Samstag, 31. Juli 2010

Scandal on FIFA

Aftermatch of the Football Championship. Brasil did not win, european countrys were better instead, and just so much on the title; everything else would have been a bad joke, but nevermind, important for invitation of coursely. However then and the ball was a round, the nineteenth edition of the football world championship left the world stunned, with a champion nobody really had as bet favourite, who never had won before. We're proud of them, be sure about. Honour to whom deserves it, let's review a bit the history just written and to backup for later generations, in political correctness lessons tried. Or opposite way, for proper comment style! Of course, and to remind: it was only sports. A surprise on it's own. We'll get back later.

Dis - a pointer. Outcome number one, the south american football is where it belongs: deep down below zero. Another one of the sort, Italy: yippieh! Never too much popular, as kind of a destructive style which was effective once in a while, true as well. Berlsuconi always does the rest and fans are sick of him as boss of a milan club he has stolen like everything else. France, it could be said what a pity, although it's not really a surprise, brillant individualists don't form a big team necessarily. Few beyond. Next and the sign of hope in general: Brasil, the so-called penta champion. What a f*cking shit remembered since watching world cups; it's football from a bar hocker standing or similar. Time they'll have to qualify, the modus for south america is completely suited towards a hundred percent insurance argentina and brasil are onboard, no matter if they ever belonged there or not. Hard to understand why the rest of the continents nations does not have the guts to strike em back once. What they are playing is like figures in a table-kicker match, not too much else and closer to disco fever kicking than anything different. Not too much better by now are the USA, as far the kickout is concerned. They will never win anything as long calling soccer what kindergarden already knows to be named for the body part mainly in action. But they don't get the difference between in-god-we-trust or crime invention, what else shall they or us expect than loosing early?! At the same time the united states play better football than most of the southern collections. Place three should be their vision, maybe a chance to distract from interior political problems a better way than usual. Once. England: Maybe one day around, when they'll have tunderstood, why they should concentrate again on their national sports and not on those of others, will be the point in time competition will be possible again. Germans will be too high of a distance for them forever since the Wembley incident. Right now we have it in color proven, 66 was an accident, luck, just no goal. There's justice for everything, a matter of consequence why the krauts came as far as the semifinals, which leaves hardwired to the top three of the planet. Football spoken. And nowhere else.

The Champion. Spain. To tell the truth, it was great fun and sort of pleasure having stayed onboard, meanwhile la roja did the unthinkable and topped their euro surprise. Both weren't really, it was as much as time for them before getting into a deep depression. Recent history of politics sincerely gave them enough, already. Important to know why the victory is so important for the nation is that spaniards are completely crazy when taken together. Sports newspapers sell more than real ones, daily! Obviously athletes are something that unites a country, spain is one of the best examples. So well, and to be as wise, the spanish national team kept off from unsporting behaviour and became a rightful champion who deserves all the honour. Most probably they will have to do hard defending both, which rarely happened but what does it mean? That spain has won, it is at least a sign of justice on earth. It was like a big weave of peace throughout the country and that's why we should feel like them. Spanish established themselves as a major player for quite some time. It's a great team of professionally working people, who learned steadily what world competition means and how to survive once climbed up the hill. Their play of the game is quite interesting to watch, especially as it's hard to see immediately what the trick is. The opponent gets put down, until completely sleepy and zapp, the ball dithers for goal. Only teams who did not pick the trap this year were switzerland and germany, the netherlands lost exactly to the particular element. But even the best team has hardly an opportunity to become champion without a goalie worth mentioning. Snapping out everything what the attackers got as opportunities defenders left for dishes, which were rare anyway, Casillas has shown why he is the world's best goalkeeper these days. It would be unfair to say anything else or forgetting to highlight, as captain of the team he has a lot responsibility for the coup. A one who can become is Manuel Neuer, but maybe he should go to Cologne beforehand, famous for delivering the bests for decades already. Remember Harald Schumacher or Bodo Illgner, the latest german goalkeeper able to lead for trophy. Back on the national heroes it is important to mention that Luis Aragon and Vincente de Bosque have teamed up pretty well and formed the first and ever top selection spain has had by now. Hoo ray!

Drag Queens. To find tough words on some so called super stars and past champions. To take the first, whoever - and let them be what they'll be - has had an interest in the samba-style victories in the past should be honest and change the name for what they are playing, and call it balldancing. Football is something completely different. All the years, especially those when Brasil had won and one more time, afterwards memory reminded something that must have happened behind the scenes. From today's point of view one might have more the impression that some folks inside FIFA have an interest in letting win the boobys. Like "oh, this XY, he can dance so lovely with the ball, this year they must win, we must help them with that. That's what we're here for, aren't we?"; or what else it was those gays have done and for reality. "Yes yes, and oh, just watch, he could do pirouettes to carry into goal. We never had that.", "i have seen it these days, in the standard dance course of my daughter. They are excercising with little red pillows", "you're right, we must instruct the refs to help em with, let's get a bit of fancy body moving into", Yes, as "this would be so oh so lovely - it wouldn't? Wouldn't?". Best sample to give a demonstration on criticism on Brasil's play, the '94 team with Romario and whoever else part of. What is all meant by, is that it looks as if there are people who may want to see babyfacing swingers, fetching what old men too slow for seeing the real quick moves ensured they would do, but maybe! Football fans - and that's what is uniting them - wanna see fighting dribbling men, in this case, directing with a ball, and not iceskating for figure creation, cause otherwise they go and watch the womens matches. Which are more exciting, compared to them nobody in the stadium wants to see changing shirts any longer. Yes! And that's the truth, one more time. Brasil always reminds of prize fighters sent into ring challenging for the world boxing association's heavyweight title. With the referee's help all can be possible, corruption isn't purely a problem of politics, sports is politics too, and don't forget. Or take the figure skater a bit more dived into, to compare who - due to some extra rule unwritten - only needs to do the freestyle event; balldancers like prima ballerinas selected for transvestites watching porno movie castings. And have in mind their arrogance we remind so pretty well, only equaling political behaviour of yankees throughout century 20. To give an example, remind Romario in 1994. As the time was come to get back into training sessions for the national season in europe he was missing; don't remind anymore exactly if it was italy or spain affected nor which club it was - maybe Barcelona. However the case, an interview demonstrated his understanding of professionalism. Being asked for his self authorization to extend the holiday season he said "I am world champion". No comment necessary, still. How they really understand the term became visible again, when in a spanish tv shot Ronaldinho was shown. Not too nice what spanish reporters are doing sometimes, on the other have they had years to study the balldancers in detail. Out of training was the message sent over by the photo showing the former Barcelona 'star' at the beach, not even competetive with his elder colleagues Socrates and Zico playing the variant waterclose. Booby body, only his 'artificical' name left, glory long forgotten. OK, those names of brasilian players, they are kind of funny and maybe the major reason worth one title per century, for the childish part contained. But not and if it's only one beyond. Or what about letting them participate in the women's cup? Maybe german women are able to clear out who is better in terms of being professionals, their male counterparts never were allowed to. The only american team ever recorded playing football was argentina with Maradona in '86 and when it regards Brasil, the only to mention at all, the one from '82 with Zico and Socrates. Everything else? Nothing but big crap, details well known. Even Pele has end up politics, as sports minister, and look what is the outcome. Summarized, it's even wrong to imagine disappointment with respect to the brasilian result. It's more like usual, sweapt besides how much anger it can raise how far they came again. We're happy they lost early on, but feel safe as rules interpretation helped a bit; the dutch were so much stronger, that it really is a good match to see why the european way to play foot-ball is so high above what south america has to offer. It's absolutely time to take away two or three of south american tickets. It's far enough, so give them to Asia for example. The opportunity to have Thailand participate in the near future should be worth thinking about. Or even better: merge the latino qualification with the northern and central american one. Anything else will never be a world championship. Just see how much more people live in Asia, knowing to play football beyond. As the big difference.

Referees. Some were even worse than teams selected. Most famous example was the match between germany and serbia, with a referee who better would be sent back into the amateur divisions, somewhere in the backland of Andalusia where bullfights are still legal, for the very. Since germany had won the tournament in 1990 international rule interpretation took a drift into the bad of directions. Within just a few years, touching the opponent on the field meant countless colourfoul matches, made irregular by officials help. This was a disadvantage for the european football teams or others who know how you have to fight for the ball and before being allowed to shoot. That's it, and who wants world audience must be able to stand tacklings. They belong to the game, that's how it has been especially since the english invented the sports. It was impossible to count how often it happened, a player hit the ball first, in terms of touching it before his opponent, but him fell getting a free-kick. No wonder Brasil was able to win the cup five times, by such referees around. Would them remind the notion of football, sincerely "el selecao" - which is such a laughter as term when seen this way once - would never have won any. Or let's take the example of the german group match again. Klose was sent off for what everybody's still curious to know what the "real" reason could have been, on the other it were hands targeting the ball in case of the penalty provoked by serbia. Lahm as captain must have taken his role. But ok, germany always has been - it's hard to deny not even for others - subject of weird decisions, maybe we as them should just start live with it. 1990 was one of the most reminded - funny too; Völler and Rijkaard, both sent off for the pig spitting on Rudi's lovely scalp. Nothing special though. In 2010 various matches left the impression of being manipulated, not only germanys. In case of spain against paraguay it didn't help anything, another team from south america was sent home as midfielder. Obviously the latin american football teams shall be kept competetive artificically. I mean, why isn't there any team from europe around, that once it turned out to be a joke of match for reasons of money corruption, starts a hunt; on the referees, as fair sportsmen using the ball. Some professionals shot can make a bowl hurt pretty nasty. Why don't they prove them the weak parts out on the fields, as obviously it will be the only way to show those fags who are the actors and therefore stronger. And once united. The best solution anyway would be to change the whole flock of FIFA top officials still preventing fair-play sports. For final whistle.

And by the way. Let's talk about rules, changes we'd like to see, or those that became true in the past. Every sports discipline of some honour in the late one or two decades went through modernizations to keep the crowds excited. So was football and not all of them were that bad, some could even turn out as good ideas. The most remarkeable two are the 3 point rule and the golden goal. With respect on the latter, one question remains unanswered; what makes it more exciting when game is over, just because the ball fell behind the line once? Never understood the very argument. The 3 point rule, as well still hard to get what it is good for as long there isn't something more, like a shot-out different to penaltys. Americans had something interesting on their second release of a national proleague. Penalty shot-outs are kind of ok until the semi- or quarterfinals, in finals they are more of a bullshit as a fade taste remains in history books. If somebody wants to become world-champion, people pay a lot of money for and a lot is flooding pipelines around. Players get their part, not too low usually on this level. If an extra-time did not end with a winner, add a second two by fifteen. And then play ten minute blocks of sudden death. After 60 minutes additionally with a 9-9 intermediate result it makes sense, and then the millions would be driven crazy. Introduce a 5 minute expulsion for example, similar penaltys worked everywhere, speeding up adrenalin by kicks. Then it's time for TV assistance on the prof level. What is possible in ice hockey must be possible for footballers. Only reason visible that camera review still has not been introduced is the old man gang telling the lead roadmap. Maybe the point in time is perfect to exchange Blatter as president and abandon once with that old Havelange mafia. Their damage to football as such has been far enough already, a president from Asia could be a wise decision; diplomatic, konfuzius driven and better prepared to the future ahead. OK, maybe we shall not express it that hard, but for sure their eyes are too slow to recognize a goal or not, that it would be help for them too, once camera supported decisions become reality. At the same time we must acknowledge the fact that it would become harder to make Brasil champion in case of. Good choice maybe. Sincerely there is reason for taking Zurich as head quarter, numbers make their business. Not forgotton, the cards. Red, yellos and yellow-red: not too useful, as there is no real difference to the red. Strike out, too much nonsense done by, there are different means, especially fair ones. Ring ring.

Next time? Hopefully all the SAs get kicked out as early after the group matches. We are bloody bored of, it's hard stuff anyway to see who will be the home team. It's a demonstration of political reality inside the world association, nothing else. Brasil was a lame duck since eternity and the beginnings, so much on too much. It's such a shame anyway that it's not possible to be even save of politics in the sports biz anymore. World events of course attracts mobs around. Angie Mökel hopper stopping the VIP zone was such a laughter, Jacob Zuma looked so amused that he must have felt for her, hopefully. But obviously! However the case, and who the champions became, Mrs Mökel at least a patriot is, it was the very moment making sure or why it won't help too much for her match, high treason charged vs the army now. The last chancelor under whom germany won a major title was Helmut Kohl, all the rest gets better locked up though. If there ever would have been need of evidence, here we are.

Predictions? Hardly. A few though, germany is able to win two or three major titles for the upcoming decade in case they stay together, with a captain who did a brillant job when his age taken into the factorizing digits. Pampas players are leaving european clubs and that's a good sign, few will be of interest. It's as easy that we wanna see football again and most probably only europeans can do. There lies ahead of us a long era of them taking away the top results. A must yet.

Personal favourite? Don't know. Felt sorry with the dutch, was their own fault. Could take a while for them having a big team again. One day in future they'll get the cup, count on it. Maybe england could become stronger. An african team should get far soon, which is what asians have on their having side. Japan? Still no time for them, but maybe closer to a final once. Germany? Aaah, and spain neither. Whoever else would be a big surprise.

Or one more scandal.


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bnw - 2010/10/05 20:17

Backfall into Mafiage

Extra time - Reply catched. The gang of grandpas continues dismantling the idea of football. FIFA's onetime future outgoing president "Seppel" Blatter released informations about new rules, although demonstrating why he - maybe - really is in a constitution advising for retirement (i mean, if he really can't do better, it would be an opportunity). However by now, he wants a shot out, one way or other.

Der Schocker:

Wenn es nach 90 Minuten keinen Sieger gibt, geht es gleich zum Penaltyschiessen.

Buuuh!!! And three points for being the more lucky ones? Bullshit!! We love those extra-times. Remember semi finals france 'gainst germany, 1982, in spain! - hell ya was that a match up. One each after 90 minutes, 3:1 for the gauls after a one hundred and five, as far as remembered 3 both 15 more later on down road for final. Having had another 2 by 15 would have left it as a match of centuries. The later the penalty shotout the more spirit spreading all the time.

Next shit:

Auch das Golden Goal, das es bis 2002 gab, könnte man wieder einführen.

Come on, please! No more ideas of the kind "big crap" around? We had cleared that, there's nothing more boring than extra-time with golden goal condition; close to modern formula one qualifying. When the game's over it's over and nothing exciting anymore! Be so kind do tell the yahus too. Means, in case we would have needed more provings of the oldmen-saga, here we are. They become older and older and obviously everything shall depend on when them need to go to bed. Send them off for residential, young people keep on rocking all night long once the rumble started. Did they even here those noise making horns at Cape of Good Hope? - hardly for sure.

«Die Mannschaften starten in die Vorrunde, und in erster Linie wollen sie nicht verlieren - und dann gibt es ein langweiliges Spiel.».

That one's easy, throw out latino teams of any tournament and watch the others playing quickie. But ok, let's be sportsmen and reserve them one ticket, that's fair enough. And what about the following: drawn matches of zero zero end up with zero points both, a win remains 3 points, any other draw above zero goals 1 point as usual and add something funny for one extra point. Americans had an interesting idea and made some kind of shot out starting with the ball from the 18 meters section, something like that, funny how they can be useful if they want. Or how about letting two field players duel up, once the defender touched the ball: bad luck on offense! Another example, put the ball like for kick-off, two players positioned on their own goal line, *tweet*, let em run and whoever gets into charge of the ball first for hunting faster has better opportunitys when storming over his opponent, and let him look like a lame fifa-official groupie, kept alive artificially, he he! In case the ball gets kicked out of the field, next pair. Fouls like usual, freekicks included.


«Das spontane Spiel würde gestoppt, der Schiedsrichter schaut sich den Film an . . . und wie viele Kameras würde man benötigen? Das gilt ganz besonders fürs Abseits. Das ist so kompliziert, damit muss man eben leben.».

Spontaneous playing, hell ya! Brain teaser, isn't it? Ever thought about interruptions, for fouls, which never were, aren't that much better? Or is fifa too poor for buying cameras? Overall most interesting fact on video application for football matters are trials against players when referees forgot phonecalls from the audience. Reminders exist, how it happened, one or the other time, how them were blocked for few matches, without any referee decision who did not watch the scenes, but here TV sequels were completely fine with courts. In case of disadvantage for the professionals, e.g. cases of non-given penaltys, it's called 'decision by fact', otherwise justice. Courts in pro-football organizations work different than real ones, well known around. Laws not existing at the point in time in question can be installed retroactive, in amateur manner. Has happened in case of cologne's Frank Ordenewitz years ago, will never forget; the club became dismantled of it's opportunity to become national cup-holder, all with a rule rewritten towards transvestites needs, which allowed him to participate national cupfinal against Werder Bremen in any other wise. Therefore, better don't talk about the kind of movies fans have to watch once in a while.

With respect to offside it's exactly the point of doubts and where it makes the difference, if it was a goal or not. Got it, now??? Unbelievable how slow old mens brains seem to work. The undeads of today, no more youth included!


«Wir überlegen, Unentschieden in der Vorrunde abzuschaffen und die Verlängerung auch».

Wie wäre es damit die FIFA abzuschaffen? Let's talk about new foundation of a world association, honestly! Terminate the gang as it's obviously the best option to save this wonderful sports called football. Not to mention the lame duck gimmick they provide nowadays.

We have time for some issues to be hammered. Usually swiss people know doing business, not all of them are necessarily banking criminals, so let's imagine there could be reason for hope. As far as the problem of balldancing competition, whoever likes it, ok! Just keep them were it belongs (women's nights) and enrich with music like waltzers or similar nasty ear pollutions. Brasil must be ripped off the 2002 and 1994 titles as both were won in an irregular manner. It's proven since we are knowing anyway and then remind the Jules-Rimet-Cup story, if the cup gets to Brasil it will be stolen. Germans became double crossed and were victims of criminal attitudes, as well Italy - beyond their org-crime-captured government. By the booby, Romario came out of his hole since recent, Jesus did he age! Right now it's pretty clear, none of them was a professional, ever! He became so much older that it's hard to not assume he didn't pass the seniorship border already while still profiling, not to talk of the drugs in application that could have helped and which the whole region is famous for. Possible he plans being pope soon, although unlikely. Next watching of the kind: eurocopa 2012 in the Ucraine, holadrio! Brasil 2014 will be skipped in case them participate. Be sure 'bout.

Fine fine, first half over; four zero. Surrender by age reasoned? Übrigens beiwegs, Abseits: die Regel ist so einfach, dass kann man sogar Computern beibringen und die sind unbestechlich.

Es bürgt der Programmierer.

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polit, kultur, skandalös, dat Feuilleton. Halbzeitstand: Wort zu Null.

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