Samstag, 5. März 2011

Competitive Pointers

Some unstructured thoughts worth mentioning on the world of sports.

Bodytreatings for courts, everywhere when record hunts, golden cups or plates and other keep attracted millions, sometimes hundreds, funny such two or three only, too. So here we go, short-collection of comments not allowed to anybody else.

Yankee kickoff. American football is the rugby variant meant for chickens not tough enough for the real sports. Australian rules rugby - we ain't shall call it football either - is way more interesting compared to the north american show matches. As of down under, they don't wear any protection, not to speak of helmets. Fields are funny, since designed oval as far as remembered from few watchings.

With respect to the greenhorns style, it should be called american showbiz rugby, especially as they turn the major rule as they do everywhere; remember how it were them defining Pi, the numerus calculus, to be 4. If nature does not behave like they wanna dictate they burn the fields. But that's a different story in particular.

By the egg clashed, rugby seems to be for the southern hemisphere what football is for the northern. That's what real men keep watching. It should go through a bit of an evolutional process i suppose, and maybe become more interesting for other people too. It is a little bit too hard of a sport, just a little bit.

Boxing is no sports at all. It's an underworld theatre, nothing else. Icehockey is a sports, just should they stop their similar brutal events taken from once in a while. War is over, almost.

Fifa should forbid the use of the word soccer. The sound's too close to sucker. And who are them, for reality, well! Examples are so shiny all around the battle fields. Whoo!

Aah, of course, the best football player ever? Pelé? Nay, come on, not really, isn't? Would say bartending dancer fraction, from a wheelchair perspective. So, Ronaldo? Neither. Maybe one of so few professionals ever brazil exported, however no class the real major one: Maradona, for sure! A bit of weight-loss, some cocaine 'round his brain and Argentina could win a third worldcup.

Ok, a topic different for the tires shared. Motorsports. Favourite driver? Schumacher?? Close, but there's someone else. Really, remember! Alex Zanardi. Never forget Laguna Seca with him winning the Champcar series for the first time. "The pass" is the most legendary maneuver since and unforeseen. Not even 'Big Mick' ever all around did something glorious nor the donuts sliding like. Felt so sorry for his accident at Lausitzring when back in the series after a second unsuccesful try in formula 1. Never understood what his problem was when within the hightech circuits.

Schumacher, as we mentioned him, lacks one title at all. The Indy 500 bottle of milk. He'll never be the greatest before having trophy copied. Would advice him to think about, but make the deal with Ferrari for this race only. Really! With Nic 'Quick' Lauda 'maul uff' advisor jobbing, maybe a challenge, few times only. As far as the Almöhi is concerned, for teammate it was himself raising tensions. Der hat sich halt sein Ohr verbrannt. Hört seitdem heuer's Feuer brutzeln.

Next one, worst football team ever been watching? Hard to tell. 1994, 2002, world cup, guess who. Candidates really pretty close. 2006 beyond, Italy won pretty doubtful. But the real worst ever? Have to think about for quite a lots some seconds ... There were so many, it's too much to count them any longer, echt ma. That's why, come on, really please, let's take the ninetyfour penalty shot-out winners for the time being. Such a crap and stolen cup when swinging boopy for the dance paraders, crime free traded quickies blow jobbed. Then comes germany '82, en contra Argelia y los austriacos. For god's sake they became destroyed against Italy with Paulo Rossi and Dino Zoff; although semi finals against France were a clash of decades. It's pretty obvious then how the '02 "'selecao'" comes in third in this list. Hard to understand what had been going on since eight years before already. As far as fans remember brasil's quarterfinals (against the netherlands) gave the major hint; some not further named players, after having been allowed to score a goal, of course it would never have happened else, ran over to the VIP seats to celebrate. As if they meant to say "hey, come on, we couldn't have made this goal under regular conditions, we have to thank by little hall-of-famees them", others are forbidden to attack us and like birds opening beaks asking for fedups, upstairs. Whoever "them" were, and what exactly they had to do to make fools out of paying fans. Ok, sure, in this case most of them were americans, who have no clue of football at all. But still, that's a pretty bad excuse. Or is there anyone else who remembers about the colombian player killed, during the tournaments final matches after his team struggled the group phase? Fine fine.

Cleaned statistics of the worldcup standings (as far as fans keep the betrayals) result as follows: 1st Italy scoring 4 and a half championships, 2nd Germoney having 4; 3rd Argentina and Uruguay each winning 2. Brasil has won once maybe, as everybody had to stay away, comes in behind Spain, France and England, what else?! Cause pls remind who introduced the ball for a round! Anyway for the upcoming world championship (it shall be in farvelas) germans are best advised to let Jurgi Löw turn heel asap. With him behaving like a scout's everyday good thing, leading on, they will be unbeatable in four years time and turn the sugarhat playfields into hells of burning fury; imagined how getting revenge for the stolen honour back in Asia 2002.

Border sporting. Horse sports should be stopped. Whenever a horse breaks legs humans think of being allowed to shoot. That's what makes it a gamble of life, and instead of researchers developing methods healing animals in competition. Which doesn't mean those occupying the functionarys jobseats byshipped monkey business.

Tennis. Not too much of a fan. Can be so boring over all.

Surfing. Never tried, prefer it internet anyway.

Tabletennis. Call it ping-pong. Swimming? Know how to, don't watch too often, sorry! .. No! Please! Abandoned watching olympics, should do with CC to.

Others. Polo, fence jump and so on, don't know. The car never took too serious, am Toyota fan and famous for. Cycling, well, too much drugs of false kinds involved. But then it's true, Marihuana would slow 'em down too much, such that modern tv formats wouldn't fit too well anymore. Sailing? Maybe with a two-girl mix-up and a sunny mood worth trying. Skiing? See before. Never did, but would take a bobsled down the hill once up the hut.

Well, so let's get to the olympics as they became mentioned already. Personally i stopped caring about in particular since the Cocalanta games were stolen from Athen. To be honest, as far as i'm concerned the IOC dismantled the idea about when 'selling' the 1996 games to the land of crime-free. Tradition would have allowed Greece only and nowhere else. It's rather the olympics commitee which should be stopped existing, not FIFA. Ok, one exception did i made: the games in Sydney, but just to watch the landscape as i like it so much.

Sumo wrestling, funny. The kind of oceans emptied for sushi-rolls starting by breakfast-time, hard to imagine. A detail which was reminded pretty well for reasons unsure, is the one how there were rather few non-japanese athletes ever getting to the rank of a Yokozuna, highest of all. You cannot loose for a lifetime, close to a lord in britain short before the queen bumped stage. Men who come in peace, ceremonys always demonstrate what having salt in-house could be 'bout.

Baseball. That's a one i'd like learn playing. Homeruns are worth anyway. Besides rugby of course.

Batting the bad guys must be in our interest.

That's Y: Schach matt.

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