neo cons, how could it! Themselves bottled cold after finger tips burned touching unowned tea pots.

One more leg-lock became worth mentioning, as the now former tag-team champs were reported backscenes nothing but shaking heads and hands of their opponents after the incident which made them loose this doubtful way and praised to stay away the titleshots for quite a while, in order to keep watching one more time laid back - who could blame 'em for that, oh lordy. Ah, right on, IM potential, rollercoaster Schäuble threw his chair into the arena. Financial disastre shall be fixed on Agenda double 20, he's aspirating the all-european cinturone continental after having turned heel on his inring supervising-assistant. Code crypt, der Bundestrojaner was installed and tested, properly. However, revenge of eastern packs and their hosting divisions rooted against the treasonie#s nrs 1 is anything but unlikely, remember how they sweared it.

Years ago.

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