Samstag, 25. Februar 2012

Vendetta Robomente Juzgado

24 horas - 17. enero 2012; por la mañana. Primer dia del juicio al juez Baltasar Garzón, famoso por sus actos para salvar la constitucion. El abogado de Garzón argumenta un momento cortito con cita del articulo 24, mencionado en original poquito mas tarde. Interesante por su propio, porqué tiene cada vez conmemorar la importancia de cada articuló? Increíble! El juez español habia ordenadó escuchadas de los antidemocratas y contracronistas en la trama Gürtel. Condenar ello a prision sería igual como una capitulacion antes el franquismo. Y lo tiene prisa aclarar, por los Principes. Garzón ha solamente trabajado como obligatorio desde la constitucion. Aún claro, como hombre (o mujer) curar por dinero tuyo (qué - lo hay a confirmar, verdaderamente es el tuyo) tienes malas cartas dentro el fascismo. Lo mas extremo viene, si eres miembro de algunos sindicatos. En este caso, ya has acordido de ser gran enemigo de los ellos; cual tiene mucho de verdad. Recordamos el Texto: 1. Todas las personas tienen derecho a obtener tutela efectiva de los jueces y tribunales en el ejercicio de sus derechos e intereses legítimos, sin que, en ningún caso, pueda producirse indefensión. Exactamente, tenemos derecho a ser defendido contra otra version francocanal. Nada tan claro, parte segundo: 2. Asimismo, todos tienen derecho al Juez ordinario predeterminado por la ley, a la defensa y a...

Sports Notes 12-02

"La Otra", second channel of the Madrid local TV station shows indoor football, the one with infield walls. To pick up a hat thrown (and although not having watched any further the tournament), more thoughts on football in particular are given. Hopefully other disciplines will gain a bit weight for the column by time, but a topic of interest is hiding. The sports of football, as young as it's modern history is still, of course has lots of potential to explore it's own art. In wintertime, when outdoor sports is not as amusing unless your up into skiing or iceage nostalgy, football goes inside. A few years ago there were national and eurowide tournaments, pretty attending for fans, not always for the athletes for sure, them requiring spare time too, for relaxation maybe, but could have been reason for stopping the show instead. A pity, the german masters series always was worth watching the winter season. So let's get a bit deeper into the indoor sports, skipping a little the stress factor for the players. First of all it looks like the fields are still a bit too small. The variant in german division was the most optimal one seen by now, with one exception: fields must be made of english grass, artificial kind, the regular ground may be too dangerous for bones and ankles. Variants reframed. Let's discuss a little bit further what just as ideas in between was impossible to forget about, and such a pity if it would have gotten lost. There is the classic variant, for those who aren't...

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