Samstag, 10. April 2010

Waves of Regular Expressive Xstruction

Sprint #10. The Queen of England had to talk with the British Bulldog. Newscasters around report the latest, G Brown announces general elections for the u-key on May 6th. The PM obviously wants the kingdom oh to hurry up. But let's wait and see, and if recent moves against homeland security divisions can be enough to convince folks over the channel, on that he is the better choice for being Mrs Windsor's deputy in office. Right, and pls dear Mr, don't try to leave us with that Cam guy sparring; would mean british understatement globally, and quite some time. We'll have to give him a hell of a fight, however outcome. More liberal concepts could be the time for the world of islands anyway, two parties only for reasons of election system implemented highlight why no oposition at all is so much too much. Just if libdemon Mick Clegg can god save the king, hardly, and overall; and somebody really looking promising? - to be honest, G. Brown standing in front the house paints him a bit too convinced, so agreement goes as far, that likely by challengers like those. As a matter of consequence we as commentors actually can't call a favourite, completely, on european scala of ring performancers, and who leaves the impression of being top material for bombs of piece. The british Parliament will be resolved, important fact like minor detail, a legal move to be as stupid. Yeah right, and here the topic, is the economy, again - for all of them.

Hamid Karzai. Laughter for stunner. Turns Taliban; must be sick and tired of northern atlantic aggression treaties, as such. The chief in commandment under four NATO men, McChrystal, stood confused watching the scenes. The eastern union division gets another starlet who could be able to challenge the US belt holder. Not too much of an honour these days anymore, and after bushists passed by. The reigning afghan president threatens to avoid new NATO maneuvers, and that's a good idea, isn't it? Just what's the big deal about, spreading weed into crowds of soldiers for free of charge? Great investment we may suppose. Traumatized troops have better chances to recover and maybe stay close to the pipeline for ensuring some cash flow inside. Like Vietnam, Kambodscha and all the others. Eastern ways to manage conflicts are still amazing, really! And being allied with the Mullah dungeon starts payback for Karzai. Still luv those people. Fury after slaughterhouse, jee hat.

By the street fight, in Kyrgyzstan a revolution procedure rumbles. The opposition claims having gained power. Don't know what that one might tell us, obviously folks over there - pls have in mind it borders China - throw out their government whenever they feel it would be better choice in terms of demo. By now the president didn't fall to the "I Quit"-lineup. Samewhile those of the United States and Russia meet in Prag for "Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty", one point five thousands allowed each, although Washington announced it's new policy where when and how nuclear weapons shall be applied. That's interesting, we all thought it is forbidden all around, with no excuses and for reasons of their testimoneys. Isn't? Any, how, or like republicans could no more want it, nuclear options remain a means in backhand. And for the states of *'s and stripes. Could be they are alarmed by recent terror on a washington flight. Some joker tried to burn his shoes, but flying marshals answered harshly. Natural reply, Obama gives some statements on nuking: more than just prevention of proliferation. Aha, that's what it is, or really? Msg for Iran, from an unknown official at the white house: In case of secured arsenal and so on and that's why only target allowed for US are (rock-) states themselves, or north-corea; could make sense, for kind of occupied by business interests. Exception try-catched beyond: Israel, want their nuclear status raised. Pretty fine, can be done immediately, defined as target number two. Obama again: import state to security - or vice versa, but will not even respond nuclearly if attacked with biological means; and yes, we knew yet, 'cause otherwise just one more time, would've been called internal op "mon. santo". Most serious and that way just aggression stays the opts out on the table. Or field, arm ed. - cut off.

Nuts for teaser. CNN tickers pre-human species found. Where? - Fox News? Italy-TV? Right, not to forget, Hamburgers burn the luxury. Cars too expensive get candled. Like since in palestine. Poor them, see no more reasons for negotiating Bibis Yahus, imaged voice from member@fatah. fed up; on b b c, world news.

But maybe that's life.

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